
Monday, March 17, 2008

New album on June 3rd?

From a reliable source - Universal has changed the expected release date of the new album from May 5th to June 3rd.
(Thanks Friend of COF)


  1. i'll think up something clever and witty regarding this issue and post it later.

  2. makes sense, it's my birthday.

  3. Would be a good date for the band. They're in California with June 1st & 2nd off. How about a "promo show" to play the new album live? Or maybe an appearance on Leno, Kimmel or Ferguson? Maybe something with KROQ or other radio stations? Maybe a midnight record signing?

  4. Craig said...

    Would be a good date for the band. They're in California with June 1st & 2nd off. How about a "promo show" to play the new album live? Or maybe an appearance on Leno, Kimmel or Ferguson? Maybe something with KROQ or other radio stations? Maybe a midnight record signing?


    maybe another toothache?

  5. No, no, no, there's an album to promote (maybe). No more toothaches!

  6. Sounds good to me -- a few days before the SB show. Maybe they'll throw a couple of new songs at us?

    And can I just say, Craig, how glad I am that you've got an 'in' again! (And I'm really glad to see you didn't shut COF down; I'd have cried, you know.)

  7. I think this is the point where I'm supposed to act surprised.

    Okay...Here goes (ahem) "My goodness! This really surprises me!"

    (How was that?)

  8. Well, I disagree with you JPX, June the third 2009 seems quite possible for the release. :-)

  9. I hoipe you're right, Cat in Boots! But remember, The Cure have been promising us this new album as early as June 2006 =)

  10. Oh goody! Now I get to see them live WITHOUT having even heard the new album yet!!! (sarcasm button off)

  11. I really hope this is true and the album comes out this spring. I just think that it's worrisome that we haven't seen any art work or samples on the official site. The official site is very out of date. I mean, for crying out loud they're still advertising their Festival DVD ("Coming December 2005") on the front page! I love The Cure but would it kill them to hire someone to work on their website, perhaps freshen things up a bit? Thank God for Craig!

  12. I tried to get people worked up regarding the website issue about 3 months ago, but nothing happened..The band was so avant garde with the internet in its infancy it's really depressing to see that Festival page and Play for today every time you log on...To me it screams of" we don't give a f*ck about the band" on the part of the record company

  13. I agree, perfect.murder. Given that The Cure only put out new material once or twice/decade, you would think that they would take this opportunity to spiff up the official site and generate some enthusiasm for the new album and tour. It boggles my mind that there is such scant information on the official site. They should be paying Craig for COF because it's the only news source for Cure happenings. I appreciate that it takes time to craft and promote a new album/tour, but come on, the lack of updates is pathetic. Are you telling me that they can't hire someone to update the official site more often in order to seem current? When you go the the site now your immediate thought is, "Wow, they haven't updated this since 2004!"

  14. f... you all!!!this isn`t your private band which plays your favorite songs on concerts like a jukebox and they do not release their album at a time you would be glad with.the cure are the cure cause they always did what they thought it would be good right then,and i must say,i always loved what they did to me....i love the thought to expect a new album of my favourit band,maybe after this album i can`t cause they never plan one again,THIS would be worst case scenario!!!

  15. Sorry,can`t believe what i`m reading here!!!!Promo show,record signing?...........and robert ina birds taile in the a..?or what?
    but i hheard that there are now cure dolls avaible at toys ur us....

  16. f... you all!!!this isn`t your private band which plays your favorite songs on concerts like a jukebox and they do not release their album at a time you would be glad with.the cure are the cure cause they always did what they thought it would be good right then,and i must say,i always loved what they did to me....i love the thought to expect a new album of my favourit band,maybe after this album i can`t cause they never plan one again,THIS would be worst case scenario!!!

  17. Why so hostile, Oberhausen Review? Obviously we're all fans of The Cure. It's not unreasonable to ask that the band put a little more effort into their website and marketing given that they have very, very loyal fans who have been patiently awaiting any new info on Cure happenings. I would think that any band would be thrilled to have such a fan following. Coming on a blog and telling everyone to F-off serves no purpose.

  18. don`t take it to serious... i just try to turn around the intention of writing something down as most did here...don`t get me wrong,but in most cure blogs/sites etc. is so much äh,let`s say funny written since they are on tour in 2007/2008 and i am just siting here and be happy that i saw them sunday playing a fantastic show plus there is an album coomin out...i mean more can`t robert&co do for me at the moment...try to love this idea instead pulling yourself down cause you haven`t seen any artwork of the new to all cure heads worldwide...really ;)

  19. Well you're lucky! I'm sitting in my office in crappy Rhode Island and I haven't been able to see them perform since 2004 so you can imagine my eagerness. How was the show?

  20. expect the unexpected!!!
    so,thats all for today,hehe love....

  21. man,awesome i think you say in the us...i am now 33 years old,saw them 6 times since 1987(yes!)and they blew me never like this time.3 hours perfect played and sung by the band,so much power and passion...10 minutes before the show jason passed me 10 meters(ähh, i think 30 feets..)away on his way through the crowd to the backstage.i cried his name and he looked into my direction,better would him ask to take me to the aftershowparty...anyway....36 songs,no keyboard missed (extreme good plainsong withguitar instead keys),me and my girlfriend singing and dancing the howl 3 ours,never felt like this since i was 15 and having my teenage angst in these days....those ours seemed like minutes,like having great fun with your new girlfriend,no room,no time,no space just THE CURE wuuuhaaaaaaaa

  22. As long as I get the Seventeen Seconds encore at the June 15 show here in Atlanta, it doesn't matter if I have the new album in my hands by then or not. Loving the setlists so far. If June 3 is the final date, though, that's all good. Any day when I can pick up a new Cure release and a new Ladytron release is a good day for me.

  23. yeah I don't think anyone here feels the band owes them another album or anything else for that matter, but the endless delays are pretty troubling. I don't think Robert is really past it as a songwriter but it seems, judging from the pace of his output and his interviews, that music has really become more of a hobby for him. Which, if you're working with pop music, kinda kills your relevance and by extension the quality of your music. It feels that RS now tries to make up for his passion or urgency by either trying to recreate past glories (Bloodflowers, Trilogy) or making misguided grand statements (Us or Them). As is often case, in pop music, if you're don't go forward, you regress. Judging from the time, it takes him to let go and finally release the damn thing, it seems RS has gotten to the stage where he really doesn't trust his instinct. If you keep double guessing your audience or what's expected from you, you're bound to fail.
    Just my two cents.

  24. The Cures album will be relased in may 2029, the same date as the new Guns n roses album haha.. Come on.. I can wait.. Robert needs to realize that Please Project is crap and write some new songs..

  25. I am cool with a delay (again!) if it means the album will be better for it.

    It is inexcusable however to have such a stale official site. It's waaaaaay outdated and rather useless at this point. They really should at LEAST update the splash page with tour dates and updated imagery to give the illusion that the powers that be care a bit.
    It takes little effort to update a single page.

  26. You're telling me that the main Cure webpage is simply outdated?

    I just thought they were re-releasing the Festival 2005 over and over, every December 5th.

  27. Can't wait for the new album...hope that the final release date will be on June 3d...this year!!!.

    You will enjoy the shows...

    Good night (here).

  28. Does the band owe us anything? No, of course not.

    Considering that I've been a fan since around the release of Show, I've come to expect albums to be delayed, but this is ridiculous, even for The Cure. Perhaps Robert needs to start using drugs again, so that he'll actually get the writing and recording done in a timely manner.

    Oh, and I'm going to the Toronto show in May, and possibly the one in Cleveland in June(what exactly is going on with that show?). I was looking forward to it, but considering the extreme lack of variety in the setlists so far, I'm not as enthusiastic. Hearing some old stuff is fine, but please, add some obscurities, and play some more new stuff! If I wanted to go see a bunch of old hits being dredged up again, I'd go to a Roger Waters concert.

  29. I don't mind the wait at all as long as this allows it to be the best album possible. Thanks for the info, Craig.

  30. I'm not putting much faith into the reasoning that the fact that the album is taking forever to produce means its going to be really good.

    I'd love to hope that. But the fact that "The Cure" also took four years to put out kind of gives me pause.

  31. They took their time to get in the studio to record THE CURE, but the album was actually recorded and released really quick. By the way, THE CURE is a very good album. It does sound different from what we are used to, but it has its merits.

  32. "Us or Them" is anything but a misguided grand statement...i saw them play it live recently and RS sings like very much like he means it.

  33. Now that some time has passed I feel like I can be more objective about The Cure (last album). My sense from reading a lot of the posts on this site is that people despise that album. I actually like a lot of it. The hooks are a bit more subtle but they really grew on me over time. My greatest disappointment with the album was the weak b-sides and the extra tracks found on the European release. Normally I get really excited about b-sides because a lot of their great songs come from them. But I found the last album to have really boring b-sides/extra tracks.

  34. Just bought TIME OUT, UK weekly mag about what's on in London...there's a small article about tomorrow's gig...and the interesting bit is that apparently the album is called, and i quote.. "Ultra, due later this year"...Have i missed something or is this a new title that i haven't heard of?(i thought it was going to be called 4:13,as advertised on the current tour book..)Anyway,let's wait and see about this...further down in the article they say "the new material has yet to surface live" far as i know ABINK, The only one, and Freak show are new material....

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Wiat, are you saying that the title is "Ultra"? I find it hard to believe that Smith would use the same title that Depeche Mode did a few years back.

  37. i was surprised as well but that's what it says.......

  38. unless this is actually a live album from the Ultra Festival show March 2007?

  39. Here's the article as it appears online at:

    Bella Todd
    Mon Mar 17

    ‘Some Kind Of Monster’, the 2004 film about Metallica’s $40,000-a-month therapy programme, may go down as the funniest rockumentary in history. But only because there wasn’t a crew on hand that same year when The Cure made their last, eponymous album with new producer Ross Robinson.

    Robinson is a nu-metal guru. So it came as some surprise when he instituted workshopping sessions in which the middle-aged band were required to explore the emotional content of each track before they were allowed to play it. Robert Smith was faced with the daily task of explaining to his bandmates, for the first time in his life, what his songs were actually about. Given that the first line of track one begins, ‘I can’t find myself, I can’t find myself, I can’t find myself, I can’t find myself’, one can only imagine that cheeks, by the end of this process, were as red as his trademark Ruby Woo.

    Of course, all Cure songs are essentially about their frontman trying to express exactly how alive he feels at any given moment: on ‘Mint Car’, really quite alive; on ‘Disintegration’, not very alive at all. And it’s a formula that still pays sporadic pop dividends. But the episode seems to have haunted Smith, causing the band to delay the start of their current tour while he honed the lyrics for their thirteenth studio record, ‘Ultra’, due later this year. ‘I wanted,’ he says, ‘to get the tone just right.’

    The new material has yet to surface live, but the faithful can expect songs from every era, from debut single ‘Killing An Arab’ to the generally reviled ‘Let’s Go To Bed’. We’d also recommend the maxi-hold hair spray: the band’s last London gig went on for more than three hours.

    Further listening:

  40. @jpx, funny I thought the bsides from the latest album were really good, e.g. You God is fear, better then some tracks on the album itself (EOTW)

  41. Ronald, I agree, that track is pretty good.

  42. Uhhh... are they seriously calling the album 'Ultra'? So now Robert is copying Depeche Mode? WTF !

    Come one Robert, come up with something original. Sheesh.

  43. i think the article is very lazy i'm not taking this info as gospel truth...Again, wait and see seems the best option for now...By the way "This morning"/"WCIBM"...great b thinks

  44. Wow. I'm surprised there's people who think "The Cure" (the released version now, not including unreleased B-sides) was good.

    There are two good tracks on that album: "Lost" and "Anniversary".

    "Labryinth" is okay, but it sounds like a hodge-podge of about two or three songs from"Pornography". "Taking Off" should have been called "Just Like Heaven II". "Alt.end", "Never" and IDKWGO, are disasterous ("Alt.end" has clapping in it for crying out loud...Clapping!). And "The Promise" is about 9 minutes too long (and lifts lyrics directly from earlier Cure songs). As for the other songs on that album, you just get the feeling that they're just sticking with what was familiar.

    "Lost" is the only song on that album that actually sounds like nothing the Cure has ever done before.

  45. when you just see the setlists so far, you think "oh, always the same stuff, boring", but it`s not.They´re so fantastic on stage, so much energie and hours go by in minutes. Of course you want to hear new Things or b-sides or rarely played songs,but you have to rehearsal them (plus the missing keyboard). For that ,i think, they have a huge variety of songs so far. In summer 2007, robert wanted to much: touring Asia , Australia/ NZ and finishing the record ( doing it single or double?) and then start the US Tour . But they had so much fun, being on stage, i guess, that they could´nt focus themselves on one thing. And now they have the same problem, cause the tour starts to early in europe. Hope the time between europe and US schedule is enough to finish the record at last. Love all cureheads

  46. Having seen 4 shows in 4 weeks , and about to go to Wembley later today i agree with you bernie..hours go by in minutes..Let's not forget that very few artist give their fans a 3(+)hour show at EVERY show...the set list is samey in parts only..i think we(i included) focus on the fact that the 17s encore is the same..that the pop encore is too long...but we should appreciate how great "Open" "End", and "The Kiss" was in Stockholm,how raw "Us or them" and "Killing an Arab" was in Copenhagen, how lucky Zurich was to hear "Other voices", how warm "The Blood" was in Barcelona...and finally how emotional "Faith" was in Paris.Very much looking forward to tonight

  47. Perfect.Murder, I envy all the opportunities you've had to see them perform! How's the new material sound live?

  48. I personally like the songs, especially ABINK for its emotional content..the other 2 are lighter and fit well within the pop'll be interesting to see what they sound on record if/when recorded...

  49. I agree with perfect.murder - the new songs sound really nice live. I enjoyed all three of them at the two shows I was lucky enough to see in Europe.

    I also agree with Bernie, that while on paper it may seem dull to have such similar sets every night, they are playing soooo well right now and they look like they're having so much fun and have so much energy that it is easy to watch them over and over. Two shows was not enough for me...I left Europe wanting more...! :)

  50. Will there be a '49' on the new album? lol

  51. @kay: Good question. Lol! :) Maybe that's what the hold up is - he is waiting to finish the album until he turns 49 so he can write that song. :D

  52. 6/3 is my birthday (tips hat to Ronald)! I'm flying out to San Diego for the show that night, so it'll be a Cure birthday indeed. Yay!

    But booo on the fact that it's so far into their US dates. I like to have some time to acclimate myself to the new stuff before I hear it live.

    Ah well.

  53. hirogen675, remember that "The Cure" took very little time to produce. They only planned to release another album in 2002 or 2003, right? You're right that it may not end up amazing, but it's doubtful that spending more time on it will make the band members go back on decisions and actually make this a worse album. The more careful the band is, the more thought put into it and into making this original, the more likely it is we'll get something special.

    I also like "Us or Them". It has a great message. Whenever I get into the "us or them" mindset but from the other side of the political spectrum than Bush and Blair, I try to think about this song. Robert's a really smart and interesting guy. It's a lot more subtle than "Numb", whose message I approve of, but isn't as interestingly conveyed.

  54. It's March 24th and still no news on the new album...

  55. the new cure album = Guns album ( Chinese Democracy )
