
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Awful news from Andy Anderson

From Andy on Facebook:

Hi guy’s, I am and I have Terminal 4 Cancer, and their is no way of returning back from that, it’s totally covering the inside of my body, and I'm totally fine and aware of my situation I've gone for a no resuscitation, with that, I have a next of kin, in place and there is no way I would want them to be looking me as a vegetable, if I were to survived a resuscitation, because it may well involve the possibility of sustaining cracked ribs and Brain Damage, and I would hate to lay that on anyone. Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy will be discussed over the next few days, hopefully I’ll be able to get back to get to you in the next few days about the outcome, and please, No Boo, Hooing, here, just be positive, for me it’s just another life Experience and Hurdle, that one has to make yet another Choice in life, be cool, I most definitely am and positive about the situation , well that’s it for now, good folk, and thank you all for the well wishes I love them all, and are held very, very close to my heart dearly, and will stay with me for ever, any way, stay well yourselves and chat soon. Ax.

Andy, we all love you so much!  Your dignity and strength in facing & battling this is truly inspiring. We are all sending you positive thoughts and all the love in the world to help you in this fight. I hope you know how many people out here care about you and are hoping this goes as painlessly as possible. I truly am at a loss for words over this. All the best to you, Mr. Anderson. And thank you so much!

Update (Feb. 26th, 2019): Unfortunately, the bad news is true. Andy Anderson has passed away. Confirmed with Lol.
This is hard. We knew this day was coming, but I wasn't expecting it so soon. The one good thing is it wasn't prolonged with years of pain. We don't know the details and might never know, but I like to think it went quickly, and Andy was spared too much suffering.
I didn't know Andy & sadly never had the chance to meet him, though I wanted to so badly. But I cherished every interaction I had with him. Every tweet, DM, and email, he was always so kind & always in such good spirits. He was a joy to talk to. Always a laugh & a virtual smile.
So we've lost our first Cure, and it hurts. Badly. But remember what Andy told us above. So be sad for a bit, but remember the great man & all of the music & good times he gave us. We loved and still love you, Andy. Thank you! Now go make your "special tea" for the spirits. :)

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RIP Andy Anderson 💧

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