
Friday, September 20, 2024

Lost World formats?

This is interesting if true. Listed formats for The Cure's Songs of a Lost World include a CD/Blu-ray combo. 1 of the 22/23 shows being released? 🙏

"A guy I know works in a record shop shared this information of the formats which SOALW will be released."

Also, even if true, this is for Mexico. Other regions may get different formats.

We'll know for sure pretty soon. Thank you to the person who sent this.

Mexico City

The Songs of a Lost World signs have made it to Mexico City. From The Cure Mexico.


Alone sample

Got two messages on Whatsapp, an email, and the Alone sample is also on

Samples are different on the website and WhatsApp.

It's absolutely gorgeous! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Vamberator single

Vamberator, the new band from Jem Tayle and Boris Williams, have released 'I Used To Be Lou Reed', the 2nd single from their forthcoming album 'Age of Loneliness'.


From Peter L on Bluesky: That’s the comedy carpet on Blackpool sea front. It’s a pretty public location, from the Insta video looks like they were projecting the album info onto the Wedding Chapel that’s next door (all opposite the tower). Blackpool’s where Robert was born, so just another reference to beginning’s I’d guess?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Remember this artwork from the 2022 auction. Looks pretty familiar, right?

DRONE: NO DRONE's a new piece of art for @heartresearchuk that you might be interested in. It's called DRONE: NO DRONE. The artist is anonymous as always. But you might get a hint from the title and the description. 

4 more pieces to be revealed soon.

Cure Whatsapp

Keep getting emails about this, and looks like I forgot to post about it here (much more active on Twitter and Bluesky. CraigatCoF on both).

So when you go to the new website ( and sign up, you'll get two emails. First to verify you, second with a link to join them on Whatsapp. Nothing much has happened yet. Just this message.

More Lost World passes

From Aaron Law:

As pointed out by Blondet Patrice I've had the sculpture in my possession for some time... On my photo passes! 

Lost World pass

From Blondet Patrice:

Hi, I’m not sure if this has been pointed out before, but I came across an auction for a Paris Backstage Pass from the 2022 Shows of the Lost World Tour. It appears that the artwork was somehow revealed (the Janez Pirnat sculpture).

The auction is from 08/20/2023 so it's most likely not a fake backstage pass.

Times Square

Was waiting for this one...
A Cure Songs of a Lost World billboard in Times Square NYC.
From thecure_onthisday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


A Cure Songs of a Lost World billboard in Paris.
Photo credit: Iza-belle Rnlt
Thanks Andreas.

NYC sign

The Cure Songs of a Lost World signs have made it to NYC. From Friends of Type.

Postcards arriving outside of Europe

Alan cross received one in Canada.

From Petr Halla:

promotional postcard Songs of a Lost World arrived to Czech Republic as well.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Billboard in Toronto

From Christine Buchanan.

In Rome too

 From Davide Consoli.

New Cure Website!

 From thecure_onthisday.

Vella Design

 From The Tongue of Kai:

You may find Andy Vella's homepage background interesting ;)

Digital signs in Madrid

And now we have digital signs for The Cure Songs of a Lost World in Madrid Spain. From HispaCure: 📣 Algo está pasando en España! La Gran Vía de Madrid amanece con info sobre elnuevo álbum de @thecure #songsofalostworld que saldrá a la venta el próximo 01.11.24!