
Friday, May 30, 2008

Mystery of the guitar sticker

"In Santa Barbara, on Robert's guitar, no one seemed to know why there was a sticker "Monday, February 11th." Do you know what it references?"
(Thanks Debi)


  1. perhaps it's the new date they'll push the album to release haha

  2. well, he meant feb 11th this year i guess as that was monday :) no other ideas what else it can mean

  3. The day after the 2/10 Anonymous demonstrations? According to Wiki-P, it was a pretty boring day. :)

  4. I didn't see the sticker, and I was at the SB show last night. Odd that I missed it; I was one of the closest people to Robert for most of the night. But there were a few stickers whose print was too small for my eyes to make out.

    I can't imagine what it is in reference to, though. If it said "Wednesday, February 11th" I'd say it's the release date for the 'Christmas album' he's been talking about.

  5. I saw that sticker and it looked as though it was a piece of paper taped to his guitar. Maybe it is someone's bday or something. The other stickers on his guitar said (forgive me if I am wrong) "Bam" and "Kapow". I am a big Batman fan especially the campy version with Adam West and those stickers seem to be pulled right from that series. Could be wrong but I would like to think he is also a Batman fan. :)

  6. The guitar he played on Open had "I really don't know what I'm doing here...." written on it. I think the same one had "FUCK parental advisory" on it too. Other than that, I don't remember being able to make out any of the stickers/words on the guitars.

  7. debi, is this the girl who was in front of the two guys right in front of robert? i was the tall one who liked the smashing pumpkins and had never seen the cure before!

  8. Or is this the Debi that was sitting in the garden area? I was with Dan right behind you. Great show, and nice to have a true fan to talk to before/during the show.

    Now on to San Diego!


  9. About the guitar sticker, it's more than likely something personal to Robert. It's been on there since the european tour, that's when i noticed it.

  10. Monday, February 11, 2008 is the day that Craig's first post was made to COF here on Blogspot... :D

  11. Well, what do you know, RS really still cares. A shout out to the new beginning. : )

    Thanks for figuring it out V. : )

  12. Any time, Craig: I'm a relentless detective at heart! :D
