
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby Harlow likes The Cure

The spawn of Nicole Ritchie and Joel Madden likes The Cure.
Yes, it's a very light news day. : )
(Thanks Wendy)

And then there's this.
Dear TMZ staff, fuck off. Go write another story about Paris or Britney.
(Thanks V)


  1. I have no idea who either of those people are, but it's good to see there's a new generation of Cure fans on the way =)

  2. i wonder if they got them the lullaby versions of the cure songs? great album, that.

    btw, i just learned today that nicole richie is NOT ACTUALLY lionel richie's daughter. her parents were two members of his band who couldn't afford to take care of her, so lionel took custody.

    yeah, it IS a light news day...

  3. they couldn't afford to take care of her?! so why didn't lionel pay them more rather than take custody of her? what a freakin' joke!

  4. i don't know- i found out i didn't care enough to actually read the entire article.

  5. You don't ENDLESSLY LOVE Lionel Richie?

  6. no, i just dance on the ceiling occasionally.

  7. Lionel makes me dance All Night Long.

  8. Ugh, a light news day indeed:

  9. Great, now I've got all of these Lionel Richie songs in my head. Thanks guys. :P

  10. v- the best way to stop crappy songs from getting stuck in your head is by Doing the Unstuck.... it's a perfect day for letting go : )

  11. Word up, Craig!!!!!

    Elise - That song is totally what I need today.

    "It's a perfect day for dreams come true, for thinking big and doing anything you want to do..."

    Ahhh... so jealous of the San Jose folks! (But so happy for them too!)

    Going home now. I dunno if I'll be around for the show tonight, but I'll be there in spirit if not in words. :) Bye!!

  12. tmz is so completely lame. why does crap like that even exist? it's the whole chicken or the egg debate. do they exist because people demand celebrity gossip, or do people demand celebrity gossip because they peddle it?


  13. Hello everyone, what I hate is, that they always write " Leadsinger of a 80th´s goth band called the Cure".It´s so ignorant and unnecessary, I think.

  14. monkeybutt: the latter, i think.

    bernie: i agree, but you really can't expect such a goofy rag to keep up with the cure. MOST media now refer to the cure as the gloomy goths from the 80s or whatever. it's lame-ass, but fuck 'em.

    i'm so eloquent. :-P

  15. Oh come on. I thought the Robert Smith/Bette Davis thing was kind of funny.

    I can almost see Robert Smith serving Joan Crawford a dead rat for dinner...That is a really fun movie.

  16. Well said, V. TMZ is so disgusting. For fun, my mother always jokes that Robert Smith looks like Elizabeth Taylor, though. It's probably what my mother remembers from what she looked like in the '80s or something; we haven't watched anything with Elizabeth Taylor in at least a decade and haven't seen her in the news. So, that's slightly more positive. :)

  17. "the best way to stop crappy songs from getting stuck in your head is by Doing the Unstuck"

    Way to go, V. That´s about the same as saying that the best way to avoid getting wet in the rain is taking a dive in the pool...


  18. @muldfeld, reminded me of an old website joking abut the liz taylor resemblance, maybe most know that one already but for those who don't, check out, i find it really cool:


  19. "I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din"

    Or my favorite: "Miss Blanche!!!" right before that snoopy housekeeper gets bashed in the head. You knew that poor housekeeper was bound to end up as worm food.
