
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

San Jose show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: Metroactive / San Jose Mercury News
Photos: COF / sirira2000 / lushlulu / marimbolaca / Bigoteetoe / glovestudios / mediachild / lcpetrini / Duncan
Doing The Unstuck
The Only One
Just Like Heaven
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
Close To Me
Boys Don't Cry
At Night
A Forest


  1. First, monkeybutt !
    Is SJ-Show outdoor? Then maybe they´ll start with UTS.

  2. Plainsong, Prayers For Rain, ?

  3. Someone has to ask - does Paul know the way to San Jose?

  4. @Bernie. I looked at it on google maps. It's got a roof.

  5. I think the Hollywood Bowl is the only outdoor Cali concert... am I right?

    I wish they would open with The Holy Hour.

  6. So, tonight´s show is outdoors or indoors ?

    Is already soldout?

  7. I don't remember who but someone recently made the remark that outdoors or indoors, we ARE underneath the stars darnit!!! Everybody shout: We want UTS! We want UTS!

  8. i hope they´ll open with UTS but several fans are saying at the time of the show stars, the sun is still shining so i don´t really know what expect.

    What do you think ?

  9. I don't think it will be played tonight.

  10. I really wish they would open with Want...

  11. To put it PLAIN... SONG I WANT them to OPEN the show with is UNDERNEATH THE STARS!!!

  12. @fantac - very clever. I'd love UTS, but I suspect it is not going to happen tonight.

  13. @altr2elise, just being a nerd, waiting :oP

    Hubert Reeves once said: "I'm deliberately optimist"! I vote for UTS as the opener tonight! Call it will power! ;o)

  14. They could open with Want. It was on the master setlist photo from the other day.

  15. Oh and by the way... Hi to everyone! Are we turning into nerdy little fans or what? lol

  16. When there is a circle principle, it could be Plainsong

  17. Good morning (my time) everyone.

    @fantac - I'm beginning to think that this obsession is becoming unhealthy. I cannot get enough of The Cure and COF at the moment.

  18. therein lies the beauty of being anonymouse....

  19. @ altr2elise:

    i feel pretty much the same way. i've been on a cure high since i saw them in Fairfax... cant wait for radio city

  20. ... and they will touring almost the whole June...

  21. @believer-ko - how exciting that you are going to see them again in NYC. *turns green with envy*

  22. @ altr2elise

    i almost can't believe it either! 3 of my friends and i are going to get the real experience and stay in a hostel. : ) hah. i'm really excited. and we got 14th row seats! right in front of robert...

    even typing it it still feels unbelieveable.

  23. What is so special about Radio City Hall? Is it a so small, intimate venue?

  24. @believer-ko I'm going to City Hall too! Driving all the way from Quebec City! I just CAN'T WAIT! I hope it turns out to be a classic set! Like I said, I'm deliberately optimistic! lol

    And I don't care if I'm going nuts with The Cure and COF right now! Life is short and I've been looking to get excited about The Cure with people that care as much as me all my life! So I just enjoy this ;o)

  25. oh i don't know if there's anything special about the venue itself. never been. i'm just psyched to see them again. i hope it's nice. : )

  26. @ fantac:

    where are you sitting?

    and i'm taking a bus up from virginia. : )

  27. @believer-ko What?? You're doing the hostel thing too?!? So are my girl and I! lol What hostel is that?? Mine's err... Chelsea something hotel, I think :oS

  28. @ believer-ko We are in front of Simon in the 21st row !

  29. @fantac - I'm loving spending time with like-minded people, but it is 10.30 in the morning here and my eyes already feel like they are hanging out of my head. Sooooo much time spent looking at a computer screen

  30. It's a brilliant venue! Check it out:

    ONly heard great things about it... The Cure first played there in early 1985, if I remember correctly.

  31. @elise Funny... It's 10h30 here too... PM!

  32. @ fantac:

    i read about that one! we don't know yet. my friend is booking it cause she is 18 and i'm still 17. i have a list of decent looking ones that i'm gonna send her. it's gonna be close to the venue though.

  33. And also, what makes it special is that it's the last night of the American leg of the tour, possibly last of the year?? I would have gone to MSG also but I can't make it on time :o( I work Friday morning and I would be leaving too late... And with the customs and all... But I'll be there on the 21st! Like I said... CAN'T wait!

  34. @fantac - I love Quebec - we were only there for a couple of days, but it is a very pretty city.

  35. @elise Thank you. I also think it's very pretty. This summer's special here because it is the city's 400th anniversary. I wish they had invited The Cure lol

    Just how self-centered can one be, huh? ;o)

  36. Morning everyone!

    This might be highly unlikely, but I hope they open with Out of This World, if not UTS. One can dream, right?

  37. fantac-it´s looking great.Really special. You want to expect something fabulous.

  38. Hey V, Jenny! Good morning, evening, afternoon, whatever!

    (I feel like Truman Burbanks - "In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night"! :oP)

  39. Hi Fantac, V and everyone :)

    Fantac, that's a nice quote and I love that movie!

  40. The Truman Show is one of my fave movies.


  41. When Truman draws himself as an astronaut, it's just priceless!

  42. Hey V, Jo, Jenny, Fantac, Bernie and everyone else. Ready for some surprises and new songs?

  43. Hey Craig! Sure thing! Can't wait for this to start! I called UTS as the opener tonight... Any bets? ;o)

  44. Hey Craig! Yep, I'm all ready for an exciting set. :) I feel a new song coming on...What does your crystal ball think? ;)

  45. I hope we get a new song. Seems like we haven't had one for a while.

  46. Hey Andrew! A new song would definitely make things even more interesting...


    interesting article while you wait. Einar and Robert in wrestling contest.

  48. @bernie OK, what's the wager? lol

  49. Yes bernie, nearly 11pm Eastern. Why?

  50. Open with Plainsong I'm guessing, not sure about a new song tonight, but over the next 5 shows in California, I'm pretty sure we'll hear 1 or 2.

  51. Hi Craig! Already looking forward to surprises. They should start doing songs from BF! Not just Maybe Someday, but Out of This World and Bloodflowers! And a new song would be nice. I'm greedy, huh?

  52. i bet (well more so hope) theu open woth something diffrent tonight. or UTS!



    kinda join up the two above...fucking technology...

  54. lol, bernie.

    is the SJ arena an indoor?

    hurray! underneath the stars at the bowl!!!!!!

  55. (Shoot! Craig calls Plainsong... My chances just dropped drastically! lol)

  56. fantac-what about a"imaginary" beer,altogh it is here really early in morning (5 am)

  57. altr2elise, how about opening with WANT and closing with BLOODFLOWERS? That'd be nice. And it's too early in the day for me to start dream talk.

  58. Hi everyone, good nite, morning, afternoon.

    Yeah, we want tonight at least Cure drop a new one, and why not ?, open with OOTW witn Faith encore.

    Still can´t stop playing UTS, i really like the "look at that","oh hell yes", oh my god" and the crazy scream of the girl at the start and the louder whistling on Smith´s riff just beforehe sings.

    When i hear,really takes me there !!!

    UTS is the best OH HELL YES !!!

  59. Jo - I would not be surprised if they open with Want or Out of This World at one of the Cali shows. If I had to bet, I'd say something special for the Shrine show.

  60. @bernie Fine with me but my question is this... Does the winner get to drink a beer? Because if YOU are right, I will feel for you, having to drink a beer at 5 in the morning! lmao

  61. ooh how bout they open with Want and close with Bare. i really love both of those songs. Bare is so emotional; it's really great

  62. Jenny - you said earlier "one can dream" - you should speak to Monkeybutt about his dreams ; )

  63. Ok, I see a monkey, but where is the cat?

  64. Hi mad bob! I like those background noises in the "UTS oh hell yes mix" too. Quite fun to listen to, and, like you said, really takes you there. I might even still listen to it once in a while after the album's out.

  65. fantac - beer is OK at 5am if you have been drinking all night - but not to start the day.
    Having said that, is it healthy that I am on my second can of coke and it's only just 11am?

  66. I was wondering the same thing Craig... It's quieter without the cat ;o) I guess she's caught up in a tree!

  67. here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

    The gang is almost all here

  68. @elise No, but I guess it's better to be having Coke than Red Bull...

  69. Ok, 65DOS just wrapped it up. Cure on in 30-45 minutes.

  70. (and let's stop the free advertisements and product placement!)

  71. fantc-so Craig called also PS my chances are raising to be right, but it´s true, at 5 in the morning a beer is too hard to drink, better you drink one, even you not right with UTS. ;)

  72. monkeybutt, signed in and reporting for duty SIR!

    (and madam)!

  73. @Fantac - Have to admit that I am too scared to try Red Bull..... I don't know if you noticed, but I have this addictive tendency and I'm afraid if I try and I like, I won't be able to stop.

  74. what are everyone's feelings about 65DOS?

    i think they are really awesome live. great energy and all. but their CD doesn't do them justice.

    any thoughts?

  75. Deal. I'll have one, win or lose, right or wrong, and it won't be imaginary ;o)

  76. @ Jenny, i think when UTS comes out i will keep on playing it.
    I cant see why not, the more i listen, the more i want it.

    Somebody know how many of the 5 Cali shows take place on outdors?

    All 5 are soldout?

  77. Hmmph. Someone just posted a snotty comment on a photo I posted on my MySpace of me at the Red Rocks show last week, making fun of my Cure shirt. :P (MySpace drama - aren't I too old for this?!)

  78. @believer I liked what I heard in Montreal. The problem with opening acts is that people often times just don't care. But they got an excellent reaction that night and deservedly so. I thought they had a good sound, an identity, specially for a band that looked young (from where I stood).

  79. Mad Bob - 2 of the 5 are outdoors, the next 2 after tonight.

  80. @ v - I say hmmmph to them, too. How rude!

  81. yeah. my friend and i weren't expecting much but we were blown away. she actually bought all their cds. hah. the whole fairfax show was fanTASTIC.

  82. V - Don't let them get to you. Wear your Cure proudly! : )

  83. Venue is slowly filling. You can clearly hear the buzz of conversation. People are looking around, sizing their neighbours. Everyone's looking at the stage every 33 seconds. The music sucks. Every flick of light makes you look up. You're anticipating the moment when the lights shut down... What anticipation!!! A Cure show! (Did I say the music sucks?)

    Sorry! Couldn't help but try to be in the mood! ;o)

  84. V - how dare someone should make fun of your Cure shirt! I'd guess the person is a snotty teenager who thinks EMO bands are cooler.

  85. @elise: (maybe you) the last time they played want was 2007 in Maimi, but not as opning track. Before that it was in 2003, also in the US. So maybe the US are the right place for Want ...

  86. Yah! the cure hit the West Coast!
    Is it Sunday yet?! Got tix for the Shrine!

    These shows have sounded so great.
    Can't wait to experience it for myself!

  87. hi all, just popping in ( and out) my friends from phoenix are here after going to the gorge, vancouver and will be off to la tomorrow...

  88. V, They are probably just jealous that you have taste. It's rare these days.

  89. Thanks, altr2elise & Craig. :) I am very proud of my Cure shirt and will not let her stop me from showing it off!

  90. @fantac - wow - that is exactly the pre-concert mood

  91. Jenny: I think she's a 13-year-old trapped in a 30-year-old's body. :)

    AndrewV127: Yes, this person definitely is lacking taste of her own (as evidenced by her obnoxious Sex and the City profile. :D )

  92. Thanxs Craig.

    Since this CURE craziness starts for the incoming singles and album i decided myself to make a personal blog where i can wrtite down my Cure experiences, how i became a fan, my pics, etc, and some other stuff.

    I´m not so skilly doing it but i put all my heart and faith in it.

    I wonder if you wanna to take a look at it, but i must warning you it´s very plain in content and some things i took from here obviously i gave the credit.
    It´s write on spanish.

    This is not a self-promotion at all, i just wanna share with Cure head as you from all over the world the huge joy that Cure makes in me.

    Would be ok ?

    I hope if you´re agree,then, it likes you.

  93. Mad Bob - of course it's ok.

  94. who else would REALLY love for them to play Untitled? i sure would!

  95. I can't read Spanish :o(

  96. woo hoo - 100 comments before the Cure have even taken to the stage.

  97. hey andrew- how do you like lost wishes? had you heard them before? my favorite is probably cloudberry, but uyea sound is pretty close.

  98. Here you have my blog, it´s under construction yet.

    Thanxs Craig.

    Hope all of you like it.

  99. And cat isn't even here with her mad ramblings. : )
    Cat, it's a joke. we love you.

  100. @Believer - I would love Untitled. I had a Trilogy evening last night, and when Untitled came on, I cranked up the volume (even further). I love it when the hubby goes out of town - I get full control of the TV

  101. Lost wishes is brilliant! I have such fond memories of that! I got it in 1996 at Fiction Records office! I wandered London for a week listening to it all the while! By the time I left, the tape was worn out! lol

  102. evening all! about time for this show to roll! every night gets a bit closer to ATL!

  103. Hey there peeps, I've been watching the message boards the last few shows, and decided to stop being a lurker and participate. I'll be popping in and out though because I still have to put the kiddies to bed :)

    So far, I've gone to Red Rocks and SLC, and we're planning on hitting the shores of Florida for the show in West Palm on the 13th.

    Some of you may know me from YouTube as HaloCure ;p

  104. @MonkeyButt. Yeah I love those Lost Wishes tracks. My favorite at the minute is Uyea Sound followed closely by Off To Sleep. I really love them all though.

  105. Hi Beachy! Only 18 more sleeps til Atlanta (by my count)

  106. Oops I didn't notice I was logged in under the hub's account LOL

  107. Hi Halocure - Welcome aboard and thnaks for the youtube videos. I think we may have a mutual contact - Throwing Shapes?

  108. I knew it was you Heron. : )

  109. i would die for untitled. would be the best surprise EVER.

  110. MadBob: Cool - now I can practice reading Spanish!

    Rev Heron: Hey there! You and I just met on Flickr! (I'm zwanzig there...)

  111. Hey Elise, yes, went to the RedRocks show with Miss Shapes :D

  112. Hi V! I wondered if that was you!

  113. Hi Inflatable! I do recognize your ID HaloCure from Youtube. Great stuff there :)

  114. oooh heron, tell us about how you met the band, loved your pix

  115. Rev: Did Simon ever get his ice cream cone at DIA? :D

  116. Hallo HaloCure,yes , your videos are really cool.

  117. speaking of cats, all 3 of mine just went in the catbox one after the other. i swear they were selling concessions outside while they waited. brb.

  118. Not much to tell, it was a *really* short meeting as they were extremely late for sound check. I got a tip that they might be at a hotel downtown, so after we dropped the kids of at grandma's house, we went and waited on the sidewalk. The head of security guy was very kind to us and asked the band if they would come out to meet us, and they did!

  119. Thanxs V. yeah you should try it. it worth.

    Nice to meet you HaloCure, great videos !!!

  120. MonkeyButt: Yuck! :)

    MadBob: I will definitely read it. I have been wanting to brush up on my Spanish, though reading is always much easier for me than speaking or listening. :)

  121. Thanks everyone, I'm glad I could share the videos with you all! Bless YouTube!

  122. heron, the videos rock. thanks so much.

    did i say hi to everyone by the way? hi craig! hi all!

  123. Oh, and mad bob, thanks a lot for sharing your blog. Unfortunately I can't read Spanish. :(

  124. it looked like a stop and say hello on the way to the bus from your photos. but that was still very nice

  125. Cheers, fantac...I hope it taste good, enjoy it!


    Now where's the naughty Cat? ;)

  127. Cure are on a bit early. It's a Plainsong night. : )

  128. lol

    Don't you like it when life is win-win!

  129. Beachy, that's exactly what it was. If they hadn't been quite so late, then we may have gotten more time with them, but whatever, I was just happy to meet them, and honestly, I'm not sure I could have held it together for much longer than a few minutes LOL!!

  130. I think Craig is really Robert.

    I mean, how else would he be able to so accurately predict these setlists?

    I'm just sayin'... ;)

  131. Its funny how people are a little disapointed to hear Plainsong. UTS has certainly captured our ears and hearts.

  132. Psssht! Glou Glou Glou! It's a Beck's by the way, in case you are curious ;o)

  133. or were they already on the bus and got off to say hello, cause that would have been really something. I had a close encounter with the cure tour bus between NOLA and Mobile in'96

  134. I suspect Craig actually MAKES the setlists and sends them to Robert!

  135. Hola mad bob, es emocionante lo que cuentas de tu encuentro con RS. Yo tambiƩn lo salude personalmente. Tuve la suerte de encontrarlo en un resto de Miami Beach, estaban de gira haciendo el Dream Tour, al dia siguiente los vi en West Palm Beach. Alucinante!!!

  136. I'm stepping off for a few minutes - be back soon..

  137. V - I'm tellin' ya, I've been doing this so long, I better know it. : )

    No, Robert's formula has been VERY predictable so far on this leg of the tour. You just have to be a setlist geek like me to figure it out. : )

  138. And so, we can expect Disintegration to close?

  139. Craig, did you put Faith into the setlist tonight? ;)

  140. Oh if I made the setlists, then you'd really see something! : )

  141. Craig, I just gotta get UTS for my birthday ATL show...sigh

  142. Like I said earlier, my call for UTS was pure optimism! lol I WANT them to play it so fans hear it and we get video/audio of it!

  143. craig, if you made the setlists, what five songs that have never been played before would be in it?

  144. Craig: Set list geek - I like it! :) Do you have a relational database that shows, songs, and which songs were played at each show?

  145. Jo - you got it. Disintegration to close the main set.

  146. fantac- a cold Becks is perfect. And a german beer, too. I like it a lot ( and drink it a lot, but not 5.30 am uf)

  147. Why would we want another recording of UTS when we already have the "Oh Hell Yes" mix. Nothing can top that!

  148. it's just not fair... we didn't get either of thses songs.. I'm making my own setlist for my own cd...

  149. well i'm still whishfully hoping for a set (preferably at the radio city show ;) ) that opens with Want and closes with Bare.


  150. Monkey - that's a tough one, but I know Chain of Flowers and This Twilight Garden would be in it. : )

  151. V - not THAT much of a geek I'm afraid. : )

  152. Fantac, I'm with you. I'm hoping for a clearer video where we can see what happens on stage during the song more clearly. Like I said, when it comes to this song, the more the merrier!

  153. Craig: Aww, I'm disappointed. If you want me to build you one, let me know... ;)

  154. First time on the N.A. tour that they've started with 3 from Disintegration, so a bit of a change already.

  155. @ Jenny, thanks, that´s pity. if you try to do some website translation, would it works?

    @ Aburgrac, si, fue emocionante y mas porque fue doble, lo que cuento es el primer dia, el segundo fue en una entrevista de radio durante la cual Robert tomo leche y yo me quede con ese vaso, jeje.Saludos, es muy agradable encontrar alguien que hable espaƱol.

  156. Craig, did you get more details about PFR? Was it a "good" raaaaaaaaain? Any clue about Robert's voice?

  157. wooooooo! i finally have speakers on my computer again! just got em set up!!!

  158. Three Disintegration songs in a row! I'd say that's a good sign.

  159. Craig: Okay, I will see what I can come up with, but it prolly won't be until tomorrow that I have a chance to look at it. (Doing laundry at the moment while chatting here :) )

  160. Wow, Perfect Boy in the #4 slot tonight. Change IS good RS. : )

  161. Yay! The Perfect boy is amazing.

  162. So far so good! Looks like we could look forward to something special tonight. A new song debut, maybe?

  163. great setlist so far. i'd love this with uts starting off...

  164. Does anyone here think Perfect Boy will be the third or fourth single?

  165. Craig- did you already change your mind not to go to a show on this tour?

  166. Sorry gang, I have to disappear. I am meeting Exploding Boy for lunch. He is getting live updates on his cell from a friend at the show and has already had a chance to listen in to Plainsong.
    I should be back before in just over an hour - so hopefully before the end.

    Enjoy, and fingers crossed for a new song!

  167. If we get a new song, there better be someone with recording equipment. I don't want another KC three day wait.

  168. The setlist is looking great so far! I'll be at the next four shows, so I hope they keep the changes coming.

  169. V - no rush at all. only do it if you really want to. I was just saying I don't have the time right now. Unless I become an octopus. a few extra hands would be, well, handy right about now. : )

  170. Now The Blood! Wow!

  171. right on with the blood! very cool!

  172. Yeah, APB will be a great choice for the 3rd single.

    @ Craig, can you explain why is the reason(s) for you have decided not going to any show ?

    Good setlist so far...come on RSX, drop a new one..

  173. Bye Elise! Talk to you later. :)

  174. Maybe a new song around place ten (there was PB all the time)

  175. @Craig - and on madbob's question, I'm outta here : ). See ya soon.

  176. @bernie Mind if I get another?

  177. could do without EOTW but i guess it's a fair trade.

  178. fantac ... but only Becks. :)(has it 4,5% vol. in the US)

  179. MonkeyButt: Don't let the Cat hear you say that about EOTW!

  180. Nope, the good ol' 5% here!

  181. "This Cure blows away all other Cures...way too sharp."

    Wow, we´re seeing a The Cure Reloaded

  182. (But I wouldn't know about the US as I'm in Canada!)

  183. I'm not a huge fan of EOTW myself. But if they must throw in one or two songs from TC, EOTW one would be a fine choice. (I'd prefer B43, but I suppose that one's out of the question.)

  184. The Cat's apparently taking the night off :o( But doesn't that mean we can bash EOTW?? lol

  185. Fantac: She may not be here now, but she'll come back and read all of our messages later! ;)
