
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Full Shrine show in FLAC

The Cure live at The Shrine in Los Angeles (June 1st, 2008)

Note: "Taped and mastered by JB. Please don't sell or convert to lossy format." If you can't do what the taper asks, then please don't download it. Thank you.
Also, if JB, The Cure, Geffen, Universal, etc. would like this removed, please let me know.
(Thanks to JB for sharing and to Gilbert for uploading them)


  1. If this is the same source uploaded to dime, get it NOW!! Amazing quality. Thanks JB.

    Remember, don't convert and circulate this as an Mp3. Preserve the format. Thanks again JB.

  2. Rock! Thanks JB!

  3. dang. i keep getting errors from mediafire. must be too many download attempts right now.

  4. Well, at least I know that it's not just my computer.

  5. I'm in the middle of snagging all of these! Thanks

  6. Okay, can someone please explain to me why FTEOTDGS is there twice?

  7. Any word on if the quality of this makes it worth it to download the whole thing? Anyways, pretty cool that the best show has been made available.

  8. This is quite generous. Usually people upload them onto torrent sites and make people share the files.

    How kind of those 2! It's very much appreciated!

  9. This is the same source that is on Dime. I'm not sure why there's two FTEOTDGS files on there. I've downloaded and compared, they seem to be the same, although one is about 30 mb larger.

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  11. I had trouble when I tried it with Firefox/Mozilla, but when I used IE it worked.

    And what is the deal with the two FTEOTDGSs?

  12. Then I can't wait to get home because I'm not sure I really want to download more than one song to my work computer, especially when my home computer opens the file right up with Yahoo Jukebox while my work computer doesn't know what to do with it. *crosses fingers hoping files will still be available in a few hours*

  13. The 2 Deep Green Sea issue is fixed. The second DGS was The Perfect Boy.

  14. Christian, if the files are having problems, just make an account on dime and search the torrents for "the cure" and it'll come right up. There are plenty of seeds now (as compared to yesterday) and it doesn't take too long, and you don't have to download individual files one by one. You do have to download and install bit torrent, however, try it and I think you'll like the experience.

  15. Us or Them actually sounds really cool from this show! wow!

  16. That's kind of funny Craig, because they both sound a lot like FTEOTDGS.

  17. rev, all of the slots on dimeadozen are full right now, so he can't create an account.

  18. chp: had porl been in on the cure sessions and ross robinson stored away in an ice box somewhere, i think us or them coulda been really awesome. same for the promise, which i still think is a cool live song.

  19. Shawn - I don't know then. Last night there were 2 DGS and one was The Perfect Boy. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong.

  20. clockwise, Porl WAS in on the sessions for the self-titled album, but contributed to only a couple of songs, and they weren't on the "official" version.

  21. Thanks for the tips, Reverend.

    I always wondered what Porl thought of the WMS stuff on. I know there are a couple things that would've met with his full satisfaction. It just seems that with him around the whole level of overall quality goes up. At least since he rejoined in 1984...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I believe Porl was also involved with Signal to Noise and takes some sort of ownership of it now. Anyways, Porl is enigmatic. Don't think I've ever seen a proper video interview with him and have only a read a couple in print. I'm not always sure what guitar lines he's playing on the record and which ones are Robert (or Perry) as opposed to Porl (heck, I even thought the FTEOTDGS solo was Porl until I found out it was Robert) but somehow my gut tells me his mere presence kicks The Cure's quality up several notches.

  24. jb you are a star

  25. I'm new at this, I was at the show and would love to have a copy. How does it work? If I can't play it as an MP3?

  26. Curado - the quick and easy answer is to get Winamp.

  27. Hmm, wonder why my WinAmp at work isn't working.

  28. Thanks Craig. I'm copying to CD and taking home

  29. Christian - Do you have the latest version? Have flac's associated with Winamp?

  30. Part of the problem is that the file I downloaded said its filetype was "The" rather than "FLAC." I know that doesn't make sense but that's what it said. The one song I tried downloading was JSET. I've got WinAmp version 5.35. No biggie about the work problem because I'll download the whole thing later to my own computer.

  31. Christian - just rename it and add .flac at the end.

  32. Well, I'll be a lost B-side if that didn't work like a charm.

    On another note, is Robert forgetting some of the lyrics?

  33. "had porl been in on the cure sessions and ross robinson stored away in an ice box somewhere, i think us or them coulda been really awesome."

    No way, clockwise. With such poor lyrics not even "God" (if he existed) could have made an awsome song out of "Us or them"...

  34. "I always wondered what Porl thought of the WMS stuff on. I know there are a couple things that would've met with his full satisfaction. It just seems that with him around the whole level of overall quality goes up. At least since he rejoined in 1984..."

    Actually, it was after Lol Tolhurst left The Cure that things started going downhill with the band... Makes you think, doesn't it?

  35. Man, how can I thank you enough, this is a great recording!! Mahalo nui loa!!!

  36. corrosiveheadpollution , Us or Them sounds great period!! But yeah, this live version does kick some serious arse!

  37. Super great quality !!!! thanks for sharing these incredible files. does anybody knows with which tool I would be able to create audio CD´s from Flac-Files ? NERO doesn´t work here.....

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Thanks all. Now is this the same .flac as the previous Faith track that was posted?

    @prayer_for_rain: Toast works fine to burn to CD if one's on a Mac.

  41. Clockwise, i think you are right. And i finally got to listen to the Promise live... very cool. I think they should play it more often.

  42. Your best bet for playing and recording Flac files is in my opinion, WINAMP. This media player also has one kickass visualization program, Milkdrop 2.0. I downloaded all the flac files, imported them to winamp, and burned the cd's no problem! And it sounds awesome! Thanks again.

  43. Hi! Just curious about 2 things: 1. Why is there no track 24 (there are 33 files, but the track numbers go up to 34)?

    2. I read the post that says "please don't convert to MP3" and I was wondering why? I mean, aside from the fact that MP3s don't sound great, why would you not want to convert these to MP3 to be able to, say, listen to it on an iPod on a trip or something? I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just curious.


  44. Inbetween days seems to be no longer on the server?

  45. themisnomers - just a mis-numbering between Blooflowers and Plainsong.
    It jumps from #23 to #25. No songs are missing though.

  46. I'm listening to the Shrine show, and I just rolled my eyes when I heard the teenybopper-sounding girls in the background have the following conversation during "Pictures of You":

    TB1: It's Simon's birthday!
    TB2: Oh my god!
    TB1 & TB2 let out shrill squeals in unison

    But on the bright side, these FLAC files rule. :)

  47. themisnomers---Converting to MP3 for personal iPod use I feel is totally fine as long as the personal files stay out of circulation. Scenario=== someone converts to MP3 for iPod, then a friend asks for a copy on CD, the person burns the MP3 files folder to CD and gives to a friend. That friend burns a copy for another friend etc and it makes its way around and maybe to the internet. The original taper's source is now circulated/uploaded as a lossy source. Many tapers/collectors frown upon this. Personal use is usually totally fine. Just speaking from experience. Take care

  48. Thanks Gringinghalt!

    OK, so I have another question... How do you listen to flac files on a mac? All of these files have the ".flac.txt" extension, and so my mac thinks they are all text files! I tried to remove the ".txt" part but that didn't work either... also, I don't have a player that plays flac on my mac, I only have itunes. Any suggestions?

  49. @themisnomers will make listenable .flac in iTunes. from there, you can convert to (hopefullly) no less than apple lossless for easy listening (iPod xfer).
