
Monday, June 23, 2008

Forever! and The Kiss

Forever (live at RCMH)
The Kiss (live at MSG)
The Kiss Part 1 / Part 2 (live at MSG)

(Thanks to Christina P and Rev Heron for The Kiss
and to Cat for posting the version from Chris)


  1. :0

    I'm so happy for this. I was in a total daze during this song and I could barely remember any of it. Thank God for YouTube so I can relive my memories (albeit in crappy video format)!

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  3. Classic! Thanks!It's hard to judge but the crowd seems sooooo lame??!!??

  4. Ahh? already? No more the Crow comment? Wanted to say something about Brandon Lee.
    Anyway... Must see at home as soon as possible!!
    Forever v.2008!

  5. That makes my heart ache so much. :( But it sounds so great. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Off to see My Bloody Valentine @ The Roundhouse/London..i know :)

  7. Hi, Craig. Yeah, I'm doing better now, thank you. How are you?

  8. i think their playing this song as the last song of their u.s. tour is the best omen possible. people were worried because he didn't come out and say 'we'll see you again' or something like that. but playing 'forever''s kind of a statement.

  9. I'm sharp, but I compensate by being slow, so... wait, that's not quite right.

  10. V: Doing good. Shifting focus to all of the great things still to come. I just wrote a letter to Elise (ha!), hoping to cheer her up.
    Like I said to her, we usually have a 2-4 year wait for new activity, after a tour. But this time, we have so much still to come. : )

  11. Craig: Aww, that is so sweet of you. I know that will mean a lot to her and will definitely cheer her up. :) And yes, even though there aren't any tour dates on the calendar, we've still got two singles and an album to go in the next few months. It's so nice to still have so much to look forward to. I'm glad you are looking ahead and smiling. :)

  12. perfect.murder - ummm... NO THE CROWD WAS NOT LAME. We were paying rapt attention. No one knew what words he was going to sing or what notes he was going to play (that's the whole thing about that song!).

    Anyone screaming or jumping up and down at that moment in the show would have been killed by their neighbor.

  13. hi Craig, btw : ) sorry if i was a bit annoyed by that dude's comment.

  14. Exactly, Eric.

    I'm sitting here at work listening with my ear to the speaker trying to absorb it all. I think my co-workers are completely convinced I have lost my mind. So goes a Cure fan, right?

  15. monkeybutt- agree. And the lyrics seem to suggest that he wants to stay but can't... so he'll be back soon right? *blind optimism*

  16. Annie: that's what I got from the lyrics too. I hope that's the truth and we find ourselves readying for new shows very soon.

  17. I don't have the words for what is was like being there in that moment...

  18. Hi Eric. Did you enjoy your trip to NYC?

  19. And I agree with eric about the crowd. I know I, for one, was just in awe.... trying to take it all in.

  20. kate: yeah, wow. i wish i could have gone. 'forever' is totally one of the great 'cure lore' songs. all of you there were so lucky to have been witness!

  21. craig - ummm... yeah, ya think?

  22. I love April! if it wasn't for her, i may very well not have gone. she made it so easy for me... all i had to do was send her some money.

  23. Hey Kate. Thank you so much for that soundcheck photo! I loved it! : )

  24. and i'm not nearly so scared of NYC anymore. kind of proud of myself for figuring out the subway and Metro North all on my own.

    I might do it again for someone else if they are worthy (and without a doubt for every Cure show). The only drawback is that it is a five hour journey each way.

  25. kate - you are the one person i didn't really get to meet. i remember seeing a girl with ribbons in her hair at Fridays, but i was talking to Sofia, so we never really met :(

  26. Heartbreaking




  27. Hey, Craig - You are very welcome! I am glad that it was captured.

    I have to give BIG LOVE to my sweetie, Joel. At times, he was juggling up to THREE cameras. His iPhone was used for anything that we wanted to send to you immediately, Craig. He was really good at getting those special moments. We will send more soon. :)

  28. I'm desperately looking for a video/audio of Bloodflowers from the 4Tour. Can't be that nobody recorded this one.

  29. Eric - Yes, I heard that you were at Friday's and realized as we were walking over to MSG that I had somehow missed meeting you!

    I also missed sofia as well. So sorry!

    Yes, I am now the girl with roses and ribbons on her head. I promise that I don't do that with the red lipstick in my "normal" life. Hahahahah! Cure concerts are special occasions for me.

    The funny thing is that it was really easy for people to find me, when they needed to, so it came in handy.

    eric, I am glad that you had a great time, though!

  30. That may be the best version of Forever... ever!

  31. Kate: Thank Joel for me too. : )

  32. glad eveyone had a blast! I am back in Portland :((( ...i am going to spend all tonight watching videos!

  33. I still can't get the vision out of my head of Robert walking up to the balcony! It is burned into my brain forever!!!!

  34. I wish I could hear Forever live. They played it in Dallas 1996, but I only went to the Austin show that year.

  35. Craig - He doesn't read COF, but I always read to him the happy comments from his photos! :) I will be sure to tell him.

    So, I have to ask - what tickles you so much about the soundcheck picture? Admittedly, it WAS a GREAT moment! Just curious...

  36. April - I am glad to see you are home safely! *hug*

  37. Kate: It just captures the excitement of that moment so perfectly. The fun, the adventure, the love of The Cure.
    When I saw the photo I knew exactly what the 3 of you were feeling and wished I could have been there too.
    : )

  38. Kate: your question was not directed at me but it's just a great picture and moment in Cure show history. I giggled and was tickled when I saw it. :)

  39. i just read the nyt review. that has got to be THE WORST review of a concert i have ever read in my life!!!!! i am ashamed of them!

  40. Thanks, love! It will be an enduring memory, for sure!

  41. eric, the nyt review? ugh. what utter dross. its like we were at entirely different shows. their focus was on completely the wrong thing.

    hi, btw :)

    and hi kate! now that i know who you are i realised i saw you at tgi fridays :c i wanted to thank you and say hello and im so sorry we didnt meet! next time for certain!

    i was SOBBING throughout forever. when i realized that it was the song we were getting i started freaking out and screaming :| i think it was warranted though. it was such a heartbreaker. i still cant believe it's all over. still though. theyll be wanting to promote the new album, right? maybe a "the one that looks like christmas" tour ;)

  42. Hi Sofia!

    Yeah, somehow we totally missed eachother! Understandable, though, in all of the excitement. :)

    Next time, definitely!

  43. and I thought i was a big cure fan..i danced to all the songs at rcmh..but on this one i didnt remember what it was..i was saying to my friend who went with me that it was possibly a new song..i was so wrong.. about that one..i cant forgive myself now not knowing that last song..maybe it was all the rums and cokes i had that night..

  44. I don't know where the appropriate place is to post this so here goes:

    How long do we have to wait to here what the next move is? I mean, I'm sitting here all sad and depressed that it's over and I *need* new information and I need it now!

    I know they just got home and everything but it really is all about me, isn't it? I mean, Love, loves the cure and needs a steady stream of Cure-ness.

  45. I was expecting the Faith encore and when they came and and started playing "A Forest" I just had this feeling that they were going to play "Forever." When I noticed that Simon did not continue with his typical bassline as the song was winding down, I knew that it would segue into "Forever." Nearly crapped myself....for me personally, I would have preferred this way of ending the show/tour rather than the Faith encore. I could not have asked for a better show. Totally unbelievable concert.

    perfect.murder-I think really the crowd was mesmerized. I couldn't do anything but just bob my head with my eyes closed taking it all in....I would say that alot of the people up in the balcony and mezzanine sections were sitting for a lot of the show at least when I turned around to take a peek (I lucked out with orchestra seats) but I think this crowd knew they were getting something special and were just in awe. Watching Robert dance in front of Simon, then walking up towards the balcony, having fun with the crowd, the setlist, the venue, it just made this an unforgettable show. Don't know what else to say...I'm thankful, lucky, and damn proud I was there.

  46. thanks to youtube I get relive all my memories from the show - almost.

    I was a wreck by this time having sobbed through Bloodflowers.

    Bob's voice cracking as he tried to hold back the tears just killed me - I was left in disbelief, distraught and heartbroken. And I enjoyed every single moment of it.

  47. we still have 2 singles 2 be realeased so im pretty sure Cof (craig) still has a lot of work to do..and so do we!

  48. Curedelirio buddy!

    I didn't know it was you at the time, but you were standing RIGHT in front of me at the MSG show, and you are in some of my videos! Look especially at Freakshow, Boys Don't Cry and the Jumping / Grinding Halt ones.

  49. mikeyg-- yeah actually I was standing throughout the entire show but when they started 'A Forest' I was actually so disappointed that I sat down for a while. I didn't even consider that they would do Forever. But I had the same moment of realization as you, and I actually said "holy fuck" quite loudly. And from there I was just a weepy mess...

  50. now ain't that the cat's tatas?! holy shit that's good!

  51. i had never "gotten" forever until now. very very very very very very very very very very very cool.

    i think the audience, rather than disinterested, is enraptured - or some may be admittedly a bit bemused. but i think they enjoyed forever a lot, judging by their reaction at the end.

    coolness x 1000.

  52. Does the Kiss vid not rock your flabby buttocks?

  53. Clockwise: Whose buttocks are you callin' flabby, eh?!?!? ;)

  54. okay, in your case, skinny buttocks.

    i just figured everyone was rubenesque, like me. but clearly they are not! ;-)

    some would call my butt fat. maybe it is! :-D

    anyway, the point being: DOESNT THE KISS ROCK BOTH BUTTCHEEKS?

  55. Clockwise: Hee hee, I was just teasing. :) And yes, it rocks not one, but both buttcheeks - left and right!

  56. lmao really?? i m on film!!! hi rev it was a great night i had fun!!!!

  57. !!!!!!!!!!YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU! :^D

  58. To someone was many times is one gonna see it played live again????(hopefully lots)..i think the crowd could have been more up for it...and my original comment was that it was difficult to judge.Anyway, just back from MBV and this was the noisiest concert ever..check'them out if they come Stateside..dudes..

  59. The ending to 'Forever' is still resonating inside... HOLY SHIT!

  60. Just watched the RCMH 'Freakshow' vid. Awesome! I love it when Robert dances! :-D

  61. that is perhaps the greatest version of The Kiss ever recorded/performed. I need to go clean off my keyboard.

  62. and Forever,,,,holy FUCK. What a way to end a tour. After seeing that, I can forgive them for not ending with Faith...almost.

    Seriously, that was a perfect ending to the 4Tour.

    Time for best set show of the Tour...Charlotte? RCMH? Shrine?? Houston? SLC? So many choices.

    Perhaps a future poll Craig.

    I saw the first two nights of this leg..while great..they were not as good as the 5 I mention above. Seems as if they got into their groove in Salt Lake City when Robert was on the road to recovery and never looked back.


  63. Damn, I only just realized that I probably should have expected this more than I did. I mean it's only logical that they would play Forever because they've traditionally played it at least once each tour.

    Anyways has anyone tried their hand at transcribing? Here's my attempt:

    but every time
    every time
    how am I supposed to know?
    how is she supposed to know? (x2)
    how are they supposed to know? (x2)
    maybe later(?)
    any reason
    maybe later(?)
    any reason
    maybe... later... any reason?
    no... (can't make out)
    say it's the wrong time for moving (?)
    one time to choose it
    one time to lose it
    to lose it (x3)
    lose it (x4)
    make you stop this
    the last the thing I do
    I will make you stop if it's the last thing I do (x2)
    I will make you stop
    I must go
    she says, don't go... I have to go (x6)

  64. I've never been that great at deciphering lyrics though... I think this is a job for V?

  65. Great to see these videos...especially Forever. Special moment.

    Here's Reuters/Billboard review of the 2 NYC shows, in case this hasn't been posted elsewhere....

    'The Cure bring darkness, light to N.Y. concerts'

  66. Seeing Forever today had me searching youtube for other gems.

    Here's a killer version of Forever from Toronto 2004, Curiosa

    Check out the other videos from this collection...amazing! Does anyone have a copy of this show? It;s obviously done professionally.

  67. OMFG Forever! Can't watch the clips until lunch break! Grrr! (getting fidgety at work...again)

  68. OMG! Can we PLEASE get a decent reviewer?! I have seen enough videos, and I saw the FUSE show... I know that RSX didn't "mumble incoherently" or "appear awkward" on stage! WTH is with these people? Send me to the effing show. Then you will get a review! :^P




  69. I actually thought all the reviews (including NYT) were pretty reasonable. I mean they are designed for a general readership, not for us fanatics who worship the dirt on RS's shoes. All the reviewers were generally positive, and noted that the Cure have a bizarre appeal that dodges the mainstream, which I agree with. So I don't see what there is to get angry about.

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  71. Idiosyncratic I will give you - even erratic... okay. I will give you awkward. Awkward I will give you. The rest... meh. :^D

  72. Well besides that the only bad thing that is said is that Robert's voice is "irritating." And I don't think that one disagreeable observation invalidates an entire review.

  73. Anyways I don't mean to argue over such a silly thing, I just think we should be happy or at least satisfied that the reviews were quite favorable. If someone outside of the fan base read them, it might compel them to check out the band.

  74. I believe there has been much worse reviews during this tour. But never mind the reviewers - not many of them has done The Cure justice IMO.

  75. I agree that the reviews were generally positive, but they all reflect a mainstream view of things that annoys the heck out of me. Of course, they are catering to the 68% and probably *are* the 68%, so meh.

  76. actually, that billboard review was pretty good and spot-on. i should have read it before commenting! they actually seemed to know "what's up" with the cure.

    but i haven't generally liked the others at all.

  77. Just watched the clip...Forever is so powerful. I'm speechless.

  78. I'm glad I was able to capture this moment, and I'm happy that there is such a thing as YouTube to share it with fellow Cure fans.


  79. Robberry, you're our hero! :D

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  82. O
    how my heart is breaking
    how mesmerizing
    how brutally honest

    tear stained…

    i am shaking
    from all the raw emotion…

    words cannot begin to express how i feel…

    what it must have been like for those of you who were there…

    i only wish I could have been there, too

    this evening is something that i will always regret missing,
    on so many levels…
    and for so many reasons…

    although i should have been there, i am grateful for those who were and who captured the moment to share it with us…THANK YOU!!

    Maceo107/Robberry, Craig and Annie: Thanks so much for capturing, sharing and transcribing this deeply personal and moving experience…I am eternally in your debt.


  83. Good point samthedog, he does not get enough praise as a drummer..

  84. Should anyone know the whereabouts of a audio file of Forever... I'm dying to have it and put it in the Forever Project. thanks

  85. I can send you the avi file if you'd like to export the audio from it.

  86. WOW more Awesome Videos! Thanks to Chris & rev for sharing them!!! Hard to believe it's been a week already since they last sung these songs! Make me want to cry! :(
