
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cleveland show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: COF / Cleveland Plain Dealer
Photos: COF / Shawn 1 / Shawn 2 / iwannashagsimon / WoodysWorldTV / Michaelavk / Tony / Brian / Tippy 13

Just Like Heaven 1
Just Like Heaven 2
The End of the World
10:15 Saturday Night
EOTW / Lovesong / Want / POY / Lullaby
The Only One
Lullaby 1
Lullaby 2
Fascination Street
A Forest 1
A Forest 2
Fire In Cairo
Jumping Someone Else's Train
Grinding Halt / 10:15 Saturday Night


  1. Hellooooooo Cleveland!

    *lowers cardboard cathedral on stage for Faith*

    *Bobby and the Boyz come out encased in Spider-pods and open with Lullaby*

  2. Now that would seriously rock! : )

  3. Cleveland... why no Cure in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame???? Hmmmmmmm??

    : )

  4. I don't care for things like Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and yet and YET, if they're gonna have one, Cure MUST be in it! i went to the Country music hall of fame in nashville (YES, i like country music - FUCK OFF!), and of course my man JC (Cash) was in there. RRHOF without the Cure is like the Country Music Hall of Fame sans Cash! A travesty of epic dimensions!

  5. Rock & Roll Hall is sort of a joke but whatever. Country is fine so long as it's the old school shit cuz I can't think of one person now in cuntry who worth a shit. I think Mr. Cash not only died of a broken heart over June but what happened to his beloved music... Cash rules!

  6. jerry, i mostly agree with you... but Alison Krauss is good, and there are some great alternative country bands!

    in general, though, it's the classic country that rules.

  7. Jerry D, don't forget Merle Haggard.

  8. Aw. I'm going to miss the live updates. But I got College World Series tickets tonight. I love to go to those games.

    Craig, LSU is playing in the tournament up here this year. I'll keep my fingers crossed for them.

    Sorry we stole Bo Pelini from your LSU football...But our Cornhuskers really really needed him! :)

  9. I'll give you Allison, very talented! Cat me and you are like dis (pointing at our foreheads)...

  10. heading down to the wolstein center shortly. saw them in chicago, it will be interesting to see how the show has evolved. enjoy everyone!

  11. Greetings CoF peeps!

    The countdown to Cleveland begins :D
    What kind of show will this be? Craig, those are great questions, not inane ones. I'm dusting off my crystal ball and predicting an Open kind of night.

    I can't wait to see everyone at MSG on Friday! SO excited!!

  12. Magic 8 Ball says "plainsong opener"

  13. *waves* Hi Jerry!

    Cat, great opening post! :D

  14. Oh so this is why the other thread went quiet!!

  15. I have to go and not that anyone gives a shit, but I will be late for the chat. gots to take the boyfriend out to dinner again for all the shit he does for me while i'm following the cure around like a damn foooool!

  16. Clockwise: Hahahahah, nice!

  17. (That nice was for the 'Tap reference, btw.)

  18. And oh how they danced, the li'l people of Stone'enge...

  19. I grew up in the country
    so naturally as a rebellious teenager i had to hate it
    (ah the punk years) but over the last tens years or so have developed a serious appreciation
    of the original man in black, JC

  20. Abrashtx, agreed! Merle is old school baby!

  21. v don't get me started on
    spinal tap references

    "none more black"
    "this one goes to eleven"
    "you can't really dust for vomit"


  22. Steve: Okay, but only for Jason's sake. ;)

  23. hahaha nice one v

    be careful jason

  24. Do you think anyone will be sporting a foil-wrapped cucumber tonight?

  25. (Sorry, couldn't resist. ;) )

  26. Dumb: Did you catch those Tigers last night? Unbelievable comeback! They've been doing that all year.

    Bo's a good man. You've got a hell of a coach there.

  27. Country is fine as long as it's playing in someone else's ears yes!!!

    I'm sorry for country lovers but country music sucks! I mean come on! Cat! Of all people!!! :oP

    Naaaa to each his own as they say! I know it's a very popular genre but it just never grew on me I guess you could say. Nosy vocals singing lame-ass love stories and real life drama... I'm passing! ;o)

    It's actually one of the very few genres I was never able to say I like at least something about... Oh well... I guess I feel better now that I said it! lol

  28. I knew V would go there! : )

  29. Craig: I have been giggling at my desk like a 13-year-old ever since I typed that! ;)

  30. Hi everyone btw! Good to be back to a show night! This is to be my last "live" chat!!! Because I'm leaving Friday to go into NYC, I won't be there for the MSG show and, as you must be aware by now from my repeating it! lol, I'll be at RCMH so... Last night for me folks... :o(

  31. Good to have you one last time Fantac.

  32. Craig: Awww :)

    (*still has the giggles*)


    Country does NOT suck... I spent 13 years in Texas hating it until I was turned on to Cash, then I realized there was a whole other REALM of country I had not been exposed to - namely, classic and alternative country! IT RULES! Country has been as influential as the blues, jazz, etc... at least the Hank Williams/Emmylou Harris/Haggard/Cash/Nelson style country.

    Fuck the nu-Country in the ass, though!

  34. V- I never asked but... It is V as in V for Vendetta? I've wondered since day one but never gathered the courage to ask! (Oh I feel so courageous right now... Not...)

  35. Eric: "65 just started at 7:02"

  36. Kinks
    Elvis C.
    Sex Pistols

  37. I agree with you Fantac, Johnny Cash is a whole different subject.... But you know how it is, everyone has a right to their own opinion, I'm cool with that...

  38. Clockwise: Awww, I love you too!!! :D

  39. (he he I knew I would get Cat going! :oP!!!)

    Cat! Like I said, to each his own! lol I kinda wish I could grasp what there is to grasp in country music but all my attempts have lead me to... errr... headache or earaches rather he he ;o)

    Btw Cat, I didn't thank you "in person" for your review... So thank you for that! A piece of COF anthology if you ask me!

  40. Morris: a fellow EC & the A's fan. Nice!

  41. Fantac: Nope, just the first letter of my first name. :) Nothing mysterious or creative - I had no idea that I would ever be known by that name when I put it in my Blogger profile! At that time, I never would have guessed that I'd end up getting to know people here. :) What a wonderful surprise!

  42. V - Gotcha! I just love that movie so I thought I'd ask ;o) and I echo your expressing it's unrealistically cool to have met you all!

    (For the gazillionth time: THANK YOU CRAIG!!!)

  43. (Btw, someone call elise down under! She needs to show up tonight!)

  44. Fantac, commercial country is crap.

    Haggard, Cash, Bob Wills, Steve Earle, Wanda Jackson... the Old '97s, Mike Ness, Emmy Lou Harris, Gram Parsons, the Flying Burrito Brothers... Mary Chapin Carpenter, Lucinda Williams, Roseanne Cash, Rodney Crowell, Dwight Yoakam, Dale Watson, Billy Joe Shaver, Jimmy Dale Gilmore, Joe Ely,, Delbert McClinton... they're where it's at.

    Why yes, I am from Texas, can you tell?



    (my boyfriend just looked at the Cure tour program and said, "who can take this guy seriously?" ROFL!)

  46. Firing up the Dream 13 machine right now and aiming it at Jo.

    "Wake up...wake up...WAKE UP"

  47. Hey all. Any guesses what the opener/closer for tonight will be? I'm feeling a bit open/end(ed) tonight. ;)

  48. BTW, Fantac, I need to get some $$ to you. Shall I Paypal it using the email addy I have?

  49. Clockwise: LOL - sounds like stuff my dad says about The Cure. :) Bye!

  50. NovTri: Nice!! :) I feel the same way.

  51. Now they are days away from returning home, I expect they will bust out all sorts of surprises...fingers crossed anyway for all those lucky to be at these shows!

  52. (As we wait for the show to start, a little story for the teachers on here...)

    I'm correcting the end of year exams lately (as some of you know) and the averages are excellent. So I'm all :oD and I get this copy from a kid I know really suck in English. His group average was 83% (exceptionally high) and the poor kid managed to get 8%! Freaken EIGHT!!! Now, I need to pin these grades on the wall at school for all to see!!! Even though their names don't show, I think I'll whiten his numbers... They will all understand it's him! OK, I had to share that with someone! lol I felt so bad for this kid... *sigh*

  53. abrashtx - Some of them names I reckon I've heard before and still, nothing really lol Maybe it's an age thing... I'll revisit country music when I'm 70, retired and living on a farm! ;o)

    And do you know how much that'll be with shipping and all? :oS I sure don't! My PayPal thing isn't with my email. I'll email you to give you the right one. Just a minute...

  54. i was going to say maybe that kid will do better next year 2nd time around but i remembered my neighbour who is a teacher told me last week they're not allowed to fail kids anymore until they reach high school no matter how bad they do, at least here in Ontario anyway

  55. First time poster here... got upgraded from sec 214, row g to sec. 6, row 23 because my Mom got moved to side seats in the bowl. We both got ot come for free!! I'm super excited to finally see The Cure live! I've been a fan since I was a young'n.

  56. TMS - are you at the show now?

  57. Hi guys!
    almost half hour to go, yey for the show!

  58. by the way has anyone here got the show from the Gorge that's on
    apparently you have to make a certain number of posts before you can download it and i can't be bothered, i prefer dime

  59. good evening everyone!!!

    g and i are here and signing in :) we will probably be checking in throughout the night!

  60. Very cute play on words Sofia!

  61. TMS: Cool. This isn't Uri, is it?

  62. 8% in English?!! Poor kid. I think a blindfolded monkey could do better.

  63. Okay, I gotta go now, and unfortunately I have an appointment tonight so I have to go for a while. :( :( But I will be back on when I can and may pop back on when I get home before I have to leave again. Anyway - here's to a great show in Cleveland!!! :) Talk to everyone soon!

  64. Never mind, Uri just checked in.

    Uri: "65DOS is way too loud for a small venue"

  65. Hmm, no? Lol. I just found this site the other night wehn I was surfing for setlists from this tour to see what I was in for and I was trying to sign up but just figured it out now. I suck at life pretty much, lol.

    65DOS is pretty good, but EITS is a lot better IMO.

  66. Good morning, all!!!! and good morning CLEVELAND!!!!

    Heron - Way to go on the MSG tickets! I'm so envious!

  67. Morris - Just for the sake of knowing, what is the exact difference between country and western music? I've always wondered but never did squat to find out lol

  68. Hey elise! About time you showed up! ;o)

  69. Bye, Craig. I'll miss you guys too. :) Will probably lurk from my phone. ;)

  70. Hi Jo, always good to see you here. The room just got brighter!

  71. Hi Fantac - I'm not THAT late. But here is an excellent reason... by *letting* the hubby sleep in late it means that there is no way I can drive him to work and get back in time for the start of the show.... and being it was *his* fault that he slept in - he is now gonna have to catch the bus!!!!
    I love a cunning plan

  72. Life is good today! How about you?

  73. mmm... I could make a comment about missing the g again - but it is too early in the morning : )

  74. FANTAC: ...that's the joke, there is no difference between Country & Western : ) It's a line from some movie that escapes me at the moment... Blues Brothers? :P

  75. we got Both kinds of music here
    country AND western

  76. THE CURE: "We're on a mission from God."

  77. Morris - but Robert Smith is GOD

  78. Hey guys and girlz. How is everyone? It’s raining balls over here.

  79. Hi Hels, I'll trade your raining balls for our current temp of 110...

  80. FYI, I checked the FUSE schedule and the MSG show is supposed to air this Friday at 11PM…

  81. at least some people in Tampa think so...
    anyone who wants a good laugh
    should read Eric W.'s
    review of the Tampa show

  82. LOL, oh man, I'm really sorry to hear that Jerry! I'm so glad I'm not baking in 100 degree weather right now!

  83. It's 63 degrees F. in Cleveland! Wow, that's nice :) [88F here in FL]

  84. Sorry, Jerry - we have the perfect weather here today! 66 degrees, not a cloud in the sky!

  85. Helsa - I'm good - slightly sleep deprived but otherwise OK.

  86. I thought Oz was all about the Celsius.

  87. Elise, aah, I've been up since late yesterday morning. feel slightly delirious now.

  88. Elise, thanks - I am SO excited to get to go to MSG!

  89. Woo hoo, hubby has gone to work! and I didn't have to take him!!!

  90. Well it's winter in Oz Elise! Shit here in Arizona we're just getting warmed up!

  91. 63 is cold! Lol.

    Only a few minutes, I'm super excitied!!

  92. Morris - we are, but I figured if I put a glorious 19 degrees, people would think I was a little crazy.

    Helsa, you must be exhausted

    Heron, I am really excited for you, but any chance that I had of talking my hubby into letting head to NYC is pointless as time would now be against me :(
    Make sure you get lots of piccies - you take the greatest shots.

  93. Photo from the venue has been posted.

  94. Jerry - just did the farenheit to celsius conversion. 110 degrees - blah, you have my sympathy - I hate summer

  95. i couldn't imagine 65dos in a small enclosed venue like that. they need lots of room to breathe.

  96. elise - Did you get to read Melanie's bit on COF geeks?

  97. Elise, it's a little difficult to coordinate myself! :p
    I just didn't want to miss these last few shows. Will you be able to see the show when airs on FUSE, do you know?

  98. hey are all of you doing?

  99. Cleveland looks like a similar size to ther Perth venue, except perth had general admission on the floor.

  100. Fantac, I saw that Melanie had posted, but haven't had a chance to read it (was catching up of the CoF threads).

    Helsa, I doubt that we will get the Fuse stuff here (so please people don't forget your Oz friends - I can do a TimTam trade)

  101. elise - The Perth venue where Down Under was written? Is that it? ;o)

  102. Hi everyone.

    Good afternoon.

    Let´s see what´s happen tonight.

    UTS again ?

  103. Hi andrew. I'm raining balls. how are you?

  104. Hey Madbob.

    Fantac, nah - Down Under is about the Adelaide show :)

  105. i'm pretty good...the first of my summer classes ended yesterday, and i've had a couple of days off of work, so i've been able to relax a bit

  106. Hey Madbob! I'm hoping the Cure will mix it up all crazy like... they only have a few more shows left! how can they not go batshit crazy?

  107. Hi Andrew!

    Hi Mad Bob!

  108. Is this an recent pic ? the arena looks very empty.


  109. hello everyone!

    it's been a while since i've checked in, but that's not because i don't love you all :)

    i've been away from work and visiting family that i only see about once a year (if that).

    i've read some of the comments an whatev's, so i know that good things have been going on.

    btw - Sofia, if you're here I LOVE YOU, but not as much as I LOVE APRIL! thanks SO MUCH for help getting tickets! can't wait to meet you on fri!!!!

  110. Shawn: "At the venue, INSIDE the barrier, LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE, Simon side"

  111. I am going to safely assume that the "Down Under" single will be filled with a gross amount of thinly veiled sexual innuendos.

  112. *turns green with envy - why can't I be Shawn?*

  113. Fantac - just read Melanie's post. Her journey after the Dream Tour sounds a lot like mine :)

  114. wow...what a nice intimate venue :)

  115. everyone give a shout out to annie too, and send out some vibes for a great set. her wish is for "doubt", but since she ain't gonna get that, she's wishing for "same deep water as you". it would be SO COOL if she got it!

    that hasn't been played even once yet, right?

  116. I tend to think they will open with UTS or Plainsong, but for all the great sets we have of late, maybe they will throw Open back out there :(

  117. Dear Mr Smith, please play DOUBT for Annie. Cheers and have a great night.

  118. Although, Eric, I don't think Doubt was on the master list :(

  119. Photo from Shawn just posted...lucky bastard. : )

  120. the boys are growing more and more tardy as the tour winds down... :)

  121. wait, same deep water's been played?? I thought...? DOUBT FOR ANNIE!!! plsplsplspls.

  122. same deep water as you would be amazing

  123. oh, and hi helsa!!! how have you been?

    elise - i've never directed a message to you, but i want you to know i enjoy your posts, and have been enjoying them all along. it's FABULOUS to have an Australian here with us! I had an exchange TEACHER from Australia when i was in 7th grade. he was awesome! if i were rich, i would so visit your country!!!!

  124. I say again Why Can't I Be Shawn.

  125. Yeah, i go for TSDWAY, i´ll be happy if they play it again, but extrelemy sad because i´m not there, but if they play it, i´ll have more chances of hearing it live next tour.

    Another late start ?


  126. to clear up confusion - DOUBT is NOT on the master list, but Same Deep... is. that's why annie wants Same Deep and understands there is no chance for doubt.

  127. HI Eric! I'm okay, I feel a little wacky from lack of sleep... how've you been?

  128. Kittens... I'm sure you've already imagined the PHT's from Shawn's vintage point, huh? ;o)

  129. wow that IS a small venue... I'm assuming that rotund fellow in the pic is security??

  130. Fantac - the thought didn't even cross my mind ;)

  131. Hello from Austin, TX.

    First-time poster, long-time lurker. Craig - we've corresponded a bunch over the years (I've submitted photos for Dallas Curiosa and last week's Houston show).

    Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say how much you guys rock, especially you, Craig.

    Enjoy the show!

  132. Shawn has PRIME PHT perspective... but I'm sure he won't take advantage of it... he doesn't know what he's missing...

  133. getting more and more excited every day!!!!

    can't WAIT to meet peeps at the pre-show on Friday, and i KNOW the concerts are gonna be AWESOME. it is SO COOL that i was/am able to catch shows at the beginning and end of the tour.... i'll admit it, I AM A LUCKY BASTARD!!!!!!

  134. Tape intro so it's an Open night

  135. Hi Christopher! Welcome to the party

  136. Hi to all...I can not stay away...if I can't be in Cleveland there is no better place to be tonight...

  137. Looks like my crystal ball was very clear tonight ;D

  138. Shawn needs to send in a pic of the PHT if he's got the view....and the ability to send in the photos!

  139. Hi Christopher, welcome, you should stay here all the whole show.

    I´m sure you won´t regret it.


  140. Michelle, unless shawn is a fanatic of the PHT's, I don't think it'll happen. *sobs quietly*

  141. Wow, this is the best coverage yet!

    Hi gang!

  142. Hi jpx. Gotta glass of wine in hand?

  143. I have to work tonight. Have a great virtual show everyone! I will read about it tomorrow!

  144. Helsa-but it's not fair, just to be nice he still should send a pic.....

  145. hi all..

    hey fantac, guess who's coming to my town... (& I may just go..)

  146. Hi JPX, bye KJ


    Weird Si pic, what he´s doing?

    Put it on the bass ?

  147. Not a huge fan of Open, but the upside is we get End to finish.

  148. Hi all, no wine yet, but now that you mention it...

  149. Lisa - Errrr... Coldplay? :oS

  150. Michelle, that is true. However, your average heterosexual man does not want to sit and take pictures of another man's crotch all day.. I know, I’m sad too.

  151. jpx - you open a bottle of wine, I'll grab the Tim Tams :)

  152. Hey Eric and lisalovecat! Things have been busy but I'm glad The Cure are playing! I find that I really miss this place when they're not playing. Craig, tell them they have to tour year round please.

  153. NO ! Gino Vanelli !!!! lol (but I love him)...

    hi ck :).

  154. Altr2elise, I thought the Tim Tams would come up! That must be some candy!

  155. no elise there were few left when I got

  156. is that girl psychic or what ????

  157. Lisa - I think I'll regret saying this but... Who the heck if Gino Vanelli?? lmao :oS
