
Friday, May 23, 2008

Salt Lake City show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: Salt Lake Tribune / Deseret News
Photos: Cuibel / BluHeron / Heron Meets The Cure

Killing An Arab
A Forest
Friday I'm In Love
Boys Don't Cry
Other Voices
Sleep When I'm Dead
Just Like Heaven 1
Just Like Heaven 2
Fascination Street 1
Fascination Street 2
A Night Like This 1
A Night Like This 2
The Walk
Pictures Of You 1
Pictures Of You 2
Lovesong 1
Lovesong 2
Lovesong 3
10:15 Saturday Night / Killing An Arab


  1. well, technically they are still underneath the stars, even if they can't see em, right? hope you guys get the song!

  2. rawk n roll baybeee! let's hope for a great one!

  3. I hope they keep playing UTS. It would be a shame to only play it outdoors.

  4. hope robert's feeling better. i guess we'll find out. : )

    and if they don't get underneath the stars, maybe they'll debut another new song. : )

  5. Maybe their anticipating everyone WANTing them to play UTS.

  6. OK, there have been plenty of posts about songs you like and don't like. How about what was the first song that you ever heard by The Cure and what year.

    Mine was "Boy's Don't Cry" in 1982. However, it wasn't until I heard "M" that I got hooked on the band.

  7. How about another "new " track tonight!!!

  8. First song was Just Like Heaven in 1987, but it was on my little radio with crummy signal and just as background noise. I remember liking it.

    I didn't really get into them until a friend gave me The Head On The Door, and I was just blown away. That was in 1988.

  9. mine was much later... fascination street 89

  10. Let's GoTo Bed in 1983...Loved the first line of the song.. Moved on to H appliy Ever After and was hooked..

  11. oh yeah... wasn't til lovesong... that i got into em'... full credit to simon and the bassline in that... nothing else sounded like it.

  12. monkey - 1987 was my first time I saw them in concert. I wish they still played b-sides in concert like they did then.

  13. updates are slow coming 65DOS finished about 5 minutes ago... house lights back on... so far the venue is about half filled

  14. countdown begins.. man o man i didnt realize i will be on the computer a whole month until june 21 watching the shows... is this good or bad?

  15. joe: what b-sides would they play back then? did they play the kiss me songs? i'd die to hear any of those live...

  16. they used to play a japanese dream... in 87...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. actually they have been playing signal to noise and the big hand since being a 4 piece... they really never played more than one bside here and there... so i guess they are still doing it.

  19. i remember when the big hand was actually an a-side. it was on press copies of the cassette and cd before wish was actually released. i had been in love with it since the credits from 'picture show' (vastly superior version in my opinion) and when i read a review of wish saying something about the big hand, i was happy as hell. then the album came out and it wasn't on there! super disappointed. then a letter to elise single came out and i was happy, but rather sad that they'd changed it a bit. but a foolish arrangement more than made up for that!

  20. the big hand is awesome... has a similar feel to this twilight garden, but as a song just wouldn't have fit on the album...
    now the playout version of wendy time... that was great... the album version dissapeared the solo... shame

  21. Zap - That wasn't Matt slow with the update, that was me. I left for awhile.
    Anyway, Matt wasn't sure if he would update song by song or send a few at a time. We'll see.

  22. monkey: They played A Japanese Dream on during the Kissing Tour. They played The Big Hand during the Wish Tour. I think that is all.

  23. Oh yeah, I forgot about Signal to Noise. I just wish they played more of them is all I'm saying.

  24. craig no problem, i have a friend there now giving me updates... but he's not that familiar with the cure... he lives in SLC so i bought him tickets! :)

  25. my first cure song was Want in 2002. i know i know. but i was in 6th grade at the time. I had gotten into my Dad's CDs/ he had Kiss Me, Disintegration, and Wild Mood Swings. I put in WMS and i heard jupiter Crash and fell in love. Then i put in Disintegration and oh boy, FORGET IT! i was sold forever. : )

  26. like 2late? i think EVERYONE wants them to play that.

  27. They mixed in some 2late lyrics into Faith during the Dream Tour I believe. Can someone else confirm that?

  28. i would cry if the play big hand. in 1996 @ tower theater , phila i was up front and requested it.. man that would be a tear jerker... im going to the last two shows of the tour and i know i wont be able to hold back my tears... its hard, either i can close my eyes and feel the music and be in the moment that way, or i find myself just watching them the whole time... its hard to balance

  29. i saw faith during the dream tour in l.a....i hope i would have remembered something as awesome as that.

  30. Another Journey By Train would be cool....

  31. Wasn't Salt Lake City the site of an epic show on the Dream Tour....the one everyone referred to as the best of the tour? (one of the best anyway)

    Maybe I'm wrong...wouldn't be the first

  32. i saw faith at the dream tour in LA also... night 2 at the greek.
    no 2 late for me.

  33. Yes, it was a great show. Here's the 2000 setlist for SLC:

    Out of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Last Day of Summer, Where The Birds Always Sing, Maybe Someday, A Night Like This, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, From the Edge Of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Siamese Twins, Prayers For Rain, 100 Years, 39, Bloodflowers

    1st encore: Plainsong, Same Deep Water as You, Disintegration

    2nd encore: Cold, A Strange Day, Pornography

    3rd encore: Jupiter Crash, Lovesong, Play for Tody, Just Like Heaven, A Forest.

  34. Well, I'll have to go throw all my boots to see where I heard that.

  35. That 2000 set list is unreal...

  36. The Big Hand is one of the most boring Cure song... just before Jupiter Crash ;)

  37. Oh,no faith? That´s a shame ...

  38. Big Hand and Jupiter Crash are 2 songs that typify The Cure..Greatstuff...

  39. Oh well, I'm sure UTS will be back on sunday at The Gorge.

  40. Ilove The Big Hand and Jupiter Crash.

  41. Joe, I can confirm the 2late lyrics during Faith in Jones Beach in 2000

  42. Well you called it Craig... again, no UTS when they are inside! What a shame.

  43. if they play 2 late & halo & treasure i would died in peace.....

  44. RAM - well that's good, you won't be dying any time soon. : )

  45. maybe they'll follow plainsong with underneath the stars...

  46. I have a feeling it is going to be a great set list. When I got up this morning, the sun was shining but the storm clouds are rolling in and the weather seems perfect for something a little darker.

  47. Fascination Street is back! I guess that drops the odds of it being played in Vancouver on Monday ... shyte!

    At this point I will just be happy if Robert's voice is close to 100% for Monday. Leave for Vancouver tomorrow.

  48. Monkey - refresh, they didn't. : )

  49. Doh! I predict something darker and they play The Walk. How wrong can one be?

  50. craig: i saw that as soon as i went back to the main page :) doh!

  51. Monkey - But wouldn't it be nice if they did?

  52. Wonder if there'll be any surprise today. We'll have to wait and see!

  53. A Night Like This, The Walk and then the End of The World.... this is a copy of the Adelaide setlist. Will it be Never Enough next?

  54. I really hope they'll at least play Baby Rag Dog Book! Love that one.

  55. oh why oh why are the sets so predictable? everyone's been droning on about it... but it's true.

    well maybe we'll get a nice mix on june 21st... one can only hope.

    also, on another note, does anyone have tips on meeting the band before or after shows? without a meet & greet thingy. those sound so awkward to me...

  56. The End of the World didn't sound so good tonight. Otherwise so far so great!

  57. I'm nought from two. I am going to stop predicting now.

  58. I don't care, when I am there in the moment, Monday- everything is gonna be awesome..

  59. Heavy Disintegration set. I hope we get a good mix of songs in Texas.

  60. altr2elise, if you're not doing it, I'll give it a try...I say Lullaby comes next.

  61. 8 songs played so far, 5 from Disintegration. Maybe they'll play the whole album. : )

  62. Jenny, I bow down to your brilliance!

  63. jenny: What are tomorrow's lottery numbers?

  64. y

    i want new stuff. screw the old stuff.

  65. Welcome, Clockwise. I was wondering where you were tonight.

  66. Catch makes it's North American debut!

  67. didnt see that one coming sweet!

  68. I'm glad I stopped predicting as I would never have picked Catch.

  69. i am terribly tired and rather drunk as well. i rarely get this drunk but i'm so tired the wine went straight to my head.

  70. joefrog91, I don't think I'm willing share that kind of information ;)

    Oh com'on. It's getting predictable again... Prove me wrong!

  71. Craig - is that the North American debut for 4-Tour or ever?

  72. 4tour debut. i've seen catch before...

  73. CATCH!! How lucky you all at the show are!

  74. Catch! Proving me wrong already? I wouldn't have thought of that!

  75. gee, i'm not impressed by the setlist so far.

  76. Good night everyone, i´m joining late, ohh UTS is outside the setlist, what a shame !!

    I hope tonight we have a very good surprises..


  77. i'd love it if they said 'to hell with that song list somebody posted on the internet the other day' and played 'dressing up' followed by 'a blues in drag' intstrumental, 'uyea sound' intstrumental, going into 'underneath the stars' and followed that with 'the same deep water as you.'

    shit, i can dream, right???

  78. Woo hoo! joefrog91, I'll see about getting you those lottery numbers.

  79. i'm gonna call inbetween days next...

  80. Playing it safe, usually Hot Hot Hot, after Deep Green Sea.

  81. I guess if I would have looked at the earlier set lists I would have called Hot, Hot, Hot. Too late now. I'm locked into my pick.

  82. i was thinking about saying that. but it might be a little early for that, yet.

    but count on robert to prove me wrong. : )

  83. i was thinking about saying that. but it might be a little early for that, yet.

    but count on robert to prove me wrong. : )

  84. joefrog91, I'm with you. I call T Only One!

  85. perfect boy is indeed an awesome song. i was iffy about it at first, but COME ON! those vocals are amazing. it's a very kiss me track in some ways (not just because of the title)

    i swear i would be happy if they just played UTS and rag dog baby over and over when i see them next month.

  86. i'm going to go off the rails and say 'how beautiful you are'

  87. Damn! Go Craig!

    Other Voices! God i bet that was neat live.

  88. Craig wins for Hot Hot Hot!!! But would ANYONE have picked Other Voices?????

  89. charlotte sometimes next perhaps?

  90. Clockwise, here's hoping you'll get to hear those two next month! I'm madly in love with them already.

  91. Other Voices?!?!?! I can't believe it.

  92. YES! other voices! there is now more hope than ever for may 31. it's a saturday, it's the last night of the month, it's the first l.a. show...and they've just played other voices for the first time! wooooooooo!

  93. When was the last time they played that live?

  94. Other Voices! Wow wow wow. That's all I can say.

    There IS surprises tonight (this morning for me) after all!

  95. It may be corny, but I reckon they will save Charlotte Sometimes for the Charlotte show on the 16th.

  96. Sorry about that, I had pre-listed Hot and didn't erase it. too stunned by other voices!

  97. other voices! every SLC show ive been to has been good. dam. now im kicking myself for skipping this one.

  98. Personally, i think they should just bust out into 'So What?' or 'Accuracy'. i'd love Accuracy live.

  99. Craig, I can understand the excitement.

  100. other Voices, yess, the cascade of surprises is starting...

    Crossed Fingers...

  101. This is shaping up to be a VERY good setlist. Maybe they'll finally do Faith tonight!

  102. altr2elise, I think it might turn out to be a dark setlist like you predicted. I hope them close with BRDG.

  103. "Robert sort of just talked through FTEOTDGS" - he obviously hasn't made a full recovery yet.

  104. it's decent so far. i kinda wish they'd stop playing end of the world. i think there are better songs they could replace it with.

  105. it's decent so far. i kinda wish they'd stop playing end of the world. i think there are better songs they could replace it with.

  106. BTW, that crowbi wan guy from made it into soundcheck this afternoon with an "other voices' sign. ha ha

  107. Jenny - the weird thing is, the sun is now shining here again and the storm clouds have rolled away. My whole reason for thinkin gthe setlist would be dark was because of the weather.

  108. I absolutely love Push live. I saw it two times in Oz and think it absolutely rocks.

  109. Robert seems to be recovering quite slowly. He would've recovered quicker if there are no shows, but...

  110. I'm taking bets for the closing song of the main set! I'm going with End.

  111. i'm going with baby rag dog book. i'm thinking they wanna test drive it. it's going to come after 100 years.

  112. Disintegration will be the closing set song.

    Also, no one gave me props for guessing Push correctly. :(

  113. Think we'll get a new song tonight? By time this tour is over we will have heard the ntire new album!

  114. I bet they will close with Disintegration.

  115. joefrog91 - I can't believe we didn't give you props for that. Nice call!

  116. Yeah, the set closer is easy to predict. Disintegration.

  117. joefrog91, I just saw that! Seems like you can figure out the lottery numbers by yourself now, LOL.

    I'm also calling BDRB to end the set. Partly because I want them to.

  118. The established pattern is:
    Plainsong - Disintegration
    Open - End
    Underneath The Stars - Baby Rag Dog Book
    Doesn't mean they can't change it, but it would be unlikely at this point.

  119. other voices is cool, but holy hour would be better.

    dayum though! that would be cool to hear that with this line-up, yo.

    jenny: thanks for wishing that i will hear those songs at my shows. i am going to at least three shows, but none of them is outdoors, so we'll see.

  120. buck the system, robert! SMASH THE STATUS QUO!

  121. I hate it when there is logic involved :-)

  122. geez, 3 of the cure's most loved pop songs right in a row, Robert really wants to keep 'em on their feet tonight. :)

  123. they'd better play fuckin baby doll rag cuz i wanna hear other versions of it. but i think craig nailed it - they ain't gunna buck the pattern at this point. damn robert.

  124. could be a sign of something special instead of the pop encore?!!! hmmmmmm

  125. Wrong Number and never enough tonight? Of course , just to annoy some people ...;)

  126. None of you are setlist geeks like me. : )

  127. Letter To Elise makes it's N.A. 4Tour debut!

  128. YAY! a letter to elise! the surprises just keep on coming!!!

  129. OMG - I am so excited for the SLC folks! What a great show so far. :)

  130. OMFG I'm so happy to be wrong again. A Letter To Elise!

  131. Dear God, Even though he doesn't believe in you, please put it in RS's mind that he must play ALTE in ATL. Amen

  132. pharkin sweeeeet! as fast as i pick it up....

  133. OMG!!! I'm dying here!!!!

    Craig - don't you remember the setlist spreadsheet I did up in 2001?

  134. altr: did you just say you did a setlist spreadsheet? ROFL! i love you too!

    setlist geeks rule!

  135. oh god. i hope somebody has a recording of latter to elise! i really really do!!

  136. Craig - love the red highlighting!!!!

  137. I NEEDED to find the live versions of all the songs played at the Perth concert in 2001.

    Completely anal of me, but it worked!!!

  138. nice shake dog placement! finally... never felt like an opener to me... of course... in orange is classic

  139. can we be expecting videos tonight?

  140. Sofia - not from Matt, but I think a few others are filming.

  141. Shake Dog Shake is great live. I love its arrangement during 4tour :)

  142. Never Enough. So Wrong Number isn't far ahead... or, prove me wrong again!

  143. shake dog shake rulz, but as people have said before, they could play so many things from the top. empty world would please me to no end. and of course caterpillar girl...but they ain't gonna do that one likely without keys.
    obviously robert doesn't read the cof comments cuz he aint deleted fucking wrong number yet from the sets! damn robert.

  144. I've often wondered if Robert regrets the dance moves in the Hot Hot Hot!!! video. Do they come back to haunt him at every live performance?

  145. I would love to hear this 4 piece do Give Me It

  146. elise: i don't think he does, because if he did, he wouldn't be acting so goofy during freakshow.

  147. Clockwise - you make a good point.

  148. beachy- give me it would fucking rule. where's the sax, porl???

  149. and there is your wrong number

  150. Clockwise - and further evidence that Robert doesn't read COF comments - Wrong Number is back!

    Although, I would have to say the lighting for this song is fantastic.

  151. WRONG NUMBER. Helloooooo?

    The set is ending soon!

  152. So if they stick to the formula, it's 100 years and disintegration to close out the set. Let's see if they surprise us again.

  153. oh GAWD - two pukey songs back to back - only one and never enough! can't decide which is worse.

    why does robert insist on playing sucky ass songs??!!

    robert, get your head checked, dude. wrong number, never enough, us or them... these songs suck huge stinky ASS and you could easily replace them with something lush from bloodflowers or some post-punky beauty from faith or 17. hell, play fucking FIGUREHEAD for crying out loud!

    i have to go to bed. gnite all!

  154. Okay, I predict a Disintegration Encore with TSDWAY and Disintegration.

  155. It's either he doesn't read the comments or he does and doesn't give a blip...

  156. or i meant to say wrong number and only one - whatever! wrong number and never enough are the same to me - i.e., SUCKY

  157. I wonder how that high note in wrong number worked out tonight

  158. fantac: i don't get robert, though. he seems to give too much of a blip in some regards, and in others, he's totally cavalier. he cares about being hugely famous again, but then he goes and plays SUCK ass songs like never enough and wrong number - every fucking night! the masses don't give a FLIP about those lame-o tunes! i guess he just likes the guitary aspects of them...

  159. they went from 100 years to the new one though.... could be a suprise!

  160. baby dog, please!

    i like that song title cuz it can have all different variations.

  161. ...or else "we" just don't "get" a song like "Wrong Number"? Could it be? I personally think Club America is fun so go figure... Just shows you can hardly discuss taste! And hey... He's the one guy to pick what songs he wants HIS band to play, huh? Let's give him that and sigh whenever they start Wrong Number! lol

  162. Disintegration, it is! Well done to those who tipped it!

  163. And the formula remains the same.

  164. Damn, I hate being wrong. I thought they'd end with a new one.
    Okay you can ignore what I said about a Disintegratione encore.

  165. Looking forward to interesting encores. There might still be Pop encore because they're doing Freakshow almost every night.

  166. Can't keep my eyelids propped open much longer, guess I'll check back in the morning and see what the encores are tonight...maybe craig will have some new video by then. night all

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. fantac: i'm a big fan of club america. :-)

    i see what you're getting at and of course it's his choice what they play, and sure, we could just not be "getting" wrong number/never enough - they are not stellar songs but at least they are DIFFERENT from other cure material - my point is that robert seems so eager to please and yet he plays these songs that are not fan favorites AND likely the masses don't know what the fuck they are - it just doesn't square with his philosophy these days of playing greatest hits style setlists

    but whatever. gnite for real this time. maybe i'll awaken to some cool vids!

  169. night beach.

    all i know is that when i'm there (a week from tomorrow!!!) i'm not going to be complaining at all about anything. they can play wrong number all they want. i'll be dancing.

  170. they could still do a disinegration encoe... prayer/homesick/untitled/sdway/closedown....
    yeah that'll happen ;)

  171. OK, I know this as NOTHING to do with anything but while waiting for the first song of the first encore, I noticed the mention "Next Blog" on top of COF and I risked clicking on it and what do you know... Now I have new recipes and pictures of Transformers to upload! The Internet is so full of surprises! OK, so what's the first encore again?

  172. There wasn´t for a long time the 17 Seconds encore ...

  173. g'night, beachy and Clockwise!

    MonkeyButt, I know what you mean - I danced on Wrong Number in the HK show.
