
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sasquatch Festival at The Gorge

Setlist and show notes were moved here.
Reviews: AV Club / Seattle P-I
Photos: Brooklyn Vegan / Pitchfork / Joshc / Seattle P-I / KEXP / Cass
Wrong Number
Prayers For Rain
Various clips
Fascination Street
Lullaby 1
Lullaby 2
Just Like Heaven 1
Just Like Heaven 2
10:15 Saturday Night
Pictures Of You
Lovesong 1
Lovesong 2
Lovesong 3


  1. afternoon all...struggling to keep up with US many time zones do you have over there??...sheeessh...and of course, been free all day and now off to a 3 hour long meeting.
    will check in again later. UTS up front I suspect...


  2. just arrived...hrm..later and later no?? its okay wot time is it there?

  3. lacature - what time is it where? at the Gorge it is currently 9pm. Where I am, it is 12pm (lunchtime).

  4. Right now it's just after 9pm.

  5. wow ! you guys are dedicated :). I could never figure out when to show up Mind you, don't know that I can stay awake now till 1 am !!!

  6. it's 12 am in Hotlanta.

    why is the cure going on so late? usually they do between 8 and 9pm, no?

    is it cuz it doesn't get dark til later up north?

  7. getting dark now, guess cuz it's a festival ?? anyways yeah pretty late ,I agree.. past my beddytime...

  8. yeah, if they go on at 10pm PST/1am EST i'm gonna have a prob staying awake for the sets!

    ml68: we have four time zones - Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific. And then there is some crazy-ass shit in Arizona or New Mexico or somewhere, where there are two different Mountain time zones.

  9. I'm guessing that we probably won't have as many people watching the concert online tonight due to the time difference.

  10. OH! this is a festival! i forgot. doh!

  11. yeah I'll have to check here tomorrow for what I can't stay up for ...

  12. Cat - It's a festival show and they wanted to headline. So they get the 10pm slot.
    Get used to late shows, they'll be on pacific time for awhile now. Won't be this late to start though.

  13. so who else is at the festival? and will they still play three hours? my guess is no!

  14. Good night,mid-day at everyone. reporting myself from Mexico City, it´s 11.14 pm right now.

    It´s hard to get a surprise in a festival show but i hope tonite Cure give at least one.

  15. oh, just read the death cab dude is wearing black in tribute to the cure. i like death cab - i guess i should get one of their albums? actually i have one i think.

  16. Death Cab For Cutie is on right now, Tegan and Sara played earlier today.
    They were promised 2 and a half hours and a 9:30pm start. Now that they are starting at 10, maybe they only get 2 hours?

  17. I don't know how you guys can manage to stay up so late on a weeknight!

  18. sorry I cannot contain myself- I am going tomorrow night !!!!!!!!

  19. Yeah, I really like Death Cab. Listening to We Laugh Indoors right now. One of my favorite songs.

  20. its 12.22 am here, waiting trying to keep my eyes open for at least a few mintues... lol... i just wannnaaaa see the cure haha... cheeers..k

  21. craig: i really like i'll follow you in to the dark, but i wasn't that taken in by the one album i have by them, which is why i forgot i had it! i have liked some of their other songs too, though.

    btw, anyone here a clinic fan? i saw them live tonite! very very cool and i highly recommend their show!

  22. Mmmmm..... if I take my headphones off I am being subjected to Justin Timberlake (through piped music in the workplace). Fortunately, my headphones are glued in place and I am listening to UTS on repeat. Can't get enough of it.

  23. have any of you guys seen the 4tour program or any reviews ?

  24. elise: i'm trying to restrain myself from listening to that song too much because it's too gorgeous and i don't want to get sick of it before the album comes out. i am considering not listening to it again until the album comes out, but i'm not sure i can be that brave.

  25. clockwise - I don't think I could have that kind of restraint.

  26. My tummy has started rumbling - I'm gonna go and get my lunch before the show starts. Back soon.

  27. Jewella - You can see the 4Tour Book in the photo gallery:

  28. i had a scary thought today: what if robert leaves it off the album, thinking he'll put it on the christmas album that will never get released?

  29. yeah, think I'll stick to the hoodie or tshirt...

  30. Hi all...I may not be around much tonight (dead tired, sunburned, and recovering from my house guests) but thought I'd drop in to say hello. :)

  31. hi v... 20 more minutes to blastoff..

  32. i'm thinkin' by the time the cure start we'll all be in bed... although i can prolly manage to stay up another hour...

    hello v. :-)

  33. jewella: Woo hoo! I look forward to seeing what fun stuff they play at this show!

  34. Also lunch time here and looking forward to not being able to focus on my work in the afternoon. ;) I really hope that they start the show with UTS! I'm damn obsessed with that song already.

    And I think it's cool to see Ben from DCFC that excited to see The Cure. I like their music.

  35. yeah me too, for as long as I can stay awake :). Gettin kinda late for a few of us..

  36. Howdy, Clockwise! You have to stay up to see if they play your new song, and if they do, if Robert says, "That song will be on our Christmas album!" ;)

  37. hi v & jenny - the gang's just about all here.

  38. Will they be playing a full set tonight? (Sorry if this has already been covered and I missed it...) :)

  39. Hi altr2elise, back from lunch already? :)

    I was confused about the timezone in the morning and thought we won't get a live update today. Glad I'm wrong.

  40. I've got a feeling that A Boy I Never Knew has been moved to the unlikely Christmas album :(

  41. Craig was saying earlier that they were promised 2 and a half hours, but that may be cut down with the late start.

  42. I'm still working on my new system where you can all go to sleep and I'll just beam the setlist to you in dreams. : )

    V - No, short(er) set tonight. 2 - 2 & 1/2 hours.

  43. if he says that, v, then we can all pack our bags and leave the cure forever. we will **never** see a christmas release.

    sigh, robert...

  44. Ooh, I just see that Craig answered my question on the main page. 2-2.5 hours? What a ripoff! ;)

  45. Craig - the new system sounds great, but perhaps a teleporter would be better.

    Jenny - I just ducked across the street to pick up food and am eating at my desk (so I can keep an eye on the blog)

  46. Craig: I like the sound of this dream machine! i may need it tonight! :D

  47. craig, you rule! LOL... that would be hilarious!

    LOL andrew...

    ya'll is funny!

  48. andrew - I like the way you think!

  49. Almost time - I think it will be UTS to open.

  50. I wish we could WATCH it live! :-(

  51. Fingers and toes crossed for another UTS recording tonight.

  52. does anyone have google earth ???Lol

  53. Yeah Hopefully a recording of UTS in which we can make out the lyrics!

  54. this is painful.

  55. LOL jewella!

    funny how we're all so mesmerized by this song

  56. andrew - I agree it would be great to have a recording where we can better here the lyrics, but I think Craig's first cut at them is pretty damn good!

  57. clockwise - I think this is the most "Cure" they have sounded in a while. This song just melts me.

  58. Please, a fine record of UTS

    Come on RS, don´t let us down !!!

    Oh i wonder how long i could be awake, its 00.05

    If Robert makes a weird setlist playing bsides, forgotten albums songs, etc for sure i´ll stay to the end..

    Just kidding.


    Is valid make a joke at that time ??

  59. Just heard from Steph. Cure still not on.

  60. clockwise - don't tell me you are bowing to peer pressure!

  61. elise: it's a stunning gorgeous amazing song. i am blown away by it. i was blown away by lost on the last album, but this is just a whole other level. those shimmering swirling guitars and dreamy vocals and plodding drums... yummy!

  62. When i got my very first listening of UTS (more accurate watching ´cos i saw the youtube video) a couple of tears falled down my face.

    I´m serious, i just felt the CURE feeling in me , a feeling that all of us know perfectly..


  63. Why do they torture us like this? .

  64. mad bob - I hear ya!

    UTS is the Cure at their best! Roll on September 13th.

  65. fuck yes! they are playing it and I am listening to it!


  66. Craig - so going on your setlist logic from Satdee night - does this mean they will close with BRDB?

  67. The Curegasms are starting again. Yeah I'm listening to it on Youtube while they play it live. Yes, I am sad, but do I care?

  68. If RS sticks to his formula, yes, he'll pull out the Baby Rag Dog Book.

  69. Oh GREAT!! UTS as the opener! I hope someone's recording it....

  70. the song just ended for me and i suspect at the gorge as well. i MUST see this song performed live! and robert MUST tour again when the album comes out.

  71. Okay, people, make room for me! ;-D

    Did someone say 'Underneath the Stars'? O-M-F-G... I think it will become my new favorite Cure song. Oh, sweet bliss, I do so love it!

    Craig, dear, thanks again for transcribing the lyrics. That was awfully kind of you!

  72. andrew - you are not the lone ranger, I'm listening to it on my iPod at work. I always try to 'recreate' the setlist as it happens. "Sad", no, PASSIONATE

  73. Andrew - if I were at home I'd do the same thing. Guess I'm equally sad! Lol.

  74. Craig, what about RS voice tonite ?

    I hope he´s in cured of their throat.

  75. i love how polarized the styles of UTS and BRDB are. the cure are so amazingly diverse! in a way it would be nice to have an album full of dreamy UTS songs, but in another way I like the mixture we have heard so far.

  76. Clockwise, yes, they MUST tour again when the album comes out! I've been wishing it since last summer.

  77. i think this is just too funny, i think there is just about a handful of people out of thousands of fans that have been her enight after night to watch the setlist... lol!
    im begining to wonder if this is an illness

  78. jenny, they MUST or I will sue Robert!

    PFR on now... in my mind, everything else will pale in comparison to UTS.

  79. So I'm now recreating the set lists from youtube as they happen live. One question. What is a boy to do if they debut a new song?

  80. PFR sounds so nice after UTS! A great way to open a show, I have to say. :D

  81. As each song comes in, I play it from Brad's recording of the Boston show. : )

  82. I hope i dont get it wrong, but Craig, do you alredy write the UTS lyrics ?

  83. lacature... i must fight the sickness, find a cure...

  84. I love that I can spend time with like-minded people. PFR straight after UTS sounds fantastic.

  85. lol u know how many lyrics pop up in my head lately? i was talking to someone tonight and said 'your starting to act like my father...' guess what song poped up into my head... a little hint 'old school encore song...'

  86. I just remembered something: before the Cure took the stage at the Hamburg and Berlin shows, they played the sound of waves and seagulls instead of music...I'm not sure why this is significant, but I just thought of it, seeing the "Here come the crashing waves..." note on the main page. :)

  87. and lacature... yes, it's an illness, but it's a GOOD illness.... obsession with art is always a positive thing, IMO... sure, it can become negative and you have to keep it in check, but i for one devour art of all kinds - literature, music, visual art, movies - and the cure for me kind of encompasses many art forms anyway...

  88. Clockwise: Is it still a healthy obsession if you have made a Mii for each of the band members?


  90. Everybody has obsessions. It's what makes us human I think.

  91. V - I don't know about healthy, but pretty damn cool!

  92. Clockwise: They are characters you can make on the Nintendo Wii. Here is my Robert. ;) Simon was the hardest...

  93. that's so cool, v

  94. LOL V. I am so out of touch with technology crap.

    I would say it's just plain hilarious, V, that you did that. Healthy vs. unhealthy is immaterial in this case.

  95. V that Mii is awesome. Although he is looking slightly like that guy from Greenday.

  96. V, that's excellent! LOL! And did you do Simon as well??

    I gonna try this at home tonight on my Wii!

  97. v - that is very cool - almost makes me want to go out and by a Wii

  98. I am glad that they are playing EOTW almost every night. I really think it's a very strong pop song, much better and fresher than The Only One. I am bewildered as to why they don't play Before Three or Truth Goodness Beauty or Going Nowhere, but at least they play EOTW.

  99. Thanks, all. :)

    Jenny, yes I did Simon as well (as well as Jason and Porl), but I don't have a photo of any of the others. I had a really hard time with Simon, so let me know if you have any luck getting a good one of him. :D

  100. clock-dork! :-*

    As for 'A Night Like This', it's one of my faves, too. (I'm listening to it on you-tube as I'm writing.) I do so love it when Robert sings of going on a witch hunt! ;-)

  101. OTOH, I could really do without hearing Lovesong EVER again.

  102. play for today, i dont think thats old school encore, oh im so tired

  103. "witch hunt", when I first heard this song, I thought he said "won't reach out for another girl".

  104. @elise -- thank the stars the words are now only a google away!

  105. everyone send us/me some good vibes for Plainsong tomorrow night, after all we'll be indoors...

  106. 7bluestars - yes the internet has certainly changed the face of music. Just to show you my age, I remember when I used to get excited if the lyrics were included on the "album" cover!!!!

  107. V, I'll let you know how it goes. I believe Simon would be difficult to do because of his hair. Making those Mii is quite hilarious to me, as they have some crazy options...

  108. Craig, any word on Robert's voice? Are all in fine form? I trust that Porl hasn't fallen off his platforms yet? ;-)

  109. Jenny: The first time I tried to make Simon, I accidentally made John Cusack instead! Good luck with him. :) I'll try to take a photo of my other Cure Miis and post them one of these days. I'd love to see yours!

  110. Posted about Robert's voice on the main page. Seems to have recovered.

  111. you like lovesong, t-dork? we can't be friends anymore

    *deletes from myspace friends*

  112. elise, I'm there, too. I'm a fossil who remembers buying records on vinyl cos there wasn't another choice!

    And good vibes @ jewella.

  113. if porl is wearing a kilt i hope someone looks underneath!

    "Underneath the Kilt..."

  114. Good to hear about Roberts voice. Not so nice to hear about porl in a kilt. Platforms and a Kilt?.....

  115. To Wish Impossible Things - now that's something I'd really love to hear live.

  116. Clockwise, you're gonna make me cough out my tea here! LOL!

  117. Jenny - not that there is anything wrong with a Mii that looks like John Cusack :)

  118. Yes, Porl rocks! REAL men wear whatever they want. : )

  119. I'm just imagining Bob singing that... "13 billion years of you...underneath the kilt..."

  120. come to think of it that would be a rather long time under a kilt...especially if they don't got underwear which they rarely do...

  121. Clockwise you just made me throw up a little bit.

  122. well I'd better hit the hay.. have fun watching the rest of the show.

  123. Goodnight, jewella!! Sweet dreams.

  124. night, Jewella

    Andrew, don't tell me we are back to vomit again!!!!

  125. Sorry, Craig, didn't see the status report.

    clock-dork, when I see you, perhaps in ATL, I'm gonna hug you till you say 'Lovesong rocks my ass!' >:-D

    A kilt? Outdoors? Jesus, I hope the winds are calm from all directions!

  126. Watch out for the dream 13 machine while you sleep.

  127. Goodnight Jewella. Have a good time at the show tomorrow.

  128. altr2elise, I don't have a vomit fetish....honestly......

  129. 'To Wish Impossible Things', 'Pictures of You'.... *sigh*

  130. Good night Jewella, have fun tomorrow.

    Will you do the live coverage ?

  131. andrew, i have that effect on a lot of people.

  132. Mad Bob - Stephanie will do live coverage tomorrow too.

  133. Lullaby - YUMMY - I loved this live on this tour!

  134. i love poy, don't worry! i'm just tired of it live night after night!

  135. There are still 6 songs from the new album that we haven't heard yet, do you think we'll get a new one tonight?

  136. Thanks Craig, but please, tell me, do you have UTS lyrics ?

    As you know,the natives of non-english speaking-countries have a very hard time trying to understand even a couple of lines of the songs.


  137. hey jpx. :-) that would be great if we got another new one.

  138. andrew, i've been tired of fascination street since 1989. ;-)

  139. A Lullaby memory - when Robert sang the "for I have a little something here" part at the Adelaide show, he pretended to he was smoking a joint.

  140. Yeah, it seems like his intention is to debut the entire album (if we go by that post from the other day). I think it's time for a new one! Okay, I'm getting greedy =)

  141. The very first Cure tune I´ve ever heard was FS.

    Since that moment i am a hardcore fan.

    That happened in 1990 when i was on high school.

  142. Doesn't he kind of owe the Seattle folks something, since they aren't getting a proper show out of the rescheduling? Maybe the peace offering will be a debut. :)

  143. @elise *ROFL*

    God, he's a clever boy!

  144. "Fascination Street" is my mom's favorite Cure song. :)

  145. The first Cure song I ever heard was "Let's Go to
    Bed". Mad Bob, you must be in your 20s =)

  146. altr2elise, that's a cool image ;) I only remember him dancing his ridiculous moves and made the crowd go crazy. I can't resist laughing and adoring this man whenever he dances.

  147. jpx - that was my first Cure song too....

  148. I think my first Cure song ever is Just Like Heaven, but I don't think I knew whose song it was back then. :(

  149. The Perfect boy has already won me over. It's already in my top 10 favorite Cure tracks. Come to think about it so is UTS.

  150. @ jpx - I´m 31

    I wonder, what is the age average of Cure fans ?

    what´s yours people ?

  151. @mad bob -- At my request, Craig posted a best-guess transcription in the 'Underneath the Stars' blog:

    This is the best I could do. Many words are probably wrong. And the St. Louis and Denver versions each have different words in different places. I think RS is still working them out too. : )

    Across the years, like this with you
    Underneath the stars above
    For 13 billion years of you
    It's beautiful and ours alone tonight
    Underneath The Stars

    Spinning round and round with you
    Watching shadows melt the light?
    Stars above our eyes are ????
    Another space is ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

    The waves....break
    The waves....break

    Whisper in my ear a wish
    A voice inside my head, a kiss
    It's infinite and ours alone tonight
    Watching summer die

    Flying here like this with you
    Underneath the stars at night
    For 13 billion years of you
    It's infinite and ours alone tonight
    Underneath the stars

    Everything ?????
    each other's arms
    so near and so far
    Beneath the stars

    The waves....break

    May 25, 2008 2:40 AM

    Craig, hope you don't mind that I copied this here.

  152. APB was my favourite of the new songs..... until it was usurped by UTS

  153. Mad Bob: I have to answer, since I won't get to quote a number starting with a two for much longer! I am 29. :)

  154. perfect boy into hot hot hot. hmmm

  155. I meant Kansas City, not St. Louis.

  156. andrew, i ADORE PB. Until UTS and BRDB, it was my favorite new one. It's just PERFECT. ;-) I would love to see this live as well.

  157. Mad Bob, I'll be 39 in August. Wow, 7bluestars, nice job! I'm very impressed you deciphered Roberts warbling, nice job! Great lyrics too =)

  158. madbob - I am in the Bloodflowers age group - 39

  159. v, cling to those 20s like your life depended on it!

  160. JPX: Believe me, I am doing my best. :)) I am trying not to think about what will happen in early June...

  161. me, i'm 98 and never felt better!

  162. If you could just go to one show, would you pick Hollywood or Shrine?

  163. Closckwise, you're timeless =)

  164. Oh no, the return of alt.end. Hoped it was gone for good. : (

  165. v, though, jpx is right.. it's ALL downhill from there...
    well, sorta... actually i'm having a good time in my 40s. :-)

  166. Didn't see the UTS lyrics the first time around... looks beautiful. Match the music perfectly.

    I seem to remember saying this in another comments section, but anyway...I’m 28. V, we're quite close in age! Does that explain why we both own a Wii? ;)

  167. "alt.end"

    Clockwise: You got me started on The Cure again - I can't stop listening to it whenever i drive somewhere now (especially "Before Three").

  168. I guess I'm the baby of the group at 17.

    And yeah I hope The Perfect Boy is the next single. Just so I can listen to the studio version faster than waiting for the full album.

  169. Albert - Both, but I would probably pick the Shrine.

  170. jpx - do you mean that about "clinging to your twenties", I absolutely LOVE my 30's, I'll be sadder to see them go than I was about leaving my 20's.

  171. oh GAWD why did they have to release that turn alt.end again? why oh why?

  172. Jenny, I have Wii and I love it!

  173. thanx a lot 7blue stars. i really appreciate it.

    can i take a look at ypur blog ?

    Dont worry Craig, this will be only for me, ok, trust me.

    I´m doing a blog too, it´s under construction, the truth is i´m self-learning how to do it.
    It´s very poor in content.

    i name it as my CURE fav song, The Same Deep Water as You. :-)

  174. Clockwise: Oh great, now I'm really gonna be depressed on my birthday. :)

  175. bah..age...born in 68 and still with the looks of a 17 year old...and maturity of a 12 year old...all in the mind...

  176. Altr2elise, the 20s was just a simpler time in my life. I still feel like I'm 18 in my head, but then every August I'm reminded that I'm getting older. Woo-hoo, August birthday!

  177. JPX: Did you see my Robert Mii?

  178. JPX, you have a young heart, as all Cure fans do!

  179. alt.end - it's the cheesy double clap that gets me every time.... yuk

  180. i meant to say turd not turn. doh!

    v, i'm glad you're listening to TC again. for me the first 4-5 songs are just brilliant. i say 4-5 because some versions exclude tgb, which is the best of those sessions, imo. but yeah - b43 is a killer!

  181. ml68: I'm just playing about the age thing. I agree that age is just a number. I don't plan on ever "growing up", so I am honestly not stressing my birthday that much. :D

  182. Thanks, Jenny =) it's true, my house is full of toys, MY toys.

  183. I don't think alt.end is all that dreadful, although I would've preferred Before Three as a single.

  184. I was wanting Shrine also until everyone was commenting on how they play UTS when it is outdoors.

    I really want to hear that song so I am thinking of switching to Hollywood and possibly sweet talking my wife into seeing both shows.

  185. jpx - My 20's were as complicated as they come - I was glad to wave them goodbye and have not looked back.
