
Friday, May 30, 2008

Dream 13 semi-confirmed?

Nothing is official yet, but it seems to be moving in that direction:

"I can confirm that the title of the new album will be "Dream 13".
2 french websites are announcing it : FNAC (CD's-DVD's shops) and NRJ (radio)."

From FNAC:
L'avis de la Fnac sur "The only one" - The Cure
Placé sous le signe du chiffre 13, le nouvel et treizième album "DREAM 13" sera précédé de 4 singles (physiques et digitaux) comprenant chacun un extrait de l’album et un titre inédit et qui sera commercialisé le 13 de chaque mois avant l’album, prévu pour le 13 septembre. Premier de la série et qui cristallise donc toute l’attente et l’envie des fans, THE ONLY ONE, écrit et produit par The Cure, sortira le 16 mai exceptionnellement.

From NJR:
The Cure joue la carte de la superstition
28/05/2008 - 19h00
La bande à Robert Smith a choisi le nombre 13 comme symbole pour leur prochain album.
Ce treizième opus s'appellera Dream 13 et sera dans les bacs le 13 septembre chez Polydor.
Le premier single The Only One est sorti le 13 mai. Quant au deuxième, Freakshow, il sera disponible le 13 juin.
Eponyme, le dernier disque des Cure est paru en 2004. La formation est actuellement en tournée aux Etats-Unis.

(Thanks Chris)


  1. =( I was hoping that title was just a rumour... Still, just cause I don't like the title, doesn't mean the content's gonna be bad. I'm sure the boys'll do us proud again!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ^
    (sorry i made a correction)
    ugh... reminds me of the severe dissapointment i experienced the first time i heard the white album and "revolution number 9" played...
    it's not too late... a great album deserves a great title...

  4. I like the title 4:13 better, but I'm more concerned with what's on the album, not its title. :)

  5. Anything is better than 4:13.

    Bit disappointed if this is the title, though.

  6. I was hoping for "Thirteen". Written in Parched Art style of course. But as V said, it's the content of the album that matters the most, and I like what I'm hearing so far.

  7. But a good title helps with fair weather fans and the rest of the general public.

  8. I don´t like the title, is very plain,i have faith in this title isn´t the official.

    Surely the band can name it better.

  9. Craig: I like your idea, Thirteen written in Parched Art style. It's a simple, yet evocative title and really sets a nice mood for the album. :)

  10. Shawn-W: I'm conflicted about that. On the one hand, a hokey album title could be off-putting; but would you shy away from a band/album because of a crappy album name? I'm not sure I would, especially since I usually go after albums that have songs I've already heard and like on them. I guess I could see it going either way, depending on what draws the person to the album in the first place.

  11. I don't think the quoted websites have a reliable source confirming the title. Probably they've just copied and pasted it from somewhere over the rainbow.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed...

  12. Ugh, I hope that's not the title when all is said and done. Dream 13 sounds like the title of a teeny bopper biilboard chart topping album. Either that or the name of a girl group. ANYTHING but a Cure album, that's for sure.

    But like everybody else is saying, so long as what's inside the album is good...

  13. What difference does the title make? IMO the best Cure record title was "Wild Mood Swings", yet would anyone rank WMS in the top 5 or even top 8 Cure records????

    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

  14. We've already heard half the album and it's totally solid so far!

  15. I love 'Dream 13', and believe that it will be evocative of a central album theme, but admit that 'Thirteen' would have been elegant and understated (like 'Disintegration', 'Bloodflowers', Pornography).

    Okay, now let's discuss 'Underneath the Stars'. Yeah, it's off-topic, but I need my fix! ;-)

  16. The album will be amazing i'm sure but DREAM 13 is kinda lame. DREAM by it's self wouldn't be bad... or thirteen by it's self is alright.... but you would think they could come up with something more original

  17. 'Thirteen' is what I'd most like to the album to be called, of the speculative titles. Definitely the word written out, though. '13' would be awful.


  18. If they insist on naming it "Dream 13". Maybe they can at least give it a little more drama and flourish and call it: "Dream XIII"

    Hopefully the Roman Numerals wouldn't be too confusing. I still remember learning about Roman Numerals in elementary school and then thinking that the Triple X Adult Theater that we always had to pass on the way to my aunts house was called "The Thirty Theater"

  19. For me it will depend very much on the production, sound and 'feel' of the album as a whole work. UTS has a very dreamy feel to it and so if the album is well produced (with a great running order) the title may fit better. 'The Top' was the last album I listened to in the Cure's catalogue (I had put it off because of the title - it didn't appeal!) - But actually once I had listened to it, it all clicked. I love The Top now, the title is perfect for the songs on the album.

  20. Wait...that's not logical. So the upbeat album will be number 13 and the downbeat Xmas thing will be dream 14(?)

    On the other hand: I think the whole thing is going to resemble 'wish' (Yeah Muldfeld - wish!) That was intended to be a double album with one upbeat disc and one downbeat disc. Turned out to be just one more or less upbeat disc. Title 'wish' or 'dream' is also pretty similar and of course wish was the last album featuring Porl.

    Would be great though..

  21. One thing we should all be able to agree on, Dream 13 is a better title than Wild Mood Swings.

  22. meh, titles schmitles!

    As long as the album stands up!
    KMKMKM and Head on the Door sounded like lame titles to me when they first came out. I remember thinking, hey named the album THAT?!
    Now I couldn't conceive of them being anything else.

    I still have a problem with "Pornography".
    People at work ask me what album I am listening to.




  23. furrever- Agreed! I think Wild Mood Swings is one of the worst album titles ever. So obvious and unimaginative. When I heard the title, it engendered quite a bit of eye-rolling on my part. Still sounds silly to me.

    This is how I imagine Robert's thought process at the time:

    "Hmmm... we've got all these songs that totally don't fit together. I wish the album was more cohesive, but it's just sounding so all-over-the-place. Oh wait, I know!! I'll turn that into a selling point! I'll name the album 'A Bunch of Random Shit that Doesn't Fit Together'. No... too crude. I'll call it 'Wild Mood Swings'. Perfect!"

    At any rate, I actually really like the title "Dream 13". Sounds a bit like a My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult title, but it works.

  24. iceblink, that reminds me of a comment that I read about WMS when it was first released. It went something like this...

    "The Cure calling their latest album Wild Mood Swings is like Alanis Morissette calling an album "Blowjobs and Bad Poetry" and Hootie & the Blowfish calling theirs "Four Boring Guys and a Fishing Pole".

  25. I think they should call it Cream 13. Cuz I'm creamin' over Simon's PHT and the luscious Porl/Si smooches! Oh yeah!

    (now Shawn-w is gonna lacerate me for my fan-girlish horniness)

  26. PS WMS is my 5th favorite Cure album. :-)

    And I love all Cure album titles save the eponymous one. They are all evocative in their own way. I like how they can be kind of cliched and yet decimate the triteness once you listen to the songs, hence creating a whole different nuance to the word or words in the title.

  27. Clockwise: Cream 13? To quote my favorite lyric from "Underneath the Stars": "Oh hell yes!"

  28. clockwise, you're entitled to your libido. I just wish that I had a woman half as interested in me as you are in all of this.

  29. Shawn, sorry you're lonely. :-( Have you tried

    And really, you take me too literally. I like being a juvenile dork, because I'm around juvenile dorks all day and I need release from that!

  30. V: LOL! They should just change the name of UTS to "Oh Hell Yes!" That guy sounded like he was having an orgasm.

  31. definitely 4:13...

    1. its called the 4-tour
    2. there's 4-singles
    3. each is called 'mix 13'
    4. 13th album
    5. '13' appears throughout the tour program, including each band member's 13 list
    6. porl's guitar strap has 13 on it
    7. it says so in the australian tour program... i sent a scan to cof after the perth show last year- check it out:

    just because robert hasn't 'officially' announced it don't mean it ain't true :)

  32. i like 'thirteenth dream' myself.

  33. MonkeyButt: I like that, too! Sounds very Cure. :)

  34. maybe the title will be announced when the new site goes up back on may 13th, hmmm? =P

  35. Well, maybe they should just name it "Thirteen Minutes" and release it as an EP, with the 2 best epic songs? Just my 2 cents...

  36. "And I love all Cure album titles save the eponymous one. They are all evocative in their own way."

    You don´t think THE CURE is evocative enough? I mean, think about it...

  37. "I still have a problem with "Pornography".
    People at work ask me what album I am listening to.




    Best album title ever! I mean who doesn´t like pornography, at least once in a while? Be honest...
