
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Amnesty Meet & Greet in Atlanta

Corinne and April met the band in Atlanta.


  1. this is fanmtastic craig, thx for posting...bit don't you ever sleep?


  2. err what I meant to say was...

    "this is fantastic craig, thx for posting...but don't you EVER sleep"


    :::from the looks of my 1st post, it looks like I should get some

  3. Sleep When I'm Dead. : )

    "Until then..."

  4. Wow, great shots.
    It´s good to see that Cure drinks Corona beer, i feel proud ´cause it´s a mexican brand.

    When i had the chance to go a meet & greet there was completely different, one by one members of the band walked in and out for sign some items,and the end,RSx signed as well and took a group pic with him.

  5. April & Corrine: These are amazing wonderful for you both! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us via COF. Looking forward to the full story and so happy you got to meet Samuel as well...he seems very sweet.

  6. craig:



    g'nite for New York...


  7. mad bob: suprised it's a mexican

    Seems they have been drinking it alot lately. Robret was drinking it during a recently posted interview on youtube and Si was drinking the same in PHX...and the good news is if they ever decide to swing by my place for a pint, I ALWAYS have Corona on hand...but my question is how on earth can they drink it without lime?

  8. from New York, I mean!

    :::man, I am to dreamland for me:::

    'night boys


  9. Corinne and April, fantastic, you both look soo happy and what an amazing time for you! I can't wait to hear the whole story! :D

  10. hey girlz! it's Zap/Dennis my wife and i met you two at the loafing leprechaun before hand... how did it go?! from the pictures fantastic! and of course we noticed the fabulaous front dead center seats you scored too! any stories? memories that you'd care to share with the rest of us?


  12. Those pics are a lot of fun! Everyone looks so happy and nice. Thanks for sharing these great shots with us, April and Corinne (and Craig, of course)! :)

  13. What cute pics! Looks like the girls had a great time.

    Did anyone else see the one of them standing in front of the Wardrobe sign and think, "Wardrobe? Robert Smith doesn't have a wardrobe!"

  14. Corrine is one of the nicest people I've ever met. I've not gotten the full scoop yet, but it would seem that a dream came true and memories to last a lifetime (or several) were made. Knowing that it went well made me very happy for her! Way to go, Corrine!

  15. I am so happy for you guys! You not only helped out AI, but looks like you had a fantastic time!

    Thanks for sharing your pics with us!

  16. If you like CORONA, please try SOL beer. It is so much better. I went on a cruise to Central America with my ex and her parents, and the best thing to come out of that trip was the discovery of SOL beer.

    It's fantastic! No lime needed.

  17. Do you think they will share the details of the visit? I love to hear about those stories- my favorite! Close Encounters!!

  18. Hi April and Corrine--I'm that crazy girl in the front row who stopped you on your way back from your meeting and got to hear a little bit about your encounter--your photos are ADORABLE and I'm so glad you guys got that opportunity. It was fun getting to get secondhand Cure hugs from you guys! Hope you enjoyed the concert as much as we did. :)

  19. Thanks, everyone.

    Hey, Zap! I was hoping we'd see you and everyone at the Leprechaun after the show...too bad everything closes early in Duluth!

    I do have one memory to share -- Backstage, I joked with Robert that they end every show with A Forest, and he repeatedly insisted that they didn't. He even asked Simon to back him up, as if I wouldn't believe it coming from just Robert himself! (Lesson: Never try to make a joke when you're meeting your heroes, you end up sounding like a fool.)

    Then, on stage during the guitar intro to Push, he walked over to right in front of me, leaned over and mouthed "I promise we're not ending the show with A Forest." I just about DIED!

    OF COURSE, this happened at the show with the most anti-camera venue. If by any chance, someone happened to get a video of Push, PLEASE post it!!!


  20. Hey, Regina! Corinne had mentioned you to me before the show, too, from when you met in Florida. Cure fans are the best!

  21. That's so funny about A Forest/Push! I wasn't in Florida though...I wish I had been!

  22. Oh, hmm...I swear she mentioned a Regina. Did you know each other before, or am I just smoking crack?

  23. We only knew each other though a brief email exchange. I'm glad we all got to say hi in person though! :)

  24. Thanks for sharing your pictures & stories April & Corrine. They are marvelous!

    It's so nice that you were able to meet the band & have a fun time with them too. Lots of special memories! And Robert telling you on stage they are not playing A Forest last, to die for! I hope someone has a picture or video of that for you! :) I love Close Encounter Stories with a happy ending!!!

  25. Cat, do you think we'll ever get Corinne to post on here? I keep looking for her...

  26. YWP: I don't know if Corrine will post here, but I did call her today because she texted me yesterday. She is just the cutest thing ever, I think, but maybe she doesn't have time or inclination to post.

    Anyway, April (can I call you that or do you prefer YWP? I myself prefer Cat or Clockwise! ;-) ), I really enjoyed meeting you and Corrine - ya'll are both really pretty and sweet and funny! I'm sure the boys' egos were puffed up by meeting such cute girls! And I wouldn't sweat your "joke" with Robert - I think it's cute that he was so "offended" and that he got down to talk with you! I saw that since I had snuck up to close to your section and I about died for you! WTG GIRL - you got Robert's attention in a major way! THAT should be something to be proud of - even if you considered your joke rather lame.

  27. I also want to shout out to my other peeps that I have met on this tour - and really, that has been the BEST part, sharing Cure memories (mammaries??) with some amazing people!

    T-dork (7BlueStars): You are brilliant and fun and will always be my fave Curepal to hang with AND to get all intellectual with. What a scorching brain you have!

    DSC: Don't know if you read COF comments, but you rock AND roll - you're just the CUTEST, really. :-)

    Christina: You are like my Texas twin or something - you are CRAZAAAAAAY and I love it. I enjoyed sweating up a storm with you in Austin and getting pushed around by all the drunken assholes! Yay for inebriated fuckwads! We'll always have Dead Flower Girl and her creepy-ass boyfriend!

    Anah: I wish we could have spent more time together at the show, but at least we got to act like giddy fangirl pre-pubescents at the end. You seem to rock some serious fuckin' ass! PS PORL IS MINE!

    And Corrine and YWP - ya'll got your own post, above. :-)

    Who did I leave out? I hope no one!

    It has been a true pleasure to meet all of you, and in such a spontaneous way. The Cure brought us together!

    Oh, and a special shout out to Jay, from MFC. No matter if our political leanings clash - you seem like a great guy with awesome musical taste! I am awed by your litany of Cure concerts attended!

  28. I just remembered that I forgot The Rev! And her hubby! So sorry, but ya'll seem like the cat's tits! Denny's would not be the same without you! And how about that delicious Bob-Si kiss that The Rev so generously caught on camera! Holy FUCK!

  29. CAT!!

    Thanks for the shout out - and I'll see you at MSG!!!

  30. Corrine, it was so great to meet you in FL, I'm sorry you guys couldn't come with us to eat after. And yes, Cat, Denny's would not be the same LOL! 7bluestars and DSC, it was so great to meet you both, and we look forward to MORE tours!

  31. Cat, thanks so very much for that sweet post! Girlfriend, you brought some serious sunshine into what was otherwise a dismal day!

    I just hope that we get the chance to do some gig-hopping later in the year. I shall keep the fantasy close to my heart!


  32. Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late to post, but work has just been super busy...

    I want to give love to everyone I met on this tour. It has been THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE! Thanks again April for coming with me, I'm so glad that I got to go with someone who could really enjoy the experience!

    To my Ft. Lauderdale peeps (7bluestars, Cat, DSC, and Rev. Heron), it was so great to meet all of you!!! Y'all are so nice and sweet!

    7bluestars, I'm still waiting to give you all the details - well most of them :) (April you know what I mean):)

    Cat, I just tried calling you...I wanted details on the Charlotte show...

    DSC, it was nice meeting you, sorry they didn't play your songs, but we got 4 encores!

    Rev. Heron, love the tattoo and the t-shirts, would love the pic of you and Robert...

    Miss Regina in the Front Row, it was great to meet you! That Atlanta show was something!

    Craig, I would love to meet you, and thanks for putting up our pics (sorry they're a little blury-low light settings suck) and thanks for all your work on this site. I was just a "lurker" until now!

    Honey1974, sugar*girl, and cure_kitty, details are coming-I promise!

    I'm still walking on air and will be for a long, long time thanks to The Cure & Amnesty!!!

  33. Corrine, yay!! now get to postin' more. and i'm so glad about your experience! but tell us the secrets, please... ;-)

  34. Corrine, I was going to email to find out if we could speak on Friday or Saturday. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    I do hope you took particularly good notes in regard to eyes. >;-)


  35. April and Corrine - WOW - if you look at some of the pictures or videos of the Atlanta show I think you are in some of the to see. What a great experience and I am happy you posted the, wow, wow! I loved it when Robert was telling you something durring the show - I could not hear what was said and am happy to find out! They are the best!
