
Monday, May 26, 2008

MTV UK video interview with Robert

MTV UK has an interview with Robert. Unfortunately, it's another one of those "If you're not in the UK or Ireland, you can't watch it" clips. So here's the transcript:

Robert says the album was recorded entirely in east sussex.

Says he always wanted the 13th album to be a big thing to celebrate 30 years.

Says to mark the occasion he wanted to release the upbeat stuff first. Then work on the darker stuff later in the year to suit the weather!

He describes the whole MTV email vs Studios ideas again.

Says he is not being ironic when he looks back the history of the band.

He is happy with their back catalogue and the era from which the band first came from.

Says he will keep going as long as he is happy to be in a group called The Cure.

The Only One plays throughout the entire interview except when a brief clip of Lovecats plays.

(Thanks to Aaron and to Andrew for the transcript)


  1. Transcript:

    Robert says the album was recorded entirely in east sussex.

    Says he always wanted the 13th album to be a big thing to celebrate 30 years.

    Says to mark the occassion he wanted to release the upbeat stuff first. Then work on the darker stuff later in the year to suit the weather!

    He describes the whole MTV email vs Studios ideas again.

    Says he is not being ironic when he looks back the history of the band.

    He is happy with their back catalogue and the era from which the band first came from.

    Says he will keep going as long as he is happy to be in a group called The Cure.

    The Only One plays throughout the entire interview except when a brief clip of Lovecats plays.

  2. Thank you Andrew! I've posted it on the front page as well.

  3. No problem Craig. I'm just happy to give something back.

  4. I guess that means A Boy I Never Knew won't be on this album. Would explain why they haven't played it since Europe...

    And I guess that means if there's a second darker album coming later... perhaps another tour next Spring? It'd make sense if they timed it right! It's just a matter of Robert actually following through with what he's saying and get the damn thing done.

  5. I'm thinking if A Boy I Never Knew isn't on the 13th album it may be the lead single for the darker one, if they choose to have a single, ABINK makes sense.

  6. i would prefer they used ABIKN on a b-side - IMHO, it's not album-taylored...

  7. sound good to me the pop side in september and the dark side in december.....however i bet you that tha dark side won't be come out in december, maybe in april or know that robert always change the data....
    but i gonna wait for more information....

  8. yes.......the dark side will come out december 13th


  9. I'm not to concerned about when the darker album comes out. All I know is that the stuff has been recorded and is preped for release in the future.

    A part of me wants there to be a bigger gap between the two to make sure one doesn't over shadow the other.

    While the greedy part says I want it all right now.

  10. Oh I love Oh I love Oh I love MTVUK with their oh sooo up to date picture of the band(complete with Roger and Perry)..NOT.

  11. "A part of me wants there to be a bigger gap between the two to make sure one doesn't over shadow the other."

    I'm hoping there's a bit of a gap between them too; it's seems a waste almost to wait years for some new material and then have two lots come along at once. I'd much rather have an album a year than have two within a couple of months and then nothing for a year or more. But then again, whatever Robert decides, I won't be complaining =)

  12. I'm sick of the 4 year gaps. 2 years is long enough I think.

    IMO they should release the remastered stuff first.

  13. the studio the recorded 13th album is the Park Gate Studio:

  14. I am terribly bemused and more than a little angry. So Robert originally was going to do a double album, and now he's downgraded to a single "pop album" to be released in September, and then going to release another darker one for Xmas? WTF! That seriously makes NO sense, economically or otherwise. Wouldn't it be cheaper to release a double as originally planned??

    Plus, given Robert's trademark flakiness, I have severe doubts that the darker Xmas album will EVER see the light of day!

    So this means that we can expect NEVER to hear the studio versions of the staggeringly beautiful UTS or the lovely ABINK, and the single album will be full of mediocre Cure-by-numbers pop.

    Good going Robert. Swell job. Makes no fucking sense whatsoEVER.

  15. I have to agree. Anybody who truly thinks this "darker album" will be coming out anytime this year...Or next year is really fooling themselves.

    Going back several albums, after Robert releases an album, he always says, "Don't be surprised if we release a new album next year and forgo the usual four year waiting period".

    And the new album always comes out four years later.

    This time will be no different.

  16. I think we should protest outside of Robert's home if he decides to shelve UTS for the never-to-be-released dark album.

  17. There will be no "darker second album"! In fact there will be no just "upbeat pop stuff album" in September. Who cares what Robert tells in Interviews? He's fooling around as always... telling half-truths and makes fun of the journalists and fans. We all know that for years!!! They played 7 new Songs Live so far an each of those will be on the new record in September. What the hell is the sense in playing songs like UTS, ABINK, SWID, TPB or BRDB now when they not intend to release them in September? And if so, where are the songs that will be on the record instead? ABINK is on the master-setlist, maybe they will include it at some point of the na tour, maybe not. It simply doesn't say anything...

  18. I think you are entirely correct moontear

  19. Thanks very much, Aaron and Andrew. The fact he's delaying the darker tracks to work on them in the winter means we'll definitely get them because he has a good reason in them not being complete. Sounds great! I doubt we'll see them by Christmas, though, since that's when he'll only begin work, but, as long as we get it in 2009, I'm happy!

  20. Hahah - Moontear is spot on. Some of us may remember when 'Wish' was supposed to be an awesome double album (but at least we got the Lost Wishes EP) or how Bloodflowers was gonna be followed up immediately by the heaviest album ever made... The new album will be a mix of styles, like always and some of these so-called dark tracks will end up as b-sides and we'll all realize they weren't all that.

  21. split the double record in 2 means to get rid of the fu*king Geffen (3 record deal)...

    think about that ;)

  22. It's funny to see some of you consider this dark second album as an option which may real happen. Will be even funnier to see you discuss the other way around when the tracklisting for the September record will include ABINK, UTS and some more darker downbeat-stuff.

  23. so what's this about the cure then? they've given up music and gone into the KFC franchise business? odd choice, but brave. brave, robert smith. good for you.

  24. you guys make me sick

  25. ok, not sick....just all the negativity towards the band.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I agree with Vassillios - a lot of care and passion has gone into the new album - wait and see
