
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Robert interview from MTV UK

Just uploaded the "restricted" MTV UK interview with Robert to YouTube.
(Thanks to Aaron for the file)


  1. Thanks so much, Aaron.

  2. I watched it and got angry when he mentioned the whole dark Xmas album. I know I'm obsessing about that, but what the hell is going on that he thinks they will release an album that took 4 years to make and then release another one three months later?? And what, pray tell, is the point?? Just release a double. How ridiculous this all is. It reminds me of the self-titled fiasco, with all the different versions coming out.


    On the other hand, Robert looked cute. :-)

  3. The dark tracks have been fully recorded I think. They are not starting from scratch in the studio again. So it is highly possible to release another album although I doubt it will be out for Christmas (unless MTV send the studio another email).

  4. wow, i just found ALL the demos for the 'dark tracks' online!*

    *just kidding. wanted to see if clockwise would actually kill a cow to get these...

  5. Well, I understand releasing 2 albums for the sake of presenting 2 specific artistic concepts. I'm happy if the darker songs come out on a proper album. He hopes the lighter one will help ensure The Cure's legacy with the masses, while the darker one will present a different vision. Also, you just know a double album will require extra packaging that will just boost up the price and any cardboard used for such deluxe packaging will be easier to damage.

    I'm happy with the idea as long as he stays true to it.

  6. muldfeld: i see what you are saying, but: why not just release a double?? Why not just release the Good Dreams/Bad Dreams album he's talked about?? The Good Dreams will be more commercialized and placate the masses and the Bad Dreams will be darker more difficult materials for the die-hards. I don't see how that's more cost-effective, in the end. This whole thing reeks to me -reeks of bowing to label pressure to put out something that's more commercialized to ensure better sales.

    IF we could be sure that Robert will release the darker CD in December, I would be semi-okay with it, but we can't be sure of that, given his trademark flakiness.

    I'm so tired of getting the runaround like this. I am not one to bitterly complain, but the whole 04 fiasco is rearing its head again.

  7. Just a look into Roberts eyes says everything to me. He's telling blah blah again... and eh... The upbeat-stuff is out actually... we've got the singles... they are upbeat... and the more atmospheric for the album in the end. ;)

  8. Yes, Bob does look cute in that video. :) Awww.

  9. Just calm down cat... Underneath the stars, Perfect Boy, Doggy Rag Book Baby, The unknown boy... all the stuff we heard Live so far will be out in september! They play it Live now, so what is the sense then to not release it on the upcoming album? And even if so, where are the poppy upbeat numbers we will get instead? Why don't they play them Live at the moment? I don't give a shit about what Robert tells in interview but I give alot about what they play at the moment. You see?

  10. here everyone, have a laugh:

  11. moontear: okay, i'll calm down. :-) in the scheme of things not a big deal, especially when i am still dealing with the fallout of the double homocide across the street (the dude was going to TORCH the house! yay!) AND dealing with having to get a new AC. YAY for more money to spend!

    Anyway, I see your points and if you are right, I will buy you a beer. :-)

  12. I love Robert's accent more and more everytime I hear it =)

    It's good to hear him say he's happy to still be in a band called The Cure too; for some reason I had visions of him calling it quits sometime soon. Then again, I was expecting "The Cure" to be the last album, glad that's not gonna be the case!

  13. hi craig , you could uploading the original .flv in good quality to download via


  14. listening to 'the same deep water as you' right now. this may very well be my favorite cure song. it's pretty much the quintessential cure song, in my opinion. can anybody imagine this song WITHOUT keyboards? i myself cannot.

  15. I've only been a die hard cure fan for the last 14 years. But I love whatever they do, so I'll let Robert decide what he thinks is best and let him do it. I trust him to make good decisions, after all he's only provided me with 12 excellent albums plus countless other songs that I listen to all the time. And even though Disintigration and Pornography are my favorite albums(neither of which were double albums by the way), I still enjoy their pop songs a lot too. I'm not too much of a Cure snob to admit that I like the WMS's album, or even pop in the Greatest hits album every once in a while.
    I just consider myself lucky that I got to see them on tour again, and that I will actually even get another album. Then even luckier that another album will soon follow. I kind of follow Robert's philosphy and that is that I treat every album they do as if it's their last, and appreciate whatever it is that I get.

  16. Good Morning Everyone (well it is here in NZ)

    I think we just have to cross our digits and hope we do get both albums, I was thinking about this today and the delays etc, if it means one really amazing album only, then I am happy with this, better something thats been slaved over and created with love than something dashed out soooner, on the strenght of Underneath the Stars my hopes are very high....

  17. Thanks heaps for the link, Aaron.

    Clockwise - I think we should focus on the positives (ie we are getting a new album in 3 and a half months - but whose counting) and as for the "2nd" album if we get for Christmas it would be Just Like Heaven.

    P.S. I can't believe there is no concert today - I'm gonna miss you guys : (

  18. altr2elise: I have concert night withdrawal, too. Two nights in a row got me spoiled! :)

  19. Don't worry, we've got two in a row again starting tomorrow. And 4 in the next 5 days! : )

  20. Craig: Do we get to take a group field trip for the next shows? ;)

  21. I'm gonna have to miss part of the San Jose chat, as I am catching up with Exploding Boy for lunch. He has a friend going to the concert who will be texting the setlist through as we eat.

    I should be able to join you for the start and end of the concert though.

  22. monkeybutt: Yeah, I completely agree that Same Deep Water is the quintessential Cure song, and has been my favorite for about as long as I've been a diehard Cure fan. It's awesome to see others who feel the same way.

  23. Hi everyone,

    Just read your posts from today, coming home from work and all...

    It seems Clockwise all had a fit over the apparent confusion in the releases? But hey... After all, if it weren't for all that non-sense, what would we be talking about, huh? ;o)

    What I don't quite understand is this: Robert says they "ended up recording 33 songs altogether". But then he says, "I figured we'd go for the more upbeat stuff as an initial release and then... errr... WORK on the more atmospheric stuff later in the year".

    WORK?!? Aren't the songs actually RECORDED already?? Please someone enlighten me! I need enlightenment!

    I echo your longing for this to be a "show-evening" ;o) Talk to you later this week...

  24. Hey by the way... Just out of curiosity, what's the best piece of interview you've seen Robert Smith do over the years? It seems he's much more serious nowadays. He used to fool around a lot more in previous years... One of the funniest I've seen was on MuchMusic here (Canada) when he had a little octopus on the tip of his finger and kept playing with it! It's hilarious how he doesn't give a shnit about it! lol I wish I could upload this on the tube!

  25. @Fantac - I loved the MuchMoreMusic documentary "The Story of The Cure" from 2000.

    I Liked when Robert was asked about his lookalikes in the crowd and he said "I'm so short-sighted, I rarely even see them".

  26. I didn't see that one but I remember MuchMusic were quite into The Cure back in the day... I don't remember the name of the VJ but he had quite the accent and was a real Cure fan. He always talked about them... You saw "Diggin' through the vaults"? They had snippets of shows from 1982, 1984, etc. It was brilliant! I have all that on VHS but wouldn't know how to get this out in the big world! lol

  27. I had quite a bit of stuff on VHS - recorded off of cable by some friends. I have managed to get them onto dvd, but that is about as technically-savvy as I get.

  28. Ya I feel you altr2elise... I wish I could pull a Jason on my VHS stuff... oh well...

  29. At least we know how to use the net : ) AND can find stuff on youtube.

  30. Hi, fantac! I thought "WORK" meant a production kind of stuff like arranging, editing, retouching, etc.

  31. Ya I guess it's something like that Junko. But still, it doesn't really make sense... It won't be the first time Robert is either confused,confusing, messing around or otherwise playing with us about future Cure plans! I guess we'll do as usual: wait and see! In any case, all I know is I have neither seen nor felt such excitement about new Cure music since the Wish years! It's exhilarating! Among other things, I just CAN'T wait to have better versions (both live and studio) of UTS!!!

  32. Not enough thanks for Aaron! :D I was wearing off my keyboard looking for this intw on the 'zombified' SSeek!

    Two toughts: Craig could really start a 'showchat' (try to say it 13 ;) times). I eagerly want to read all comments for the shows but 338 sometimes is a bit long...

    Second: better and bigger videos can (still) be uploaded for free in - it´s an idea for this flv, like exploding cure suggested!

  33. Shadow - we already do a sort of chat during the live updates of the shows. That's why they are 300-400 messages long.

  34. They're only that long because Craig won't shut his yap.

  35. Nah, just the ramblings of a mad cat. : )

  36. Me too, fantac. I've never got so excited about their new materials like this since the WMS-era. But I never expect too much or else I won't get it.

    Like what happened to the concert in Japan. Every time Robert was asked, he always said he had a definite plan for having a show in Japan but it never realized. We Japanese fans almost lost our hope of seeing them in Japan but they suddenly came back and had a show last year. We'd waited for 23 years! We've learned that we must have patience and never take Robert's words so seriously.;-)

  37. Clockwise cat, somehow I really believe him this time because he seems quite determined to release the tracks on a proper album later. He's not just calling these b-sides, as he did what was left off "The Cure" (2004).

    It's probably exactly what you say in being driven by commercial reasons. Just look at the concert reviews. Some are positive, but some -- especially ones from the past -- are incredibly negative. Except for maybe Pitchfork or Rolling Stone, a double album won't get the kind of press the first single album might.

    Bell weather fans are more likely to buy the first album, while we're more likely to buy both and only some of the press will appreciate the second album.

    I understand your worry, but I think it will get released in the next year and a bit. Radiohead did the same thing with Kid A and then Amnesiac, even though both albums' songs are from the same sessions.

  38. "here everyone, have a laugh:"

    Monkeybutt, that was so sad. It reminds me of me, but without the Southern accent. It's fake, though, right?
