
Friday, May 16, 2008

WFNX interviews Robert

Robert does an interview with Fletcher of WFNX.
(Thanks Justin)


  1. surely there should be a law enacted to prevent idiot radio DJs from interviewing people?

    is it an unspoken rule that every douchey frat-boy-sounding DJ has to ask about something as pointless as robert's makeup?

    the former interview posted here was far better because it actually let a fan (you know, someone who actually closely follows the band) ask some probing questions instead of the most mundane, rote shit.

  2. i don't know- at this point in my life (and the cure's career) i really AM interested in knowing what type of mascara robert uses.

  3. I haven't read the interview yet, but I gotta say I love the pic. :)

  4. Err...haven't listened to the interview yet. ;) (Sorry, was too mesmerized by the photo to scroll down.)

  5. Now here's a new promise for us to stress over: he promises to shave his head this year!

    And did I hear him say there are close to 80 songs in the tour rotation? Bring it on! :)

  6. 80 different songs? Then why do we keep getting such similar setlists?

  7. It´s a shame: You have Robert in your studio and ask such stupid, superficial questions.It´s always the same.
    Now you have 53 songs -there still 27 left ( I can´t bring them together) How many songs were played on the european tour leg? Does anybody know?

  8. I thought it was pretty good. Not full of fascinating revelations for serious fans, but the guy was jokey and make Robert chuckle a few times. Better than some block of wood going down a list of prepared questions and never reacting to the answers.

  9. the make-up questions are really really tiresome, i agree. but robert takes them in stride, amazingly.

    a coupla things, though: robert really dissed his fans when he alluded to the angst over the postponed shows as being "ridiculous." he seems to forget that not everyone is a multi-millionaire who can just fly all over the world to see a band. people made flight and hotel arrangements that could not be canceled, hence they lost money on robert's impetuous little postponement. love you robert, but come on - have some forethought next time! even non-cure fan friends of mine thought it was a wildly stupid thing to do.

    secondly, robert said he was gonna shave his head this year - he's 100% positive that he will.

    um, okay! i really prefer the long spider webby hair, but this could be interesting. i don't know about a shaved head, but maybe it will look nice when it grows out a little.

    robert's a cutie, even if he sticks his foot in his mouth sometimes.

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  11. if people are actually disappointed by what robert does or does not do with his HAIR, they really need to get a life. it's the same superficial bullshit as the make-up questions. maybe if robert wants to start dressing and primping like a grown-up (it isn't 1986 anymore, people), he should be allowed to do so without distraught cure fans killing themselves or causing a riot. (photographic evidence: Cure in Orange = shaved-head robert, great show. his appearance has nothing to do with musicality and the sooner cure fans get past that, the sooner there is more respect to go around for all parties.)

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  14. boy, aren't you a happy-go-lucky type of guy, david? ;-)

    i was just commenting on the coiffure, not really feeling particularly suicidal about it.

    of course it's about the music.

    you do amuse, though, with your venomous tone.

    ps i love that robert refuses to grow up sartorially.

    pps since you commented on his style too, that kind of negates the point of your post, no?


  15. I really would like to know what make up he uses 'cause I'm just a bloody copy cap. Also anyone know what exact brand and model of white moon boot sneakers he wears? Circa Just Like Heaven video / Boys Don't Cry picture.
