
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Very kind words from Perry

From Perry on Facebook:

"Let's be honest, growing old is not good -
- unless you're a Cure song.

I'm sure it's just a sign of age when I say I can't find any new music that's any good (if you know different, let me know) but Cure songs just get better and better. With each passing year I appreciate them more, I hear more meaning in the lyrics, I'm amazed at the compositional skill, I'm reminded over and over of the emotional depth and still find new meaning and resonance in them.

Tomorrow is Robert's birthday - wish him a happy one, but maybe you should also say thank you. He has given us immeasurable pleasure. His gift to the world is immense and continual. Be grateful!"

What Perry said x 100. Thank you, Perry.

Happy Birthday, Robert! None of us can thank you enough for all you've given, but THANK YOU SO MUCH! Cheers and have a brilliant day & a better night!