
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Help from Toronto?

If you're going to Toronto Riot Fest and wouldn't mind helping me with the live setlist reports, please let me know. Can be done via email, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, text, or whatever works best for you.

This is the only one of the three Riots that I'll have to bother you with this, as I'll be able to do the updates from Chicago & Denver myself. :)


  1. Craig, will you be attending the Denver show?

    1. Chicago & Denver is the plan.

    2. Awesome. Would love to meet you in person in Denver.

  2. I'll be at Toronto show if you need a backup to Olivier.

    1. Thanks so much! How would you like to do it?

    2. WhatsApp? How do I send you my number? Email?

    3. Yeah, that would be great! Send it to craigatcof(at)gmail(dot)com.

  3. Any predictions on the set list? I spent 2 hours listening to the various bands performing in Denver on youtube and I was surprised to find that when they call this Riot Fest, they aren't joking! Lots of angry, screaming men, and not too much else. So, I'm wondering if the Cure will try to mix up their typical festival setlist and go darker and harder. I guess we will know in a few days, but it's fun to speculate.

    1. Hah! Yeah, Riot is a punk festival, so expect a lot of yelling. :)

      I'm hoping they shake it up somewhat. I doubt they'll go "darker", but "harder" is a good guess. At least maybe add a few of the old "punk" songs. Maybe 1 or 2 of these - Grinding Halt, Object, Fire In Cairo, Jumping Someone Else's Train? Would love to hear I'm Cold again!

      And it would be the perfect place to bring back Doubt. Primary seems like a given. Perfect for moshing. :)

      But all of this is moot, as we all know they'll be the 10th "full album band" and playing all of Disintegration. ;)
