
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hollywood Bowl show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: Blog Critics / Orange County Register / Soundcheck (OC Register)
Photos: COF / Sleepydoll / New Wave Girl / gilbert / pushdwnstairs / birdmadgrrl / notmydesire
Underneath The Stars
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
Underneath The Stars/Prayers For Rain
Fan reviews
Pictures Of You 1
Pictures Of You 2
The End of the World 1
The End of the World 2
Just Like Heave/A Letter To Elise
A Forest
Boys Don't Cry
The Only One
Play For Today
Friday I'm In Love
Inbetween Days 1
Inbetween Days 2


  1. FIRST!
    And yep, I think they WILL open with UTS.

  2. I hope for UTS but then again not since Hollywood Bowl and San Jose were the only two CA shows I couldn't attend. Shrine and Cox indoors, I was hoping for it in Santa Barbara.

  3. THIRD! Ha ha. My vote is for UTS, as well! :)

  4. I've been a lurker on here since for a long time. I feel like I know you regulars even though I'm like the new kid on the sidelines waiting to be picked. Hello all of you.

  5. Hello and welcome, GrindingHalt! :) Nice handle!

  6. I only wish I was still a kid. First show was '87 as a stick figure 17 year old.

  7. Same here Mike. July 25th, 1987 in New Orleans. Roger AND Lol on keyboards, Boris on the drums. They were fantastic!

  8. Thanks Craig, its like diving into the water for the first time :)

  9. Welcome to the madhouse, Grinding Halt

  10. Great shows then. I obsessively made an Excel chart last night listing every song I've heard in concert since '87

  11. The chart will be the death of me...thanks for opening the doors to the madhouse

  12. GrindingHalt: Do you prefer GH or Mike? :) With your Excel spreadsheet, you will fit in well here! ;)

  13. Mike is fine. Just happy to have others to share the obsession with.

  14. All day I obsessed about grabbing a ticket for tonight. I probably could get it by the wife. If they play UTS I will be the fool for sure.

  15. Mike - you know, you still have a bit of time left to get there. : )

  16. Mike - A wise man once sent to me that you never know when they will be back, so you have to do it now. Use any kind of barter system that you need. No regrets

  17. Don't tempt me...Craig. With gas prices I could just tell the wife I'm saving money by staying the night there and driving to the shrine 2morrow

  18. Elise - you'll never let me forget that, will you. : )
    But was I right or what?

  19. Good night to everybody.


    Yeah, Craig, we can expect that, a great show.

    And for make it this way, they should start with UTS.

    I hope RSX is thinking the same, and they do a good mixed setlist, with why not? a new(s) song(s), and give life to rarely played songs, such as TSDWAY, Charlotte Sometimes, Big hand,Torture, something from BF,Porno and more.

    And for the encores,now it´s time 4 Faith encore,also they should do 3 long encores.

    Tonight have we a curfew?if it is, hoping it doesn´t shorten the show´s time.

    Let´s see what tonight brings....

  20. See Mike, you've already got it all planned in your head. Might as well execute the plan now. : )

  21. Craig: Elise is right to harp on that quote. It's oh so true. I know I'm going to regret not going to Dallas for my bday next Friday. :( But unfortunately I have other pressing issues and can't justify it. But I will still regret it, because there's no guarantee there will be a next time.

    "It's so hard to think this ends sometime, and this could be the last..."

  22. Well I'll at least get 3 of the 5 CA shows. But the anxiety of missing 2 will linger forever. ha ha

  23. I think curfew is 10:30 tonight.

  24. Carig - you were soooooo right.... that is why I share your wisdom with everyone!

  25. Evening everyone!

    UTS tonight :)

  26. Hi Paul. Thanks for sharing all that info the other night! ;) (That is, if you're the same Paul who did live reports that night.)

  27. Craig..any insight on the Shrine show tomorrow?

  28. v - The funny thing is, if I have made a decision for all the right reasons at the time, I tend not to regret them later. But if I choose not to do something for no logical reason that's when the regrets kick in.

  29. Hey Paul. Are you "live reports from San Jose & SB" Paul?

  30. Sorry Paul, but welcome all the same.

  31. Boo, I gotta run to the store. I will try to be back for some of the show. But in case I don't make it, enjoy and have a nice chat!! :)

  32. well it is 10:15 on a saturday night (well actually 10:07 but who's counting) and I am grounded, so I'm joining in on the setlist watch. Yay!

    oh and I've commented before but never really followed through for the whole 3 hours. We'll see if I last the night...

  33. So the rumors are 1030 curfew, but a fan recieved this reply from the HB a while back inquiring about this show:

    " There is an 11pm curfew at the Hollywood Bowl for all concerts. "

    We'll see what happens!

  34. G´nite V, we hope you can return later


  35. Welcome Annie!

    Paul, that's great news if true.

  36. Annie - What did you do to get grounded? Sneaking out of the house to go to Cure shows? : )

  37. Craig, the most of the time, you barely know the people that want 2 be the-live-report COF guy-girl?

  38. OK - I'm ready now. It is nice to be home for the concert rather than at work, but I have had to turn my house upside down to set up the old desktop pc so that I can join you guys, while my hubby continues with his own obsession - World Of Warcraft.

  39. Mad Bob - no, I just wasn't sure if this was the Paul I know.

  40. Annie - I forget the age difference of Cure fans, and had thought that by 'grounded' you had meant that you had missed a flight.

  41. Craig - just read your comment about Frankie goes to Hollywood - LOL

  42. Elise - World of Warcraft! I played it a few times and had to stop. I could see that eating up WAY too much time. : )
    Has Dave seen the South Park WOW episode?

  43. Elise, how can you get along happily with this 2 big diffrent hobbies ?

  44. Craig - Yes, he has seen that and I had to tell him that I would not provide the services of Cartman's mum for toilet breaks. He loses a LOT of time playing the game, but he indulges me my Cure obsession, so I indulge him his.

    Madbob - Yes, we have very different interests (he doesn't even like the Cure!!!!), but I love him just the same

  45. Paul - are you the same Paul on Fantac's COF Geeks facebook group?

  46. ALetter-- haha, umm yeah. I have to admit I've lurked online Cure forums before and I can feel a bit out of place, with people talking about their kids graduating high school and whatnot.

    Craig-- funny you should say that, I'm actually planning to do that to go see them in NYC with a friend. Should be quite a trip. If all goes well they'll think I'm visiting a college. It's a foolproof plan.....?

    The real reason is because I have straight B's, and it's finals week.

  47. That´s right, loving each other for what everyone is, not for the hobbies,likes,flows, etc.

    2 thumps up !!

  48. hey guys!
    i'm here. your lives can begin ;)

  49. Are you Paul Banks from Interpol?
    Maybe Paul Stanley from Kiss? : )

  50. hi everyone... i visited you all a couple of weeks ago (around Toronto) but haven't been able to since then. i don't have internet at home, so i have to be at work (or rather "work") to join you all. it is shortly after 10:15 on a sat night here in upstate NY and the guys are in bed (i work in a group home for developmentally disabled adults) so here i am, looking forward to hanging out for a while....

  51. Annie - shouldn't you be studying, young lady - just kidding. I was wondering what it would be like to be a responsible adult and have decided that I don't like it at all.

    Try and hang around with us for the show, it is great fun.

  52. ever talk to your bro about ticket swaps sofia? :)

  53. You're Paul McCartney aren't you. Just admit it.

  54. Hey Eric, glad you could make it.

  55. Wow, seems tonight we have mostly girls.....

    That´s good, Fun is warrantied...

  56. Hi Sofia. Did you have a good birthday?

  57. hey paul! yeah i did talk to him and the baby brother wants to sit near us :\ sorry to get your hopes up.
    although it looks like all the sexiness is over on porl's side now. goodness gracious.

  58. Hi Eric! Hopefully it will be a quiet night at work for you, and you will be able to stay and play.

  59. one of the guys said something very funny today that made my whole week... wanna hear the story? it's cute, but off topic...

  60. gah this is all so fast.

    Eric-- That's a career I've been considering. Pretty cool.

    Aletter-- Indeed, hopefully I shall never become a responsible adult either. Sounds dreadful.

  61. i had a fantastic birthday, altr2elise! thanks for asking. was the big 3-0. ah, the golden years.

  62. Eric - absolutely want to hear it.

  63. Yep, it's like spending the night with uncle fester!

  64. Hi everyone! Having my morning coffee here. We MUST have UTS tonight! They have no excuse not to do that. And here's hoping for a great show tonight :)

  65. Sofia - the 30's are the BEST!!!!! I have loved them, and will be sorry to see them go.

  66. Hi Henny, glad you make it.

    the score is growing to the girly side


  67. Hi Jenny - I was wondering when you would be joining us. Isn't FANTASTIC to be able to watch these from home and not work!!!!

  68. i want to hear more top stuff tonight!

  69. Mr Smith, if you are reading this can you please play Piggy in The Mirror as a 30th birthday present for Sofia. Cheers.

  70. + - 15 mins remain to Cure starts...

    It´s time to begin with the calls, dont you think ? ;-)

    I put all my coins on UTS


  71. ok. today was a beatiful day (pre and post thunderstorm at least) so a bunch of us hopped in the van and went to a park.

    there was a little green hill where a family of hedgehogs (or woodchucks if you like) was hanging out. they were quite cute, a mom and some half grown babies. really tame, since they see people all the time.

    anyways, one of the guys says "look at the woodpussies".... i am still dying, it was so funny! it is exactly what they looked like though.... woodpussies.

    a better title than dream 13 perhaps?

  72. I just got a feeling it will be Plainsong

  73. Eric - that is a gorgeous story. I decree that from this date, hedgehogs shall be know as woodpussies.

    Madbob - yep, my money is on UTS too

  74. elise, how can miss this? ;) I came on as soon as I finish my breakfast. It IS great to watch this from home.

    And it's nice to see that most of the gangs are here already.

    Is anyone still interested in the Robert/Simon kissing picture? I have it here...

  75. omg piggy in the mirror would be so rad!

    who has shows coming up after the hollywood bowl?

  76. Hi Kids :). I was just reading through and my first show was July 9,1987. God, I feel old !! lol

  77. I'm going with Underneath the Stars. The later they start, the better the chance.

  78. woodpussies? lol perfect name for a williamsburg band

  79. Jenny, I am sure that V will want to see the picture, but she has had to go out tonight. She may join us later.

  80. Hi jewella, thanks for the compliment, kids......

  81. Hey Jewella. Another Kiss Me kid. : )

  82. for the record, i am 37... first Cure show was at Giants Stadium 1989. seen 3 or 4 shows on every big tour since then. usually take a week or so off of work to follow them around.

  83. hey, i've been stalking around here for a while, so I thought i'd create a profile ;).
    I hope for the beautiful underneath the stars tonight too! :)

  84. and the t-shirt still fits !!

  85. If Craig says so, they will play UTS and that's that! :D

  86. Just checked and sunset is 7:58 in LA tonight. So if they can hold out a bit longer...

  87. Amazing Eric, your fisrt gig on one the biggest venues that Cure had played, not mention the best tour so far.

    I think i´m the last one who saw Cure for first time, this was 04 Sept 2004


  88. Jenny - I've lost my psychic power. : (

  89. This gives me hope. So they might be waiting for the stars to come out before they take the stage! :D

  90. ok, i have a question. how big an idiot am i for having tickets for Madison Square Garden but not Radio City Music hall? i was feeling bad already, but after having read some comments i am feeling like a REAL idiot for not doing whatever it takes to go to Radio City Music hall... for what it's worth, i did buy my tickets last july for october shows, at which point radio city didn't even exist. is radio city really going to be that much better? i can't get tickets anymore since i refuse to patronize scalpers and it seems to be sold out...

  91. mad bob-- I.. I have never seen the Cure. It is shameful but such is the plight of being born in the 90s. Although I should have been at the Curiosa show in Cincinnati if it wasn't for some unfortunate scheduling issues.

  92. Radio City, and the Shrine gig, are both going to be special sets!

    Whatever it takes, you must!!

  93. Ty, for the welcome everyone. I'm in the UK so I probably won't be here for most of the shows but i'll be falling this one until I fall asleep anyways :).

    Hmmm, lets hope for a dark ish set. They haven't really done one at all this tour!

  94. Have I missed something? Craig why are you saying you have lost your psychic powers?

  95. eric, we're hoping for a special show that night since its their last! some rumors about taping.
    oh and *I'LL* be there so you know...totally worth it

  96. What am I on about? "falling this one"?
    I mean following this one :).

  97. Craig, you'll get it back soon! I'm hopeful right now. It's been quite a few shows since they last played UTS, and IMO it's a good timing to do it tonight!

  98. First time poster.. (though I've been reading for a while) (Kiss Me kid as well) Saw the Fairfax show.... Best cure tour in a long time. Loved The PerfectBoy until I heard UTS... That has potential to be an all-timer... Hope it starts the show tonight...

  99. Eric - I have the opposite problem actually (I have Radio City tickets but not MSG ones) but since it's such a huge venue I'm hoping to get some at the door or from a fellow fan trying to get rid of theirs. Maybe you can do the same thing for RCMH?

  100. Elise - I've missed the encore 2 nights in a row.

  101. Hello all, I'm another long time lurker.
    @Jenny, I think I have that picture that you were referencing with Simon and Robert kissing. Isn't Simon wearing a red hat or something?

  102. Annie, but you´re gonna attend to a show of this tour?

    I hope so...

  103. i've been hearing that kind of vibe over and over... but does that mean that the garden is going to be exactly like all the other shows (like boston and montreal, which i was at...btw montreal is a GREAT city)?

  104. welcome nothingleft and helsabot

  105. mad bob - yep, I posted earlier I'm going to 3 of them.

  106. Welcome, Nothing Left!

    Craig, thanks for 'xplainin. I thought you knew what the openng track for tonight was, but hadn't posted it yet.

    I think my psychic powers are coming back tonight - I feel it in me waters

  107. Welcome, helsabot.

    Wow so many newbies tonight!

  108. Welcome, helsabot and nothingleft. :)

  109. Shrine will tell the story.

    Expect different setlists for those 2 shows, that's all I'm going to say.

    It will all make sense tomorrow night :)

  110. Thank you craig. Quite a neat place you have here.

  111. Helsabot - he's wearing a black hat in it. I think we're talking about the same picture here. Quite an infamous pic, isn't it? ;)

  112. Plainsong is the ultimate opener STILL imho... When the chimes start and the first notes crash.. it's amazing...

    DISCLAIMER: I have never heard UTS as the opener :)

  113. Elise - it's all because of the Simon stuff. : )

  114. So, Open, Plainsong or Underneath the stars? What will it be?
    Then will it be Prayers For Rain or Fascination Street?

  115. Listen to Paul. He knows secrets. : )

  116. Annie, sorry, i missed your post, upss, anyway that´s great news, enjoy it.

    I´ve been only 6 Cure concerts and in a week you would make the 50%.

    Any chances to go for a 4th show?

  117. UTS and Prayers is my guess.

  118. eric i too was at the 89 giants stadium show...amazing!

  119. Paul - there shouldn't be secrets among friends.

  120. disintegration junkie here I pray for plainsong and prayers.

  121. I'm also going with UTS to open and of course, BRDB to close.

  122. Re, all! I'm back from the store. :) Hopefully I can make it through tonight's show...

  123. Has anyone ever heard 'Untitled' live? My heart just might seize up if I actually heard that live.

  124. @Jenny, you're right. I just looked. Man, I hope we get to see some more homoerotic antics from the boys. too entertaining...

  125. v - if you sweet talk Jenny, she has the Robert and Simon kissing photo

  126. This info is coming directly from the soundguy.

    Don't know what songs RS is planning on, but is planning different sets for those 2, according to him.

    I'm waiting in as much anticipation as everyone else :)

  127. mad bob-- I've already missed my change to go to any of the ones near me (Boston, Philly, Fairfax) so it seems pretty unlikely at this point. Also I have no money. :P

    Although I could have/should have gone to the Paris and Hong Kong shows as well but that is a personal plight that I shan't bore you with...

  128. Dont worry, V, The band is just waiting for you to kick off


  129. Craig - Are you saying paul thinks they will open with "secrets" ;) ;).

  130. the cure playing in my hometown! oh how i wish i could be there. id drive up there in a heartbeat if i could. i wonder if Lol and michael will show up in the audience for one of the CA shows?

    i wasnt even in diapers yet (born the day before they played in Nice, France during Wish tour) when many of you got see the cure in the 80's. damn, i missed out one of my favorite lineups for any band, ever.

    they might just break the curfew, they did it a couple times at least. and they did it wendesday in san jose. of course theyll play UTS! rob is literal, and i dont think he'll miss the last chance to play that song live. i've heard open and plainsong to the shows ive been to - unfortunetly the mixing in san jose was quite bad in the beginning and you could barely hear rob's voice. that upset me seeing as i REALLY wanted to hear plainsong live, it was the expected opener there

  131. Elise: oooOOOoooh! ;)

    Jenny: Can I see? :D

  132. @NothingLeft, I would LOVE to hear that song live. Although I wonder what they would do without the MOOG now. Actually. I didn't really care much for the MOOG intro anyway.

  133. Nothing Left - I love Untitled. I was watching Trilogy (again) the other night, and it gives me goosebumps and shivers up my spine.

  134. Mad Bob: So nice of them to wait for my return!!! :D

  135. If you want to share it Annie, feel free, nothing bother me at all.

    But well, 3 shows in a row it´s no easily to get, so you´re lucky.

  136. btw, there is a chance i might have a ticket to madison square garden to give away. new york city scares me for some reason, so i always buy two tickets and try to talk someone into going with me. if i can't, i give the ticket away. i am working on a good friend, but i don't know if he's gonna bite... it really is 50/50.

    if he doesn't wanna go, i suppose i could mail someone the ticket instead of giving it away at the door... it's section 132 row A. DIRECTLY DEAD CENTER in front of RSX, just about a half mile back :) Still kinda first row in a way. best possible view of the light show and screens and audience etc. probably fantastic seats for a taper...

  137. Look at that, V returns and the boys hit the stage. : )

  138. Helsabot - so true! But unfortunately some people tend to look at these stuff too seriously.

    V - welcome back! I'm actually waiting to show you. ;) It's here.

  139. shoots self in foot with a UTS bullet

  140. -Eric Joachim,
    damn, I wish I could make it over there. I 've always wanted to see them at Madison. :(
    LOL @ "new york city scares me"

  141. Craig: They were anxiously awaiting to hear about the two heads of green leaf lettuce I got at the store, I'm sure! ;)

  142. Jenny: Re: Picture - "Oh Hell Yes!"

  143. Oh hell yes!! (And I'm listening to the Oh Hell Yes mix here.)

    God I wish I were there.

  144. Jenny: Yum yum!! This made my night. :D Thank you!!

  145. hey eric, would you mind keeping me posted about that extra ticket?

    email is (Cure dork alert =P)

  146. I should have kept my plans on the CA shows.

    Wanting to be there so badly right now!!

  147. v - did you get any Twinkies? I love Twinkies!!!!! We don't get them here :(

  148. The Oh Hell Yes OMG UTS will be historic. I want to meet that guy and hug him

  149. Elise: Nope, I didn't get any twinkies, sorry. But I'll send ya some if you want me to! :)

  150. really? i feel safer here in new york than any other city on earth! i hate it. but i feel safe here.

  151. I going to wait until there is a better audio of UTS out before I listen to it.
    Have Just One Kiss on repeat.

  152. So nice to be able to listen to the show through speakers rather than headphones. It is much better at home than at work

  153. Paul: are you going to the Shrine and Cox

  154. It´s time to see the lights another audio-video live version of UTS, i think the Oh Hell Yes is all-timer, but Cure already play it 4 times and the most of us only listen 1, the Red Rocks.

  155. elise and v - glad you enjoyed the pic! :D

    Now I'm trying to imagine I'm at Hollywood right now, listening to the waves...break.

  156. I think they will have to include the "Oh Hell Yes" in the studio version, because we're all so used to it now. The song will never be the same without it.

  157. v - thanks for the offer, but I am not sure they would survive the flight. One of the first things I do when I land in the US is find some Twinkies!

    Prayers for rain - Craig's powers are back.

  158. a bunch of my friends are at this hollywood show tonight! :@
    HI GUYS!

  159. Yeah it's weird how few full recordings have come out of the US tour. I mean in Europe it was like more than half the shows were recorded but hardly any have been here. Maybe because of stricter security?

  160. If they happen to play UTS in San Diego, I will have the best tape of it ever

  161. @annie - i wrote down your address.

    @sofia - it's getting there alive that scares me. once i'm there, it's all good. also, nyc is not a wallet-friendly place for poor people like me....

  162. Mr Smith, can you please play UTS at San Diego so that GH can record it for us. Thanks.

  163. Prayers for Rain Underneath the Stars, wow, sounds like they´re making a magic spell


  164. What's the chance of a NEW song tonight??? any rumours craig????

  165. I love NYC, and never felt unsafe. Wachington DC - now there's a place that scares the living crap out of me.

  166. v, they should make it the third single and call it "Oh Hell Yes 13 mix."

    I'm doing the dork thing right now - playing the songs on the setlist!

  167. grinding, no im not.

    canceled my CA trip when the tour was postponed.

    are you a taper?
    do i know you?

  168. eric, oh! well yes. its a living hell to try and live and/or spend time here.

  169. hey hey hey DC is my home town! but ummm you're right.. It's a lil scary in places :)

  170. eric-- nice, thanks. I'm also scrounging my last pennies to make the trip. Will probably be sleeping in the car and subsisting on street vendor food.

  171. Jenny - what's dorky about that? I have done that for every show!

  172. Elise: It's funny - I visited a friend in England once and her one request for me to bring from the States to her was Twinkies. :)
