
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Santa Barbara show

Follow-up from last night, A Forest was the 3rd encore, not part of the 2nd.
Setlist and show notes moved here.
Photos: COF / New Wave Girl
Why Can't I Be You?
10:15 Saturday Night
Close To Me 1
Close To Me 2
Fascination Street 1
Fascination Street 2


  1. Craig, I can't believe that you'' be able to tear yourself away from LOST! I think they're going to "move" the island!

  2. Hi everyone!

    So is this the thread we gonna be using tonight? ;o)

    I set up a group on Facebook for us COF geeks!

    Chech it out and join if you feel like it! It's an open group so far:

    Just thought it'd be cool to assume ourselves!

    Talk to you later... Can't wait for UTS tonight!!! :oD

  3. so it'll be UTS to start tonight then. Very jealous.

    Though Plainsong was pretty awesome last night in San Jose.

  4. Hallo fantac, I also think that´s the right place to play UTS. But yesterdays setlist is hard to beat, I think.

  5. Hi bernie!

    Well I thought the setlist was great!... Up to Wrong # (@$%&#)!!!... and was "normal" after.

    But yes it was indeed the best set so far in NA imho. I hope tonight's is as good :o)

  6. Hi everyone.
    Long time lurker first time poster, just decided to jump in the hot water for a change, since you bunch seems to have so much fun.
    I want to be able to share in too, every once in awhile. But don't expect too much from me as I'm still a lazy SOB!

    So for my first time there's two things I want to say:
    A) Thank you Craig for COF, you are doing a wonderful job and been a real moral booster at time. There would be next to no Cure info if it wasn't for you. Glad you didn't quit, especially with such an exciting period we are now experiencing.
    B) A little story: I was at the Montreal show (can't go to more than one show unfortunately unlike some of you freaks ^_^ lucky bastards) and while waiting for 65DOS to start I spot a guy with a huge hairdo going around down on the floor (I'm up a few rows, CC section 123). Somehow, I'm getting all giddy like a schoolgirl and start pointing and interrupting my girlfriend who was trying to tell me something. She's not listening to what I'm trying to show her so I stop her, kind of rude and show her the guy.
    Well you know that akward moment when you realize maybe you've gone too far just to show her a Cure look-a-like? Well I had that moment. So I get more quiet and tell her that I think the guy looks a lot like Jason Cooper and that it's... pretty cool and all. Nothing much, just that darling, go on keep talking. You know...

    So the guy on the floor goes on and away. A bit later, I go to the bathroom just before 65DOS starts, just to be sure, and when I come back to my seat, I spot my girlfriend kind of waving at me.
    At first, I thought she was talking to people in the row behind us, which is unlike her. And while pondering this I'm still going down the stairs, until I realize she's pointing at someone in particular.

    That's when I nearly bumped in Jason Cooper, talking with a couple just three rows away from where I'm sitting!! It had been him before! I got awestruck and swerve around him like a zombie, not sure how to react. It was a surreal moment for sure.

    The most dissapointing thing was that people all around us never even recognized him. I was alone, with my girlfriend, knowing who he was. So sad. I had a urge to get up and shout to those stupid people but didn't... got too much respect for Jason. Anyway, I enjoyed that surreal moment. A bonus.

    I'm off for now, thanks for letting me get this off my chest! And to those with the courage to read through that gigantic first post!

  7. COF rules! Been a big fan since foreverago.

  8. i feel kind of robbed at the chicago show because of his sore throat. but the kiss made up for it.

  9. hynreckandjoe, that's hilarious! Welcome aboard =)

  10. I've become so obsessed with The Cure lately, I actually had a dream about you, Craig. I sent you some message about something by mail and you responded by sending me some gift. Nothing weird, but something I really was happy to get. I'm so into The Cure, I'm obsessing over a fansite dedicated to The Cure. Weird!

    I'm trying to get head writer of BSG Ron Moore to go and see The Cure live, too. I figured it's fair enough if I've tried to get Robert and company to watch the show. Wouldn't it be cool if both happened?

  11. That's pretty cool, hynreckandjoe. I guess if everyone knew he'd get mobbed and might not come out to talk to people at all.

    I've actually brought CDs to gigs to sign in case I meet the band, but it ends up being a huge waste of time and I always seem to meet the rude bouncers who don't wanna tell me how I can meet the band after the show.

    I guess my boobs are too hairy -- and I'm a man. (sighs)

  12. Welcome hynreckandjoe!

    Do you mind if we call you "joe" or something shorter! lol

    Nice post btw! (But ya, make sure the next ones are not as long :o|

    kidding!! he he :oP

    Can't wait for the show to start!

  13. Hallo hynreckandjoe, welcome. I am always jealous ,when I read that almost everyone met or saw someone of the band except me.:( I never had a chance and i don´t know how to "create" such a chance. But tell me : How it is possible not to recognize Jason? That`s ridiculous. Maybe this could only happen in NA, or?

  14. HynreckandJoe, that's a cool story :) Welcome!

    And morning everyone! I have a meeting to attend in an hour or so, so I probably won't stay very long. But I shall be back by noon and join the third hour of the show :D

    BTW, fantac, it's cool that you set up a Facebook group for us COF geeks! Will make sure to check it out later ;)

  15. Jenny, you silly goose, it's not morning, it's night!

  16. Back in the day, my husband had an uncanny knack of finding himself standing next to Robert in the men's restroom at gigs. Not much chance of that happening these days.

    I made my hubby sound like some kind of perv - he's not, I promise.

  17. @joe- yes ,I liked your story, too. I hope, you had a great time at the show.

  18. JPX - oh well. How can I forget that? Of course the show's happening AT NIGHT, UNDERNEATH THE STARS. How silly of me! ;)

  19. It's a Starry Night, methinks.

    However, if the show is starting at 7pm, there are no starz yet, so I'm thinkin' they may do UTS later.

  20. So in lieu of UTS, I say they start with Heroin Face.

    Hey, it could happen! A gal can dream, no?

  21. hey all :). Great setlist last night, san jose !!

  22. Clockwise: What, pray tell, is the "closer" for a "Heroin Face" opener? ;)

  23. Honestly, I'm not calling the opener no more... I'm waiting for Craig to simply TELL us what it's going to be! lol

  24. Guess it's too bright out to start with UTS.

  25. v, i spose the closer could be do the hansa?

  26. Clockwise: Works for me. ;) "Ein, zwei, drei, vier!"

  27. To hell with them, I'm still listening to UTS right now. : )

  28. Thanx all! I promise to make it shorter from now on!

    My usual user name is simply Hynreck (wonder if anyone can guess from where?)but I change it to sound a bit more curish...

    And for the Cooper thing, it was blind stupid luck, that's all. And I'm not the kind to believe in lottery tickets.

    Anyone more than ready for All Kind of Stuff? (here? whata mesa saying?)
    Or just for the album's damn name?? I mean come on! Let me dream a little bit. And update that official site already!

  29. yeah, screw open. it's all about the b-sides like UTS! :-D

  30. UTS is constantly in my head for almost a week now. Seriously, I can hear it everywhere, even when I'm working. Is this some kind of mental illness?

  31. ain't it the best never-to-be released b-side you ever done heard, jenny?

  32. If they started with "Heroin Face" I think I'd have to slit my wrists! (shudder). Is anyone else drinking wine right now?

  33. Jenny: If so, I think we're all infected. :) I blasted it on my crappy phone speaker on the way home today... ;)

  34. Why the lack o' love for Heroin Face? it's much better than that snooze-fest Fascination Street. Piss time!

  35. "ain't it the best never-to-be released b-side you ever done heard, jenny?"

    Is it really not going to be released? I hadn't heard that.

  36. jpx: i drank a pint o' beer earlier, but if i drink wine right now i'll just fall asleep. loves me some vino, though!

  37. I don't think I've ever heard "Heroin Face"! :o

    But I love "Fascination Street"... ;)

  38. JPX: No wine for me, but I'll take a glass if you've got an extra one. :) Sounds good!

  39. Cat is just teasing. She has no faith in Robert doing the right thing.

  40. Spit out the shout of a warning
    Death is an honour with doubts
    So you live in the end
    And you mistrust the start
    Because you don't think it counts
    But you'll pay for yourself
    You'll pay for yourself
    You're just a heroin face

    You see a heroin face in the mirror
    And someone is clutching your breath
    And you believe in the needle of night
    You're only doing your best

    But you'll pay for yourself
    You'll pay for yourself

    You believe in the needle of night
    And someone is cluthing your breath
    So you mistrust the start
    By always running away
    But you'll never come back

    You're just a heroin face
    Heroin face

    If I can find my file, I can send it to you, v. :-)

  41. Clockwise, LOL! Keep saying that, and Robert might consider putting it back on the album.

    V, I'm considering doing that, too! Our symptoms are similar. ;)

  42. Thank you, Clockwise! I knew there was a good reason I dreamed about you last night! :D

  43. And ChristianZ - we're just teasing here! Don't worry about it...too much. I believe we'll learn the truth soon!

  44. JPX, I'm drinking tea here. No alcohol during work!

  45. Heroin face is from Curiosity. Someone sent me Curiosity files a few years ago. I love it, but forgot the story behind Curiosity. All I know is it's got alternate versions of Funeral Party, BDC, Other Voices, Subway Song, and In Your House. The latter sounds very different! But I actually adore Heroin Face. It's very punky, and Robert's voice is hilarious.

  46. V, do I already have your address? Cuz I am also getting ready to send out that essay I wrote to those who requested it.

  47. Heroin Face Ver.2.0 (2008 mix) will be the one and only single for the Dark Christmas Album, I predict.

  48. Clockwise: My addy is in my profile. It's vblog6 at gmail. :)

  49. I own the Concert/Curiosity cassette, which I picked up late last decade from the used tape section of a music store. The cost? $5. I've since seen copies on eBay going for $60+.

  50. hi everyone.

    craig, did you get my email??

  51. Hey monkeybutt!

  52. OMG cat, I was just listening to the alternate version of in your house and was trying to figure out where it was from friend clued me in and now i need to download it..

  53. I got all The Cure's cassettes up to Wish... Concert/Curiosity was always very cool. But you can find most Curiosity stuff on the new 2-disc remastered editions.

  54. Haha, I just looked at the main page and saw the word "Lost" in the Santa Barbara post, and for a second I thought it was in the set list!! No such luck. ;)

  55. I kinda like alt.end live. I don't really care for it on The Cure but I do enjoy it live...

  56. I came back to observe the other night after signing off... would you send me the essay too cat ??.. sounds really interesting

  57. A new song everybody! The title: "?"

    What's with this? lol

  58. What are those "?"? Two surprises?

  59. Oh, and the first Cure bootleg that I ever bought was the Carnage Visors/Curiosity Anomalies cd, which has both Carnage Visors and the Curiosity tracks. I listen to that so that I don't have to worry about damaging the tape. Oh, and for some reason, MTV and other such sites have it listed like an official release. Not surprising, really. :P The fools also have the bootleg tracklisting of Tori Amos' first album listed, as well.

  60. No, problems with the signal tonight.

  61. Okay, but Heroin Face is not on any of the remastered stuff, right? And what about the alternate version of IYH?

    And I agree that alt.end is decent live - that's cuz Porl gets all swirly on it.

  62. I agree, alt.end is a better song live, with Porl playing it. On the album it isn't that interesting.

  63. I met Jason in New Orleans during the Dream Tour. I felt sad for him because no one was really talking to him. I asked him some basic questions about the tour. He asked me where I was from, how far I drove to see the band, etc...

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. They played my favorite Cure song, "?" TWICE! What a great setlist.

  66. Oh, yay, Lovesong. Let's see if they can just play the whole fucking Disintegration album tonite. Last nite they practically did!

  67. One of the two "?" was actually Club America but Robert asked for this not to be made public...

  68. yeah in front of thousands, ha!

  69. clockwise, your derision for disintegration disturbs me...

    alliteration. it's what's for dinner.

  70. fantac, you're going to get Clockwise all excited. ;)

  71. yo CRAIG. still didn't get an answer: did you get my email...? :)

  72. Monkey - yes, I got it. I think I have someone, but I'll let you know for sure late tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!

  73. Heroin Face is on the Three Imaginary Boys remastered cd.

  74. Hey guys. Can't believe I missed the opening prediction talk earlier :(

    Anyway that is one nice arena they are playing in tonight.

  75. LOL Fantac. How I wish!

    Monkeybutt: It's just that it's SOOOO OVERPLAYED. There is nothing inherently wrong with Disintegration, but with a catalogue like the Cure's, I find it reprehensible that any gig of theirs would include FIVE to SEVEN Disint songs! I would say that about any album of theirs, honestly. Plus, the songs they play from Disint are mostly the BORING ones: Lovesong, Fasc St, Prayers for Rain. I like POY a lot, but it's overplayed. I like Disint and can deal with that and PS, but what about Untitled or Closedown? If you're gonna play Disint songs, be creative, at least. Play SDWAY and make that the centerpiece of the sets, and then play other songs instead of boring ol' LOVESONG. Gag.

  76. Alright, meeting time. Will come back later :)

    And if they're going with the old setlist, those two "?" could be A Night Like This and The Walk.

  77. Hey andrew! The prediction wasn't as intense as past nights really... I for one have stopped trying!

  78. i dont comment very often here on COF, but i actually arrive on time to a thread, whose show is near my hometown of LA.

    podgirl - you were at san jose? me too! i ended up meeting jason last night, i was exiting out of the press pit after 65dos, and he walking towards the black curtain near the end of the barrier where i was exiting. i saw scruffy teased blonde hair and screamed hey jason! the only thing i could say was, im scared. of all things! he asked me why and i blabbered something about finally meeting a cure member. hes so sweet, he hugged me (one hand was clutching a beer bottle as he did so lol). i didnt have a pen with me damn it! and my camera was on me of course, but he seemed to be in a hurry and i didnt want to take up too much of his time. my last words - were you do a good job, he smiled and said thank you before we waved goodbye. my brain was utter mush.

    about being in the press for 65dos: security couldnt believe that a 15 year old had a photo pass, well i look 13, guess it was understandable. kinda scary being in the press kit with professional guys who just shot Coachella and a small kid with a point and shoot. but they had to leave after 3 songs, and i got the whole set (well thats because i brought the printed email from their management who gave me permission.. didnt know i was 15 though. didnt ask, so it mustnt been important!

    i was jumping up and down and waving at porl, who smiled and waved back! *melts again*. before the encores started, some of the people in first row - the barrier, left because they thought it was over. i ran up to the barrier and actually got up front! robert noticed me because i was easily the youngest and smallest one there in a row of adults. my 2nd time seeing them, my second concert. i still cant believe how lucky ive been! if i was one of the youngest, then my dad was one of the oldest at 58 going 59, almost a decade older than most of the band!

    no ones written a review for the SJ show for 65dos and the cure so im off to edit pics and do that, ill be keeping an eye on this! by the way - hp pavillion accoustics suck! and porls guitar volume needed to be raised up LOUD during FTEODG. i just had to share this because ever since i was little ive dreamt of seeing my favorite band as close as you can get, i didnt know it would happen so soon. being a fan since 97 when i was 4 or 5, this meant so much.

  79. And by "other songs" I mean something from Bloodflowers. ANYTHING! Or fucking Holy Hour! Or Heroin Face! :D

  80. clockwise: or b43!!!

    craig: cool, thanks. lemme know, i'm glad to help out.

  81. Is B43 on the 4Tour song list??

  82. Welcome DJ A fan at 4 or 5? God! :oS By that age, I didn't know music existed outside my Smurfs and Goldorak LPs!!!

  83. egg-fucking-zackly, Monkeybutt! But ya know, I guess Robert enjoys being a Disintegration Juke Box.

  84. Yeah, Heroin Face is indeed on the second CD of Three Imaginary Boys. Still sounds like crap, but it's due to the original being crap.

    In Your House is on the Seventeen Seconds remaster. It's a live version.

  85. v, no i don't think it was...great song, got a new appreciation for it today on my ipod.

  86. man, cant wait for the weekened LA shows!!

  87. Does anyone know if Lullaby's gotten better on the tour?

    In Montreal, I thought it was by far the weaker of the keyboard-less versions of all "keayboard songs".

  88. robert, me either. saturday is going to be amazing!

  89. Welcome indeed, yung'un! how'd you get a press pass? you think i could get one since i have a webzine? :-D

  90. dj scribbles-- wow someone even younger than me! Although I don't comment that often either. That's really really awesome though. I don't understand the specifics behind obtaining a press pass, but are your photos going to be published somewhere?

  91. wow, catch and the blood..awesome

  92. monkeybutt: are you gonna report live at the hollywood bowl?

  93. saturday at the bowl will be nice!
    hope you got a comfy box seat!

    I'm going to the shrine

  94. Why come they don't play no Figurehead? I remember it in San Fran Curiosa and it was mighty tasty!

  95. clockwise, Homesick and Untitled made it only as encores during the Prayer Tour, so I find it highly unlikely that they'll ever show up again, unfortunately.

  96. hey rev.

    clocky, i will if craig needs me to. would be a lot of fun.

  97. I'd love to hear Subway Song :). Everyone can scream at the end, but I guess that's not commercial enuf..

  98. Just the noises...of OTHER VOICES!

  99. shawn: that is indeed unfortunate. what robert needs to do is set up a 10 hour show for all us die-hards, and play all our requests. :-)

  100. Good morning, all. Sorry I'm late - bloody meetings!!!!

  101. I think, they played Untilted in the festival Season in Europe `98 also as encore

  102. Woo! Other Voices again! That was AWESOME in SLC.

  103. Cat - I would pay great money to see a how like that!!!!

  104. Cat! Show at the end of which Robert would sing ALL the songs with his Club America voice, just for you! Wouldn't that be something, huh?

  105. DJ and I are both on the Dizzy Edge message board.

  106. A Cure Live Request show would be so effin amazing.

    I would request:

    Jupiter Crash
    A Letter to Elise
    Strange Attraction
    Why Can't I Be You (Extended lyrics)

  107. joe - add to that list:

    Chain of Flowers

  108. hi elise.

    add 2 late to that request list.

  109. hi elise. :-)

    songs i would request for the Cure Jukebox Show:

    Heroin Face
    Desperate Journalist
    Happy Birthday Simon
    Dredd Song

  110. lol, dredd song. i actually sort of like that song. great guitar.

  111. I miss Charlotte Sometimes so much ...

  112. Cat - I don't know Desperate Journalist, but I hear Happy Birthday Simon every time I play 10.15 Saturday Night.

  113. bernie, I just checked. Not only did they play Untitled, but it was actually the last song in the main set during their first two shows in 1998, and was the first encore in the last three. Perhaps there's still hope someday?

  114. Hi everyone, joining late, so now i´m ready.

    What´s the highlights so far ?


  115. other voices...augh! I hope they play it sunday...
    LOVE that one!

  116. Monkeybutt; IMO, Dreddful Song rivals JSY as The Most Pukeable Cure Song Ever.

  117. mad bob: they opened with Heroin Face! :-D

  118. and in honor of mad bob, they play DTU!!!

  119. I personally love Dreadsong! What's wrong with it is that it was associated to one of the worst movies ever made!

  120. No way, clockwise, is this really happened, or it´s akind of later april´s fools joke


  121. Cat "Really what do you mean" I assume you are referring to Happy Birthday Simon - I have a live version of 10.15 Saturday Night where at the end Robert sings HB to Simon. It was from the San Diego concert in 2000.

  122. Fantac; I know nothing about the movie, except that Dredd song is associated with it. But the song itself makes me want to vomit up a hairball.

  123. elise: really? did he sing the original happy birthday simon song ??

  124. andrew, agreed on that. burn is still amazing.

  125. regarding just say yes.. the video could be worse than the song!

  126. DTU again!!
    I wish the video of that song from San Jose was better.

  127. mad bob: yes, he opened with heroin face and he's closing with do the hansa! I promise!

  128. shawn- but then they need a keyboard for sure. the live ending of the song is great.

  129. thanks monkey...

    i was afraid i´m not be able to join tonight because in the there was in the neighborhood some electric power issues, but they´re were fixed..

    Oh hell yes !!!!!

  130. What do the song titles in red mean?

  131. Cat - I'm not sure what the "original Happy Birthday Simon" song is - it's just at the end of 10.15 he sings the traditional HB song. Does that help?

  132. Cat Apparently Dreadsong still makes you fell better! Dropping a fur ball always feels better, doesn't it??

  133. robert, i actually love the goofy-ass vid of JSY. i love it because robert is a hottie in it. i'm a very shallow fan-girl.

  134. Why is it that Burn is never played live despite requests? Is there some sort of legal issues due to the fact that is was on a soundtrack or something?

  135. red means they're great songs that rarely get played or are making a first or second appearance.

    ...i think?

  136. Christian - just highlighting the rarely played songs.

    Cat - It was the normal Happy Birthday, not Happy BD Simon.

  137. elise: actually, there is an original song apparently written by roberto himself called happy birthday simon. it's something robert sang live to simon right before simon turned 20. here are the lyrics:

    Simon is twenty in half an hour, so this is for him.

    Those down days
    When you felt so young
    And everything seemed

    You saw the people
    Around You
    Getting old

    You wake up
    The teenage yearn is
    Gone for you

    It happens to others
    It happens all the time
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you

    The candles on the cake
    Waiting to be blown
    Wish I was
    An other

    It's really cool and robert sounds really drunk on it.

  138. clockwise cat-- I think there is a version of 'Forever' where he sings sort of skewed up happy birthday lyrics for Simon.

  139. Right on Monkey, which means no red for Wrong Number or Never Enough. : )

  140. k, are they gonna fucking do UTS or what? cuz like imma blow this joint if they don't.

  141. Okay, thanks, Craig. Darn it. I should be at this show.

  142. thanks for the lyrics Cat...

    i like a lot this one

  143. does anybody have lava lamps. i have 3 at my computer/workstation. my wife thinks i'm weird.

  144. other voices and doing the unstuck....

    Two of my favorites!!!!

  145. Clocky, I've always loved that one :D
    You're right about Robert sounding really drunk lol..

  146. Cat - as per Craig's comment, no it is not the original and now that I have read your comment, I'm sure that somewhere in my pc I have the other version - it is the opening of "Simon's twenty in half an hour" that rings a bell.

  147. I heard lava lamps can explode! That's something for MythBusters!

  148. @monkeybutt. I have a lava lamp in my bedroom.

  149. Hola Gleason....

    Acabo de llegar hace unos munutos.

  150. the only lava lamp that exploded did so because the guy, who was so baked he couldn't see straight, was trying to heat it up on his stove.

  151. fantac - I think Mythbusters have already done that. Can't remember the outcome though.

  152. Actually I think the opener goes more like

    "Simons' twen-y in 'alf an owah, sho thizz one's for 'im"

  153. christian: to answer a question you posed to me about an hour ago, robert has talked about doing an upbeat album for september and a darker one as a possible xmas release. well that's all fine and well except that ROBERT NEVER DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE'S GONNA DO. so i'm convinced that this upbeat September album will exclude yummy morsels like UTS, cuz, like, UTS ain't upbeat. and robert, though well-meaning, will forget about the hypothetical xmas album, or get busy doin' Mary, or take 4 more years to make it, or someshitlikethat. and then at some point when he's like 85, he'll release it as a b-side.

  154. Did "Club America" actually get played? If it did don't tell me because then I'll really be kicking myself for not making this show. If it didn't then go ahead and tell me. I may be the only Cure fan on the planet who likes CA but not DTU.

  155. Oh yeah? Shoot... Missed that one.

    Great show though! They could sum an hour in 30 minutes but still... Fun TV show.

  156. rev heron: EXCELLENT imitation - LOL! That is exactly what he sounds like! ROFL!

  157. clockwise, quit harshin the mellow, baby.

  158. lol NO christian! I was being a nerd! Club America wasn't played :oP

  159. Christian - they were joking. you can see the actual setlist on the main page. I update it every few minutes throughout the show.

  160. Cat, I can see your reasoning. When Robert said all 33 tracks will actually be released I hope he means it. I also hope that the dark album really comes out near the end of this year and not in another four years. I also hope they do at least some touring for the followup dark album.

  161. ah I see my post was a bit too late. Anyway here's a youtube link to the song clockwise cat was talking about if anyone wants a listen.

  162. harshin' the mellow? LOL... is that some Cali surfer-speak?

  163. Oh Cat, read what you wrote makes me feel very sad about the incoming events.
    I hope as all of us that our worst thoughts about it never be true.

  164. aw, they cut off the best part LOL

  165. "Christian - they were joking. you can see the actual setlist on the main page."

    Well, yeah, but for a while there were a couple question marks in the list. I really want to see them in person sometime performing Club America w/ Porl in the lineup.

  166. mad bob: i tend to be a little melodramatic, a bit histrionic, shall we say, so don't mind me. :-)

  167. Darn it. I'm starving and I have to get some dinner but I'm stuck in this thread. Somebody bring me some pizza or say something that offends me so I can storm out of here.

  168. Nothing to do with anything but... Congrats to the Lakers!!!

    Sorry! Couldn't help it, I'm a Spurs hater O:o)

  169. cat: *draws a gasp of disbelief* "little melodramatic, a bit histrionic" - NEVER

  170. Christian, if you're a Spurs fan, I just offended you! lol

  171. Oh great! I love Maybe Someday live!

  172. MonkeyButt, how dare you?!?! That's it! I'm leaving this thread! . . . Briefly!!

    (BTW, I'm a Lakers fan . . . but not a Spurs hater. Weird, huh?)

  173. All that you wrote make sense, we all know RSX always lie about the future plans, so, and after a cancelled whole tour, pushed back for months the new cd, we have a big clue for he only release the upbeat 13 track album, and the doom and gloom sleeps in some RSX chest for quite a while.

  174. christian: me too - I adore Club America! It's definitely a divisive song, though!

    also, i hear ya re: the 33 songs. I just would think that the best scenario would be to release ONE album - possibly a double, or perhaps a longish single - with UTS as the opener, and then all these other great songs we've heard, rather than save it for some dark album that may be released digitally or in 10 years. I mean, imagine Disint without Plainsong... Don't you think UTS is Plainsong-caliber, and don't you think it deserves to be heard on the official Sept album? THat is really my point. I mean, songs like Breathe and Chain of Flowers - those are AMAZING songs, yet they are b-sides! B-SIDES! I would hate for UTS to be relegated to a less proper release, that's all. I doubt it will be a b-side, but I can see RObert intending to the dark album and then something happens and he stalls it.

    I would love a dark album, of course!

  175. It starts a little predictable, but now the setlist is really cool. Unfortunatly WN and NE are still out there ...

  176. Are you BLACK cat, Cat?

  177. LOVE maybe someday. how does it sound without keyboards?

  178. I'm starting my own rumour - UTS is on the September cd, it is the opening track, hence the reason it gets played as the opener in recent concerts. BRDB will be the last track on the album. Mull that over.

  179. Mmmmm....I likey me some Maybe Someday!

  180. elise, i'm glad UTS is going to be on the september release! i'm going to spread the word. can't wait to hear the studio september.

  181. elise: go for it! we need some positivity to counter my relentless drumbeat of paranoid negativity! LOL. :-)

  182. Spurs lost. My wife's grandmother is probably devastated tonight.

  183. elise - I'll say you have a 99.5% chance of being correct. And yes I've finally realized I've been using your real name all this time. Very sorry, will use elise from now on.

  184. And I am SURE that Robert will read this, and make it happen as I have predicted ;)

  185. Monkeybutt, you can listen for yourself, they played it at Red Rocks too

    Maybe Someday
